Anti Pm change so that Blocket profiels only can PM OP MASTER ADMINS

Anti Pm change so that Blocket profiels only can PM OP MASTER ADMINS

Started by vadertje, 24 March, 2006, 09:03:22

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I have a Question can some 1 chance this script??
so that the Blocket profiles only can message OP ore admin wen a new user must be registert
i hope some 1 can make that :)

--PM Filter 1.0 LUA 5
--by Mutor 7/6/05
-- Filter PM's by profiles
--User Settings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bot = frmHub:GetHubBotName()
-- Adjust to your profiles
--profile_idx, PM send is filtered [0=PM Filter is bypassed / 1=PM's are filtered]
CanSendPm = {
[-1] = 1, --Unregistered User
  • = 0, --Master
    [1] = 0, --Operator
    [2] = 0, --Vip
    [3] = 1, --Registered User
    [4] = 0, --Moderator
    [5] = 0, --NetFounder
    -- Adjust to your profiles
    --profile_idx, PM Permission level
    --Sender may only PM profiles equal to or greater than their own profile setting.
    CanGetPm = {
    [-1] = 0, --Unregistered User
  • = 6, --Master
    [1] = 3, --Operator
    [2] = 2, --Vip
    [3] = 1, --Registered User
    [4] = 4, --Moderator
    [5] = 5, --NetFounder
    --End User Settings----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function ToArrival(user, data)
       if CanSendPm[user.iProfile] == 1 then
          local s,e,who = string.find(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:")
          local userprof = GetProfileName(user.iProfile)
          local nick = GetItemByName(who)
             if not nick then
                local OfflineMsg = "The user "..who.." is not online. Check your spelling."
                return 1
             if CanGetPm[user.iProfile] >= CanGetPm[nick.iProfile] then
                return 1
                local nickprof = GetProfileName(nick.iProfile)
                local FilterMsg = "\r\n\r\n\t***Your Private Message To "..nick.sName.." Was Blocked.***\r\n"..
                "\t"..userprof.."'s are currently not allowed to PM "..nickprof.."'s.\r\n\r\n"
                SendPmToNick(user.sName,nick.sName,Bot.." 8( ...Sorry "..user.sName..FilterMsg)
                return 1

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