Possible ISP bug?


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Possible ISP bug?

Started by Naithif, 21 June, 2006, 14:56:00

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Hi all

I think I've found some kind of bug, if ISP check is on, someone can't log in with "Non traditional english characters" as the first letter of his/her nick. The other letters doesn't generate errors, just the first

There's some example, if that sounded a bit confusing:
If ISP list contains [UK] prefix, and someone tries to login with the nick (example) [UK]nick, that doesn't generate any error. But if someone tries to login with (example) [UK]?ssern or [UK]-nick-, the hub doesn't let them in, complaining about the ISP, like they have error in it, even if they have no error in it.

Is it possible to get a fix for this in the near future? There are country's (like mine) where it could easily happen that someone's nick's first character is ?, ő, ?, ű, ?, ?, ? (not to talk about other characters, not everyone likes plain text names)

Here's an example to clear things up

[15:56:30] <-l-Murderer-l-> Welcome [UK]?ssern!

Upon entering the hub, you accepted the rules. - Type !rules in main if you want to see the rules.

[15:56:30] <-l-Murderer-l-> You're disconnected - Reason: Your nick should start with prefix: [CZ], [USA], [RUS], [SWE], [ESP], [GR], [GBR], [DE], [GER], [SK], [NL], [UK], [LT], [AU], [FIN], [AUS], [RU], [DK], [AUT], [LV], [HUN], [RO], [EU], [NOR], [BY], [SP], [GB], [ITA], [POL], [SL], [CH], [PL], [US], [BA],  change it and welcome back.

Any help would be welcome


Seems like it's been fixed since June...
Since time i wrote the above it was not fixed in rc - thanks for not giving any answer to this and especially for not even mentioning that my report was correct, and you made a message to avoid it in the next release (what a coincidence...)

Rate nice thing, congrats on that...

I'm not expecting you to answer this message, as you "might have not checked" my post from 2006.06 to 2006. 10.

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