CB5SX bugs or concerns - Page 2


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CB5SX bugs or concerns

Started by Blackfox, 17 March, 2004, 23:49:32

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so show mw please wich version can i try



Keep getting:
Syntax Error: attempt to concat global `sBotName' (a nil value)


invalid control char; last token read: '0x1B at line 1 in string "ChannelBot_v5.lua"
Syntax error during pre-compilation.


QuoteOriginally posted by Valyto
so show mw please wich version can i try


Try the latest offical relesae TD4
Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


hello Event_Horizon
I'm using this version, isn't good???
PtokaX DC Hub TestDrive 4.99


this is the correct  and newest offical  release

This hub is running PtokaX DC Hub TestDrive 4


No syntax errors in script file C:\Program Files\PtoKaX\scripts\ChannelBot_v5.lua
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `strlower' (string expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `getn' (table expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: `for' table must be a table

using latest PtokaX testdrive 4

only script i am running is the latest Channel Bot - v5.1

was wondering what these errors are


i would also quite like to know how to disable portions of the script. u hvae no use for the profilies stuff - and i want to disable it - how do i do this?


also when setting the level for commands - does any user with a level higher than that of the number input or what?

thanks for any answers in advance :)


QuoteOriginally posted by bliskner
No syntax errors in script file C:\Program Files\PtoKaX\scripts\ChannelBot_v5.lua
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `strlower' (string expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `getn' (table expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: `for' table must be a table

using latest PtokaX testdrive 4

only script i am running is the latest Channel Bot - v5.1

was wondering what these errors are


thanks for any answers in advance :)

i would also quite like to know how to disable portions of the script. u hvae no use for the profilies stuff - and i want to disable it - how do i do this?
!set LISTIPS off/on
!set LVLIPIMMUNE 1/2/3/4/5/6/7  0=off

?set = info
!set = change setting

also when setting the level for commands - does any user with a level higher than that of the number input or what?
!cmd VME 1/2/3/4/5/6/7  0= off

?cmd =info
!cmd = change commad
you can do it with every command


your otther problem
try to go to ch 5.2

perhaps it works i hope


QuoteOriginally posted by AlwaysConnected
QuoteOriginally posted by bliskner
No syntax errors in script file C:\Program Files\PtoKaX\scripts\ChannelBot_v5.lua
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `strlower' (string expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: bad argument #1 to `getn' (table expected, got nil)
Syntax Error: `for' table must be a table

using latest PtokaX testdrive 4

only script i am running is the latest Channel Bot - v5.1

was wondering what these errors are


thanks for any answers in advance :)

i would also quite like to know how to disable portions of the script. u hvae no use for the profilies stuff - and i want to disable it - how do i do this?
!set LISTIPS off/on
!set LVLIPIMMUNE 1/2/3/4/5/6/7  0=off

?set = info
!set = change setting

also when setting the level for commands - does any user with a level higher than that of the number input or what?
!cmd VME 1/2/3/4/5/6/7  0= off

?cmd =info
!cmd = change commad
you can do it with every command


this fine - but what i am asking is - if you set the level to 5 does that mean users with level 5/6/7 can use the command? because op's are set to be 1 - which means if i want only ops and master and admin and NF to have a thing i don't know how to do it.... can you enlighten me please



Command can be set to alll this levels
if you set a command to level 6
only Admin can use it

if you add it to 1 ops and above can use it
so 1 means OPS/Mod/Admin/Networkfounder

if you want ops not to use it put it to level 5
then only Mod/.admin/network can use it

tis part is for ?cmd and !cmd
wher ?md=info
and !cmd=set it to a level
if you !cmd VHELP 0
the !help is disabled ;)
so level 0 master if just to put it offline
the ?set and !set
are for the settings of the HUB

if a settings needs a difference than 0 or 1 it gives a message in the hub


I can't seem to set the maxslots for the cable vip class, I type ( !set MAXSLOTSCABLEVIP 10 ) and get the (Wrong syntax: !set ) . I have been able to set all the others no problem ( !set MAXSLOTSDSLVIP 10) (!set MAXSLOTSCABLEREG 6) etc. I am using CB 5.2.
Also I can't find anywhere to set it using the GUI.


open the GUI - press check slots - then there will open another window - press slots - then u'll get a selection of connections @ the bottom in the window - press cable & modifi
Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


Great! Thank you!


uhm, when I installed CB 5.2 full install and tried to run it, it said =

The language DLL 'VB6FR.DLL' could not be found

Does anyone know how to fix it?


