PtokaX forum

PtokaX => Feature Proposals => Topic started by: Anna on 14 March, 2007, 21:57:05

Title: new display for !help
Post by: Anna on 14 March, 2007, 21:57:05
Me and a fellow op was talking about ptokax compared to ynhub, he is used to ynhub, and he had a good point in the comparison.

The helpfile could use some "formatting" as in splitting commands into blocks with an empty line between, to make it easier to find what you look for.

Ptokax help file has grown a bit over the last versions :)
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: 7P-Darkman on 15 March, 2007, 06:02:31
Hello, Anna...

As now the Ptokax passed to be translated through an archive XML, I believe that it was difficult to standardize a Help for it... or not, case each one of the translators of the Ptokax creates this standardization.

I promise you that I go to study this its request, and to create one ?help? with the columns lined up here... but for Portuguese of Brazil, my language.


Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: speedX on 15 March, 2007, 06:19:40
Quote from: Anna on 14 March, 2007, 21:57:05
The helpfile could use some "formatting" as in splitting commands into blocks with an empty line between, to make it easier to find what you look for.

For this I use HelP Bot made by 6Marilyn6Manson6
Give it a try ;) (
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: 7P-Darkman on 15 March, 2007, 06:25:18
Quote from: speedX on 15 March, 2007, 06:19:40
For this I use HelP Bot made by 6Marilyn6Manson6

I believe that the quiz Anna to compare the resources of the Ptokax with the YnHUB, speedX? we must give it a reply of what the Ptokax can make? believes I.


Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: speedX on 15 March, 2007, 06:31:49
Quote from: 7P-Darkman on 15 March, 2007, 06:25:18
I believe that the quiz Anna to compare the resources of the Ptokax with the YnHUB, speedX we must give it a reply of what the Ptokax can make.... believes I.

OK np
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Anna on 15 March, 2007, 11:23:02
Quote from: speedXFor this I use HelP Bot made by 6Marilyn6Manson6
Give it a try Wink

Will check that one out, but I still think its something that should be in ptokax natively.

Quote from: 7P-DarkmanHello, Anna...

As now the Ptokax passed to be translated through an archive XML, I believe that it was difficult to standardize a Help for it... or not, case each one of the translators of the Ptokax creates this standardization.

I promise you that I go to study this its request, and to create one ?help? with the columns lined up here... but for Portuguese of Brazil, my language.



If it was as easy as to do it through translation I would have done it already... but the language files do not hold the commands.
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: PPK on 15 March, 2007, 11:34:00
Well you know how actual help looks, change it and show changed version here... if we like it then we change it  :P
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Thor on 15 March, 2007, 11:51:25
And a new call, like RegCommand("!command","command description is here") like in Aquila? The commands will appear in help, so it isn't necessary to make new help commands to each script. ::) I think it would be helpful to everybody.
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: 7P-Darkman on 15 March, 2007, 13:33:00
Hello Anna...

Quote from: Anna on 15 March, 2007, 11:23:02

If it was as easy as to do it through translation I would have done it already... but the language files do not hold the commands.

In fact, it is not possible to line up tables where they appear the descriptions of the commands of the Ptokax, but is possible to make something of this type:

Os seguintes comandos est?o dispon?veis para voc?:

