Birthday Bot - Page 2


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Birthday Bot

Started by Psycho_Chihuahua, 20 August, 2004, 21:35:04

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QuoteOriginally posted by T?M??r?V?ll?R
When asking  for birthdays list   i get this

    ..-*'~ The Birthday List of the users of .::T?M?`?::?R?nC?: (?_?)b::S??C?::Fr??K?::. ~'*-..
   1. - 5/9/1966 -    :T??:[NL]Empat    ( offline )
   2. - 25/8/1986 -    TeaL    ( online )
   3. - 27/10/1975 -    :T?? uhsveti    ( offline )
   4. - 30/3/1968 -    :T?? NL)abyss    ( offline )
   5. - 26/4/1959 -    :T??:[NL]Sm?K??    ( offline )

whats  the part on top ?

I dont really know ... can you pm me your birthdays.dat ?
I suppose it has to be something to do with one of those chars u use ... I dont know for sure ...
^^^^ I got the bugger ... stupid forum text fformater ... look how it handles a special char ..
local msg = "\r\n    ..-*'~ "..str.." ~'*-..\r\n"..strrep("―", strlen(str)).."\r\n\t"
edit the "―" to anything you want timeT ...  [*code edited*]
Thanks for the TextSend == nil .. copy/paste error ... :)[*code edited*]

Post above edited to display the true age .. ty TimeTraveler ;)[*code edited*]

PS: Can you edit your post so that ppl in Africa dont compain .. ? lol ...  (The long part can be like ―[....]―――)

thx again TimeT ..



Hi there:

This "new version" worked with me:

    ..-*'~ The Birthday List of the users of TUDONOSSO - LINUX ~'*-..
	1. - 25/8/1950 - 	testing	 ( online )
	2. - 25/8/1960 - 	testing2	 ( online )

[12:00]  All of you spam testing with Birthday messages ;), ...turning 54 today !!!
[12:00]  All of you spam testing2 with Birthday messages ;), ...turning 44 today !!!
[12:04]  Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear testing, we all wish you your 54 will be better than your 53 !! :)
[12:04]  Who's turning 44 today ?? :D... The day AND the night belongs to testing2

Is it possible to check if the it's the user birthday and give a nice "welcome msg" when entering the hub ?

Great Job Herodes !!! Thanks m8.


Thanks CableGuy :)

I was wondering ... would it be possible to find a file that contains birthday of famous ppl ?

That would be nice to include .. ;) hehe

I will be doing the UserConnected requests from TimeTraveler and Cableguy ... all in good time ...
thx for the ideas guys ...


Ok folks ... thats it ..
The changelog has been severly cut due to max post chars
For anything else, gimme a shout ;)
--- BirthdayMan v 2.5
--- by Herodes -- Update 25/8/2004
--- --- --- --- --- --- 
--- When Users are connected if there is a birthday it informs
--- When a Birhtday-User connect it plays surprise and informs the Hub
----- do not edit these four lines
sec = 1000
minutes = 1000*60
hours = 1000*(60^2)
TxtSend = nil
----- Edit at will 
bBot = "Surprise"
timecheck = 12*hours	--- how much time before checking for birthdays ...
tProfiles = {  ---- profile rights to commands, 0 cant use the bot at all, 1 can use listcmd and addcmd, 2 can also use delcmd and addbircmd...	
			["-1"] = 0, 	--- Unregs
			["0"] = 2,  	--- Masters
			["1"] = 2,  	--- Operators
			["2"] = 1, 	--- VIPs
			["3"] = 1, 	--- Regs
			["4"] = 0, 	--- CustomProf1
			["5"] = 0,	--- CustomProf2 	
			}		--- ( carry on typing your profiles in the right format : ["profile_number"] = value (0/1/2) 
addcmd = "!mybirthday"	--- !mybirthday dd/mm/yyyy      dd = day ,   mm = month ,    yyyy = year .... Sets your birthday!
delcmd = "!delbirthday"	--- !delbirthday      		 is needed ... deletes 's birthday from the list
listcmd = "!birthdays"		--- !birthdays 				Lists the birthdays stored
addbircmd = "!addbirth"	--- !addbirth  	same as addcmd
findcmd = "!bornon" 		--- !bornon					Shows a nice list of the ppl you share dates with ;)
birthdayfile = "cake.txt"	--- The file that will be displayed on Birthday
oldestyear = 1900		---  !mybirthday 0/0/0000  situations are avoided ( lol )
allowedage = 6			---  !mybirthday  situations are avoided (in years)
birthlog = "birthdays.tbl"	--- The file where we'll be storing the birthdays ...  << has to be in your scripts folder 

