need some help with lucifer666 in leviathan 2.8 lua 5.02

need some help with lucifer666 in leviathan 2.8 lua 5.02

Started by ??']['??l?, 08 January, 2007, 20:21:53

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I Dunno how to get kick etc. messages to show in pm instead of mainchat:

tLucifer["adver"] = {
   [1] = {
      [""]=1, ["staticip"]=1,["serveftp"]=1,["ipactive"]=1,[""]=1,["no-ip"]=1,["servegame"]=1,
   [2] = "2",

tLucifer["safe"] = {
   [1] = {
   [2] = "Safe Addresses",

tLucifer["control"] = {
   [1] = {
   [2] = "Control Trigs",

tLucifer["site"] = {
   [1] = {
      ["cs."]=1, },
   [2] = "Sites",

Convert = {
   ["Switch"] = {
  • = "Enabled",
          [1] = "Disabled"
       ["Switch2"] = {
  • = "Disabled",
          [1] = "Enabled"
       ["Switch3"] = {
          ["off"] = 0,
          ["on"] = 1
       ["Switch4"] = {
  • = "off",
          [1] = "on",
       ["Profile"] = {
          ["master"] = 0,
          ["operator"] = 1,
          ["vip"] = 2,
          ["reg"] = 3,
          ["moderator"] = 4,
          ["netfounder"] = 5,
          ["owner"] = 6,
          ["user"] = -1
       ["AdvertisingAction1"] = {
          ["disable"] = 0,
          ["disconnect"] = 1,
          ["kick"] = 2,
          ["permban"] = 3,
          ["tempban"] = 4

    --   ["AdvertisingAction2"] = {
  • = "disable",
    --      [1] = "disconnect",
    --      [2] = "kick",
    --      [3] = "permban",
    --      [4] = "tempban"
       ["Action2"] = {
          ["disconnect"] = 0,
          ["kick"] = 1,
          ["tempban"] = 2,
          ["permban"] = 3,
       ["Action3"] = {
          ["off"] = 0,
          ["main"] = 1,
          ["kickbar"] = 2,
          ["opchat"] = 3
       ["Mode"] = {
          ["A"] = "Active",
          ["P"] = "Passive",
          [5] = "Socket 5"

    What should i change from here???

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