Comandos Espec?ficos para o seu Perfil:
!passwd <nova senha> - .................................. mudar sua senha.
!ban <nick> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente o Nick, seguido de desconex?o.
!banip <IP> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente o endere?o IP.
!fullban nick> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente o Nick, seguido de desconex?o.
!fullbanip <IP> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente o endere?o IP.
!nickban <nick> <motivo> - .................................. banir determinado Nick (se o user estiver entrando, ser? desconectado).
!tempban <nick> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente users com determinado Nick, seguido de desconex?o.
!tempbanip <IP> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente o endere?o IP.
!fulltempban <nick> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente users com determinado Nick, seguido de desconex?o.
!fulltempbanip <IP> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente o endere?o IP.
!nicktempban <nick> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente determinado Nick (se o user estiver entrando, ser? desconectado).
!unban <IP ou nick> - .................................. desbanir endere?o IP ou nick.
!permunban <IP ou nick> - .................................. desbanir endere?o IP ou Nick banido permanentemente.
!tempunban <IP ou nick> - .................................. desbanir endere?o IP ou Nick banido temporariamente.
!getbans - .................................. mostrar lista de banidos.
!getpermbans - .................................. mostrar lista de banidos permanentemente.
!gettempbans - .................................. mostrar lista de banidos temporariamente.
!clrpermbans - .................................. limpar banidos permanentes.
!clrtempbans - .................................. limpar banidos tempor?rios.
!rangeban <do IP> <para IP> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente uma determinada faixa de IP's.
!fullrangeban <do IP> <para IP> <motivo> - .................................. banir permanentemente uma determinada faixa de IP's.
!rangetempban <do IP> <para IP> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente uma determinada faixa de IP's.
!fullrangetempban <do IP> <para IP> <dura??o> <motivo> - .................................. banir temporariamente uma determinada faixa de IP's.
!rangeunban <do IP> <para IP> - .................................. desbanir uma faixa de IP's.
!rangepermunban <do IP> <para IP> - .................................. desbanir uma faixa de IP's banida permanentemente.
!rangetempunban <do IP> <para IP> - .................................. desbanir uma faixa de IP's banida temporariamente.
!getrangebans - .................................. mostrar lista de faixas de IP's banidas.
!getrangepermbans - .................................. mostrar lista de faixas de IP's banidas permanentemente.
!getrangetempbans - .................................. mostrar lista de faixas de IP's banidas temporariamente.
!clrrangepermbans - ..................................limpar faixas de IP's banidas permanentemente.
!clrrangetempbans - .................................. limpar faixas de IP's banidas temporariamente.
!checknickban <nick> - .................................. mostrar banimentos de um determinado Nick.
!checkipban <IP> - .................................. mostrar banimentos de um determinado endere?o IP.
!checkrangeban <do IP> <para IP> - .................................. mostrar faixa banida encontrada para um dada faixa de IP's.
!drop <nick> <motivo> - .................................. desconectar e tempbanir.
!getinfo <nick> - .................................. mostrar informa??es b?sicas de um determinado Nick.
!op <nick> - .................................. dar status tempor?rio de Op a um user, em uma sess?o de login.
!gag <nick> - .................................. impedir o user de mandar mensagens no main chat.
!ungag <nick> - .................................. liberar o user para voltar a falar no main chat novamente.
!restart - .................................. reiniciar o HUB.
!startscript <nome do arquivo> - .................................. iniciar um script com um determinado nome.
!stopscript <nome do arquivo> - .................................. parar um script com um determinado nome.
!restartscript <nome do arquivo> - .................................. reinicializar um script com um determinado nome.
!restartscripts - .................................. reiniciar scripts.
!getscripts - .................................. mostrar a lista de scripts.
!reloadtxt - .................................. recarregar todos os arquivos de texto.
!addreguser <nick> <senha> <nome do perfil> - .................................. adicionar user em um determinado perfil.
!delreguser <nick> - .................................. remover user registrado.
!topic <novo t?pico> - .................................. Configurar novo t?pico. Ou !topic <off> - limpar t?pico do HUB.
!massmsg <mensagem> - .................................. enviar mensagem privada a todos os users.
!opmassmsg <mensagem> - .................................. enviar mensagem privada a todos os OPs.
*** O motivo quando kickar ou banir ? sempre opcional.
*** Full banimentos impede qualquer outro user que tenha esse IP de fazer login no HUB.
*** Valores aceitos para o Temp banimento: m = minuto(s), h = hora(s), d = dia(s), w = semanas, M = meses, Y = anos.

Comandos Gerais:
!me <mensagem> - .................................. falar em terceira pessoa.
!myip - .................................. mostrar seu IP.

This would leave the visible descriptions better? would be this that would like in the Ptokax?


Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Madman on 15 March, 2007, 18:44:54
Quote from: Anna on 14 March, 2007, 21:57:05
The helpfile could use some "formatting" as in splitting commands into blocks with an empty line between, to make it easier to find what you look for.