--- // --- Script-Starts
tBirthdays = {}

tCalendar = {
	[1] = { 31, "January", },
	[2] = { 28, "February", },
	[3] = { 31, "March", }, 
	[4] = { 30, "April", },
	[5] = { 31, "May", },
	[6] = { 30, "June", },
	[7] = { 31, "July", },
	[8] = { 31, "August", },
	[9] = { 30, "September", },
	[10] = { 31, "October", },
	[11] = { 30, "November", },
	[12] = { 31, "December", },
function Main()
	tCalendar[2][1] = FixFebruary(tonumber(date("%Y")))

	local hr = tonumber(date("%H"))*60*60*1000
	local mins = 0
	if tonumber(date("%M")) == 0 then
		mins = 1 
		mins = tonumber(date("%M"))*60*1000

function OnTimer()
	TxtSend = nil

function NewUserConnected(user)
	for i, v in tBirthdays do
		if tBirthdays[i][2] == tonumber(date("%m")) and tBirthdays[i][1] == tonumber(date("%d")) then
			if user.sName ~= i then
				local msg = "Its "..i.."'s birhtday today .. ;D Turning "..(tonumber(date("%Y"))-tBirthdays[i][3] ).." today,... give a wish :)"
				if GetItemByName(i) then
					user:SendData(bBot, msg)
				else user:SendData(bBot, msg.." when he comes online")
				user:SendData(bBot, "Hey I know !!! YOU HAVE YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY !!! HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS !!!! ")
				SendToAll(bBot, "Guys !! "..user.sName.." is here! What do we say ?? : )")

OpConnected = NewUserConnected

function CheckBirthdays()
for i, v in tBirthdays do
	if tBirthdays[i][2] == tonumber(date("%m")) then
		if tBirthdays[i][1] == tonumber(date("%d")) then
			if GetItemByName(i) then
				happy = GetItemByName(i)

function FixFebruary(y)
	local value = 0
	if (tonumber(y)/4) - (floor(tonumber(y)/4)) == 0 then
		value = 29
	else value = 28
	return value

function fixTime(now)
	 if now < timecheck then
		now = timecheck-now
	elseif now > timecheck then
		now = now-timecheck
	else now = timecheck

function DataArrival(user, data)
if tProfiles[""..user.iProfile..""] ~= 0 then
	if strsub(data, 1,1) == "<" then
		data = strsub(data, 1, strlen(data)-1)
		local s,e,cmd,args = strfind(data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)%s*(.*)")
		if cmd == addcmd or cmd == addbircmd and tProfiles[""..user.iProfile..""] >= 1 then
			AddBirthDay(user, args)
			return 1
		elseif cmd == delcmd and tProfiles[""..user.iProfile..""] == 2 then
			if args ~= nil then
				if tBirthdays[args] then
					if GetItemByName(args) then
						nick = GetItemByName(args)
						nick:SendPM(bBot, user.sName.." has deleted your birthday from my list .. ;(")
					tBirthdays[args] = nil
					user:SendData(bBot, "You deleted "..args.." bithday ...")
					SaveFile(tBirthdays , "tBirthdays", birthlog)
				else user:SendData(bBot, args.." is not in my birthday list ...") 
			else user:SendData(bBot , "You need to give me a name ...")
			return 1
		elseif cmd == listcmd and tProfiles[""..user.iProfile..""] >= 1 then
			local str = "The Birthday List of the users of "..frmHub:GetHubName()
			local msg = "\r\n    ..-*'~ "..str.." ~'*-..\r\n"..strrep("^", strlen(str)).."\r\n\t"
			local c = 0
			local status = ""
			for i, v in tBirthdays do
				if GetItemByName(i) then status = "online" else status = "offline" end
				c = c + 1
				msg = msg..c..". - "..tBirthdays[i][1].."/"..tBirthdays[i][2].."/"..tBirthdays[i][3].." - \t"..i.."\t ( "..status.." )\r\n\t"
			user:SendData(bBot , msg)
			return 1
		elseif cmd == findcmd then
			if tBirthdays[user.sName] then
				local msg = " These are the people that are born the same number-day as you\r\n"
					msg = msg..FindSame(tBirthdays, tBirthdays[user.sName][1] , "day", user.sName).."\r\n"
					msg = msg.." These are the people that are born the same month as you\r\n"
					msg = msg..FindSame(tBirthdays, tBirthdays[user.sName][2] , "month", user.sName).."\r\n"
					msg = msg.." These are the people that are born the same year as you\r\n"
					msg = msg..FindSame(tBirthdays, tBirthdays[user.sName][3] , "year", user.sName).."\r\n"
					msg = msg.." These are the people that are born the same month and day with you \r\n"
					msg = msg..FindSame(tBirthdays, tBirthdays[user.sName][1].."/"..tBirthdays[user.sName][2] , "monthday", user.sName).."\r\n"
					msg = msg.." These are the people that have the same birthday as yours\r\n"
					msg = msg..FindSame(tBirthdays, tBirthdays[user.sName][1].."/"..tBirthdays[user.sName][2].." - "..tBirthdays[user.sName][3] , "all", user.sName).."\r\n"
				user:SendData(bBot, msg)