Sure !!

Read the text file :  
   //scripts/ChannelBot_Readme.txt  :)


is there any help tex/guide for ChannelBot? Because for me, ChannelBot is a bit hard to understand


there is !sethelp   !cmdhelp and also I believe that the GUI is quite straightforward ... also .. try to work with every function of this amazing bot ... it is easier to understand while stuff actually happens ( notifications, !set !cmd etc. )

I wish somebody actually worked on this bot ... :D

I have the Greek Translation ready for 5.2 .. :)


for some reason
Guibs stoped on it , i did not hear or see him :(

but perhaps he looks some times on
try perhaps over there

its realy bad :(
Hubname  ?(  -=AlwaysConnect=-
Hub   ?(  dchub://alwaysconnect.t-g-t.nl
Page  ?(  http://www.t-g-t.nl
forum  ?(  http://tgt-shows.it

--=T-G-T Network=-  CoMe, SeArCh, FiNd, GeT, StAy !


hi im running ptokax Dc hub test drive version and my hub is running well, now i try loading channelbot  5,1a (were can i find the latest??) and ptokax give me this error

Syntax Error: unexpected end of file in `Lua@    ?[????A'

y  recheck syntax and always get to the same error, then i try entering mi hub and it gaves my this error

[19:51] Hub powered by Channel Bot v5.0 SX
[19:51] *** Redirect request received to a hub that's already connected
[19:51] *** Disconnected

and im not connected to other hubs, when i try connecting y have 0 hub open so?? i dont know what  to do?? i remove channelbot from ptoxaz script folder and then users can enter agian my hub

thanks and excuse my, my english is not very well


great job u are doing if you need a spanish translator contact me!!



same here no news for many moons now ...

weblinks all ... dead :0(

but wel eehm,

well but offcourse ..   http://www.plop.nl    has CB_v5.1b_Install.exe  8)
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


One of the Most full Bots around ...
Guibs was last seen on  31.03.2004, 16:24 posting about the latest ChannelBot v5.2  :(

Come Back DC needs you !!! :(((


and only now i get my first "annoying returning" error messages ..
but i am playing with plops bcdc++freshstuff ... so i guess there is where the thingy is coming from .. but no problems.. cb keeps on running like a rolls royce.. ;0)

Syntax error: invalid pattern capture
stack traceback:
   1:  function `strfind' [C]
   2:  function `GetTag' at line 1996 [file `GlobalFunctions.lua']
   3:  function `GetUserInfo' at line 1738 [file `GlobalFunctions.lua']
   4:  function `CheckMyAllInfo' at line 1547 [file `DataArrivalFunctions.lua']
   5:  function `DataArrival' at line 90 [file `DataArrivalFunctions.lua']
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


hi im running ptokax Dc hub test drive version and my hub is running well, now i try loading channelbot 5,1a (were can i find the latest??) and ptokax give me this error

Syntax Error: unexpected end of file in `Lua@  ?[????A'

y recheck syntax and always get to the same error, then i try entering mi hub and it gaves my this error

[19:51] Hub powered by Channel Bot v5.0 SX
[19:51] *** Redirect request received to a hub that's already connected
[19:51] *** Disconnected

and im not connected to other hubs, when i try connecting y have 0 hub open so?? i dont know what to do?? i remove channelbot from ptoxaz script folder and then users can enter agian my hub

To install CB5.x you must do a fresh install of Ptokax, and then install the CB 5.x.  Do not make this with Ptokax running. After that run CB and see if you have any problem on running the GUI. If yes, follow the instructions on the readme-file.txt. If not, configure the CB and then save and exit. Now run Ptokax, and never load the ChannelBot.lua in the script editor. If you need to make any changes, do it  in the GUI or by commands in chat window. If you use GUI,  (you can change the settings with Ptokax running) when you finish save and exit, and after that, restart scripts in the Ptokax console. If you change settings by commands, after you're done, restart scripts in Ptokax console, or with !restartscripts in main chat. Remember, never load ChannelBot in the script editor!

I hope i gave a right answer, all you experts please correct me if i'm wrong.

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