The following commands are available to you:

Profile specific commands:

!ban <nick> <reason> - permanently ban user with given nick, followed by disconnect.
!banip <IP> <reason> - permanently ban IP address.
!fullban nick> <reason> - permanently ban user with given nick, followed by disconnect.
!fullbanip <IP> <reason> - permanently ban IP address.
!nickban <nick> <reason> - ban user's nick (if user is connected then is disconnected).
!tempban <nick> <time> <reason> - temporary ban user with given nick, followed by disconnect.
!tempbanip <IP> <time> <reason> - temporary ban IP address.
!fulltempban <nick> <time> <reason> - temporary ban user with given nick, followed by disconnect.
!fulltempbanip <IP> <time> <reason> - temporary ban IP address.
!nicktempban <nick> <time> <reason> - temp ban user's nick (if user is connected then is disconnected).
!unban <IP or nick> - unban IP address or nick.
!permunban <IP or nick> - unban perm banned IP address or nick.
!tempunban <IP or nick> - unban temp banned IP address or nick.
!getbans - display list of bans.
!getpermbans - display list of permanent bans.
!gettempbans - display list of temporary bans.
!clrpermbans - clear perm bans.
!clrtempbans - clear temp bans.
!checknickban <nick> - display ban found for given nick.
!checkipban <IP> - display ban(s) found for given IP address.

!rangeban <fromIP> <toIP> <reason> - permanently ban given IP range.
!fullrangeban <fromIP> <toIP> <reason> - permanently ban given IP range.
!rangetempban <fromIP> <toIP> <time> <reason> - temporary ban given IP range.
!fullrangetempban <fromIP> <toIP> <time> <reason> - temporary ban given IP range.
!rangeunban <fromIP> <toIP> - unban banned IP range.
!rangepermunban <fromIP> <toIP> - unban permanently banned IP range.
!rangetempunban <fromIP> <toIP> - unban temporary banned IP range.
!getrangebans - display list of range bans.
!getrangepermbans - display list of permanent range bans.
!getrangetempbans - display list of temporary range bans.
!clrrangepermbans - clear permanent range bans.
!clrrangetempbans - clear temporary range bans.
!checkrangeban <fromIP> <toIP> - display range ban found for given IP range.

!startscript <filename> - start script with given filename.
!stopscript <filename> - stop script with given filename.
!restartscript <filename> - restart script with given filename.
!restartscripts - restart scripting part of the hub.
!getscripts - display list of scripts.

!addreguser <nick> <password> <profilename> - add registered user with specified profile.
!delreguser <nick> - remove registered user.
!passwd <new password> - change your password.

!drop <nick> <reason> - disconnect with tempban.
!getinfo <nick> - displays basic info on user with given nick.
!op <nick> - give a temporal Op status to the user for one session.
!gag <nick> - disallow user to post in mainchat.
!ungag <nick> - user can post to mainchat again.

!restart - restart hub.
!reloadtxt - reload all textfiles.
!topic <new topic> - Set new topic. Or !topic <off> - clear topic.
!massmsg <message> - send private message to all users.
!opmassmsg <message> - send private message to all OPs.

*** Reason is always optional.
*** Full bans disallow anyone from banned IP to login.
*** Temp ban time values: m = minutes, h = hours, d = days, w = weeks, M = months, Y = years.

Global commands:
!me <message> - speak in 3rd person.
!myip - show your IP.

Maybe something like that...
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: 6Marilyn6Manson6 on 15 March, 2007, 22:13:34
Another solution... to order all commands in alphabetical order  ::)
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Anna on 15 March, 2007, 23:21:24
yes madman, that was what I had in mind :) logical groups of commands
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Anna on 16 March, 2007, 13:27:33
:) great script..

however when I do help as OP I get this in global:
   !me <message> - speak in 3rd person.
   !myip - show your IP.
   !passwd <new password> - change your password.
   !passwd <new password> - change your password.
   !passwd <new password> - change your password.

All other commands only display once though
on master the !passwd is listed 4 times, for vip 5 times, for moderator 6 times, for netfounder 7 times, for reg 8 times

well.. the problem is in the number of times I call the !help... cause testing op again gave me 9 !passwd listed :)
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Troubadour on 16 March, 2007, 23:53:49
works perfect now!
Title: Re: new display for !help
Post by: Anna on 16 March, 2007, 23:58:37
QuoteJust how much help do you need Anna?  Tongue
not as much as it may seem :D but always good to try all possible actions when wanting to see if it works