function AddBirthDay(user, args)
	local pers = ""
	if args ~= nil then
		local s,e,name,day,month,year = strfind(args, "(%S+)%s+(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
		if name == nil then
			name = user.sName
			pers = "you"
			s,e,day,month,year = strfind(args, "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
		else pers = name 
		if month ~= nil and day ~= nil and year ~= nil and (tonumber(month) >= 1) and (tonumber(month) <= 12) then
			day = tonumber(day)
			month = tonumber(month)
			year = tonumber(year)
			if year > oldestyear then
				if year < (tonumber(date("%Y")) - allowedage) then 
					if month == 2 then
						daylimit = FixFebruary(year)
					else daylimit = tCalendar[month][1]
					if day <= daylimit and day >= 1 then
						if tBirthdays[name] then
							month = tBirthdays[name][2]
							if user.sName == name then
								user:SendData(bBot, "I have your birthday already ... its on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
							else user:SendData(bBot, "I have ""'s birthday already ... its on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
							local profstr = ""
								for i,v in tProfiles do
									if tProfiles[i] == 2 then
										profstr = GetProfileName(tonumber(i)).."s"
							user:SendData(bBot, "If you dont think this is correct ... then talk to one of our "..profstr)
						else tBirthdays[name] = {}
							tBirthdays[name][1] = day
							tBirthdays[name][2] = month
							tBirthdays[name][3] = year
							SaveFile(tBirthdays , "tBirthdays", birthlog)
							if user.sName == name then
								user:SendData(bBot, "Your birthday is on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
								user:SendData(bBot, "I didnt know you are "..(( tonumber(date("%Y"))-tBirthdays[name][3] )-1)..". I'll keep that in mind ;)")
							else user:SendData(bBot, name.."'s birthday is on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
								user:SendData(bBot, "I didnt know "" is "..(( tonumber(date("%Y"))-tBirthdays[name][3] )-1)..". I'll keep that in mind ;)")
							if user.sName == name then
								SendToAll(bBot, "New birthday added by "..user.sName.." his is on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
							else SendToAll(bBot, user.sName.." added ""'s birthday, which is on the "..tBirthdays[name][1].." of "..tCalendar[month][2])
				else user:SendData(bBot, "Come ON! "..pers.." cant be less than "..allowedage.." years old !!!  LIAR >:(")
			else user:SendData(bBot, "Come ON! "..pers.." cant be more than "..(year-oldestyear).." years old !!!  LIAR >:(")
		else user:SendData(bBot, "The date you provided was not valid ... ( syntax example : 14/5/1981 )")
	else user:SendData(bBot , "Please enter your birthday after the command ...")

function FindSame(tTab, val , var, name)
local tTmp = {}
local msg = ""
	if var == "day" then
		for i, v in tTab do
			if val == v[1] and i ~= name then
				tTmp[i] = v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3]
	elseif var == "month" then
		for i, v in tTab do
			if val == v[2] and i ~= name then
				tTmp[i] = v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3]
	elseif var == "year" then
		for i, v in tTab do
			if val == v[3] and i ~= name then
				tTmp[i] = v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3]
	elseif var == "monthday" then
		for i, v in tTab do
			if val == v[1].."/"..v[2] and i ~= name then
				tTmp[i] = v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3]
	elseif var == "all" then
		for i, v in tTab do
			if val == v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3] and i ~= name then
				tTmp[i] = v[1].."/"..v[2].." - "..v[3]
	for i,v in tTmp do
		msg = msg.."\t - "..i.."\r\n"
	if msg == "" then
		msg = "\t - noone\r\n"
	return msg

