Run-time error 9

Run-time error 9

Started by quicky2g, 12 January, 2009, 15:12:45

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I'm using PtokaX v0.4.1.1 and Grimoire v5.1.1. I configured Grimoire a few weeks ago fine, but after a reboot of my computer I get an error when I try to open the Grimoire GUI.

The error says:

"Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range"

I backed up all my Grimoire settings/files and tried to start Grimoire from the default files and config, but the error does not go away.

The GUI still opens but when I click on something in the navigation pane on the left side, nothing I can't change any settings now unless I change the text files.

Any ideas???


Same things happened to me today to.  Hubs been running a few months and everythings been fine  nothing got changed in there and all of a sudden cant open grimiore.exe now i get the runtime error 9


I am in the process of changing ISP. I think this is down to the download location having changed.

I will check this out and sort out a replacement ASAP.



oh...haha that's why your website was down  :P

Thanks for the quick response Rincewind.


I'll try to get everything sorted and updated this weekend.

I have been busy this week with customer visits and preparation for an exam (bugger, I failed) but that is out of the way now.



I was recently able to open the GUI again and it worked successfully (Sometime last week)...but today I tried again and I'm getting the run-time error 9 again. This is very strange. Any updates Rincewind?


Have you tried updating to the latest version, 5.2.0? Rincewind changed the GUI some time ago so it would not have to depend on the internet connection, maybe you still have that old version which does.


Thanks Jorgo! I didn't even realize there was a newer version out with some bug fixes. I will try that.

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