function DoHappyBirthday(nick)
	if TxtSend == nil then
		TxtSend = 1
	local age = tonumber(date("%Y")) - tBirthdays[nick.sName][3]
	local tSurpises = {
			nick.sName.." is gonna have a PAAARTY, today he is turning "..age.." Happy Birthday !!!!",
			"All of you spam "..nick.sName.." with Birthday messages ;), ...turning "..age.." today !!!",
			"Who's turning "..age.." today ?? :D... The day AND the night belongs to "..nick.sName,
			"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear "..nick.sName..", we all wish you your "..age.." will be better than your "..(age-1).." !! :)",
			" I think Mr"..nick.sName.." has his birthday today ... he should be turning "..age.." today ;D",
	SendToAll( bBot , tSurpises[random(1, getn(tSurpises)) ] )
--- // --- Table Serialization --- Thanks NL
function Serialize(savTable, sTableName, hFile, sTab)
	assert(savTable, "savTable equals nil");
	assert(sTableName, "sTableName equals nil");
	assert(hFile, "hFile equals nil");
	assert(type(savTable) == "table", "savTable must be a table!");
	assert(type(sTableName) == "string", "sTableName must be a string!");
	sTab = sTab or "";
	write(hFile, sTab..sTableName.." = {\n" );
	for key, value in savTable do
		local sKey = (type(key) == "string") and format("[%q]",key) or format("[%d]",key);
		if(type(value) == "table") then
			Serialize(value, sKey, hFile, sTab.."\t");
		else local sValue = (type(value) == "string") and format("%q",value) or tostring(value);
			write(hFile, sTab.."\t"..sKey.." = "..sValue);
		write(hFile, ",\n");
	write(hFile, sTab.."}");

function LoadFile(file)
	assert(readfrom(file),file.." is not found.")

function SaveFile(table , tablename, file)
	local hFile = openfile(file, "w");
	Serialize(table, tablename, hFile);

function ReadTextFile(file)
local message = "\r\n"
readfrom(file, "r")
while 1 do
local 	line = read()
	if ( line == nil ) then break
	else message = message.."\t"..line.."\r\n"
return message


just one problem, it says to enter birthday as dd/mm/yyyy. thats just fine except in the usa we use mm/dd/yyyy format, can this be changed??

thanks in advance
       -= The Bootleg Network =- Bootleg live music lossless only music Bootleg Network Radio


Unfortunately I can see that there has to be a rewrite/restructuring for the script to work as  u say ...

If someone is willing to do it I dont have a problem for him to go ahead ...

Anyhow, since it is only USA that does this I think it is a minor thing to do :)


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
Anyhow, since it is only USA that does this I think it is a minor thing to do :)

gee thanks!



Compiling  Lua scripts is LAME!!!!!


Sorry but ppl in most parts of the world are dd/mm/yyyy ...

furthermore, I just cant bother to do a rewrite of this script because Americans or any1 other is using the mm/dd/yyyy of which the functionality I have never understood ...

Nevertheless any1 is free to modify this script to suit his needs ... I hope I am clear on this and that I didnt inspire any suspicious feelings, as that was not my intention...


nice attitude :(

all i was asking was for help to change it for usa users.
i am not a scripter nor did i claim to be, all i asked was for help changing it!!!
       -= The Bootleg Network =- Bootleg live music lossless only music Bootleg Network Radio


!mybirthday 23/03/1980
[15:00:07] Your birthday is on the 23 of March
[15:00:07] I didnt know you are 23. I'll keep that in mind ;)
[15:00:08] New birthday added by DJDelta?? his is on the 23 of March

That's weird cause i'm 24 now :] How do i change it ?
Greetz !
-------- Don\'t argue with a stupid man --------
-------- He\'ll put you down on his level --------
--- Than he\'ll beat you with his experience ---


thanx for mentioning that one DJDelta!! i noticed that also, it says im 30 and im 31.
       -= The Bootleg Network =- Bootleg live music lossless only music Bootleg Network Radio


upon furthur testing the bot only shows the wrong age (1 year less) if the birthday you enter is after the current date when you add the birthday. i had 2 people so far who have birthdays in october and december and just added their birthdays today.

       -= The Bootleg Network =- Bootleg live music lossless only music Bootleg Network Radio


Uhm ... think about this ..

Say my Birthday is  08 - 05 - 1981

 2004 - 1981 = 23 years

So the bot says the truth ... although ..

The problem doesn't lie in a bug or error ... it is a common misconception...

I am 23 years old .... but I am on the 24th year of my life ...

Thats what is by math logic ...

-------- As for the attitude displayed I dont think there are any valid grounds for beeing sad or dissappointed ,
because I dont have the time or will to do something that I will never use ... It is quite clear no?..


kool i can understand that.

still no reason to bash the usa.   :(

other than that awesome script my hubberz have taken to it right away!!!

       -= The Bootleg Network =- Bootleg live music lossless only music Bootleg Network Radio


good,.. thanks for understanding ..

and I am glad users like it ;)


Well the problem with the birthday is that the script doesn't check the actual date (i.e. todays date) when entering a new birthday.

I'll explain...

Let's say someone has a birthday on 11-11-1911. This mean that on 11-11-2004 this person is 93 years old.

Well, if i enter this birthday into the bot it tells me the age is 93. But this is NOT true, because it isn't 11-11-2004 yet.

So, what the script STILL needs to determine is whether the entered birthday has already been or is still to come this year.

I am not much of a scripter but i formulated this:


If [currentdatemonth]  >  [birthdaydatemonth] THEN
   age = (currentdateyear - birthdaydateyear)       <--- *1

ELSEIF [currentdatemonth]  =  [birthdaydatemonth] THEN  <--- *2
   IF [currentdateday]  >=  [birthdaydateday] THEN <--- *3
       age = (currentdateyear - birthdaydateyear)
   ELSE age = ((currentdateyear - birthdaydateyear)-1) <--- *4
ELSEIF [currentdatemonth]  <  [birthdaydatemonth] THEN  age = ((currentdateyear - birthdaydateyear)-1)<--- *5

*1:  Because the birthday took place before the birthday was entered, we just need to subtract the years.
*2:  The birthday takes place in the same month the birthday was added.
*3:  The birthday was entered in the SAME month but AFTER (or on the same day) it took place.
*4:  The birthday was entered in the SAME month but before it will take place.
*5:  The birthday was entered in a month before it will take place.


Hi ,... this was a morning brain-teaser in a bad day :)
I hope its long gone now ...

grab it from here pls

** if u cant find it, it should be because the page
** isnt updated yet , try again a bit later ...


well all good work Herodes i dled youre update of the birthdayman but i still got the smae prob like the old version. when i enter a birthday like 12/03/1977 it tell's me that im 26. X(

im not a script writer but is there not something that the bot has to get what date it is and then detirmine if the date/birthday inserted has to come or has already be??? so that if somebody has birthday on 10/09 that the script see that the date is already passed because it is 22/09??

Greetz DeLights

Owner and Founder of TSH
The Morning Comes and The Morning Goes, What Ever Will Be, The Past Will Not Be Forget


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
... would it be possible to find a file that contains birthday of famous ppl ?
Read this crazy ideia , please. :]

I have found this website:

When  you search for a date it will show , something like this:

My point is to use some of the features of the googlebot and kit this Birthday script !!!
What do you guys think ?   ;)

btw: here is the google bot:
function Main()
  Botname = "Googlebot"

function DataArrival(user,data)
  s,e,cmd,arg = strfind( data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(.+)" ) 

  if (cmd == "google") then
    arg = gsub(arg, "%s+", "%+");
    SendToAll(Botname, ""..arg.."&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=pt&lr=")
  elseif (cmd == "googlepic") then
    arg = gsub(arg, "%s+", "%+");
    SendToAll (Botname, ""..arg.."&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=pt")


basically I was wondering if we could grab all they're pages and add the birthdays automatically .. :)

A one-of-script would do the job nicely ... then we could disturbute the script in a .rar so that ppl may have their celebirthday ready .. :)

but I cant script while online .. over here that could create a phone bill to kill for ...
I never liked the idea of being dead .. :)

So if anyone can make that (web --> script --> tablefile) ... I'll be gratefull ..


everything works fine in this script. but i want the commands gonna be in the bot, when you write !commands in the bot you gonna se a list in the bot to show the commands in the bot and the day the person have his birthday it gonna show it in the topic just for that day and it is okey if it is some funny lines on the topic to :)) i am very thank fully if someone can do that
Fear the duck or what :P


QuoteOriginally posted by Sunnis
everything works fine in this script. but i want the commands gonna be in the bot, when you write !commands in the bot you gonna se a list in the bot to show the commands in the bot and the day the person have his birthday it gonna show it in the topic just for that day and it is okey if it is some funny lines on the topic to :)) i am very thank fully if someone can do that
yeah these are all doable :)


yeah these are all doable :)
ok where can i fixed so i can use it in the bot???? ?( Herodes???
Fear the duck or what :P


I am working on these ...

while I am at that can u tell me smths pls ...

how many characters would you want to have in the topic ?

and what would happen if, for example, 15 ppl had their birthday on the same day ? which of those nicks should go in the topic ?

furthermore atm I am working on getting a new function to work ...
how do you like this cmd : !myage

btw there is nothing else wrong with the bot and I was wondering y u cant use it ....

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