PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Finished Scripts => Topic started by: CyCLoNe on 24 March, 2010, 05:33:02

Title: Average Share 1.0a LUA 5.1x [API 2]
Post by: CyCLoNe on 24 March, 2010, 05:33:02

--Average Share 1.0a LUA 5.1x [API 2]
--By CyCLoNe - 03/21/10 at 11:36 am
--Fixed the display of MB, GB, TB
--Added categorized messages for Below (10 GiB, 25 GiB, 50 GiB, 100 GiB)
--and Above( 50 GiB, 100 GiB, 250 GiB, 500 GiB)
--API 2 version tested on Ptokax v. New release

AverageCfg = {
-- "Botname" ["" = hub bot]
Bot = "",
-- Hub Name ["" = pull from hub]
Hub = "",
-- Should bot have a key?
BotIsOp = true,
-- Bot description
BotDesc = "Average Share",
-- Bot Email address
BotMail = "",

local Timer = 0
OnStartup = function()
assert(_VERSION == "Lua 5.1","Incorrect Lua version.")
AverageCfg.Scp = "Average Share"
if AverageCfg.Bot == "" then AverageCfg.Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end
if AverageCfg.Hub == "" then AverageCfg.Hub = SetMan.GetString(0) end
if not Core then
local hub = ""
local app,ver = getHubVersion()
if app and ver then hub = app.." "..ver.." " end
OnError("This script is incompatible with "..hub.._VERSION)
local Path = Core.GetPtokaXPath().."scripts/"
if AverageCfg.Bot ~= SetMan.GetString(21) then
Core.RegBot(AverageCfg.Bot, AverageCfg.BotDesc, AverageCfg.BotMail, AverageCfg.BotIsOp)


UserConnected = function(user)
if (Core.GetUsersCount() > 2) and (Core.GetCurrentSharedSize() > 0) and (Core.GetUserValue(user,16) > 0) then
local ProperUnits = function( i )
local i = tonumber(i)
if i == 0 then return "0.00 KiB"; end
if i >= (1024^2) then
if i >= (1024^3) then
if i >= (1024^4) then return string.format("%.2f", (i/(1024^4))).." TiB"; end
return string.format("%.2f", (i/(1024^3))).." GiB"
end; return string.format("%.2f", (i/(1024^2))).." MiB"
end;return string.format("%.2f", (i/(1024))).." KiB"
local SafeDivide = function( a, b )
if ( a == 0 and b ~= 0 ) or ( a == 0 and b == 0 )then return false; end
if b == 0 and a ~= 0 then return true; end
return a/b
local iAverageShare = SafeDivide( Core.GetCurrentSharedSize(), Core.GetUsersCount() )
local m = "\r\n\r\n\t================================================================================== "
m = m.."\r\n\t\t\t\t       "..SetMan.GetString(0).."\r\n\t==================================================================================\n\n\t"..Core.GetUsersCount().." Users in the hub are currently sharing "..ProperUnits(Core.GetCurrentSharedSize()).." giving an average of "..ProperUnits(iAverageShare).." each."
if Core.GetUserValue(user,16) >= iAverageShare then
m = m.."\r\n\tYou are "..(ProperUnits( Core.GetUserValue(user,16) - iAverageShare )).." above the Average per user share... you're immense !!!"
local iShare = SafeDivide(Core.GetUserValue(user,16), 1024^3)
if iShare >= 50 and iShare < 100 then m = m.."\r\n\tYou have boosted the average up, you're amazing !!!"
elseif iShare >= 100 and iShare < 250 then m = m.."\r\n\tYou have boosted the average up, There are people that will pay for your share !!!"
elseif iShare >=250 and iShare < 500 then m = m.."\r\n\tYou have boosted the average up, There are people that will kill for your share !!!"
elseif iShare >= 500 then m = m.."\r\n\tThere are people that will die for your share, or even a slot !!!"
m = m.."\r\n\t ... and yes we need you here !  ;)"
elseif Core.GetUserValue(user,16) < iAverageShare then
m = m.."\r\n\tYou are "..(ProperUnits( iAverageShare - Core.GetUserValue(user,16)) ).." below the Average share.. Try to get more stuff in your share and be above average !"
local iShare = SafeDivide(Core.GetUserValue(user,16), 1024^3)
if iShare >= 10 and iShare < 25 then m = m.."\r\n\tYou are VERY small !!!"
elseif iShare >= 25 and iShare < 50 then m = m.."\r\n\tYou are small !!!"
elseif iShare >= 50 and iShare < 100 then m = m.."\r\n\tI bet you can try harder to raise your sharesize !!!"
elseif iShare >= 100 then m = m.."\r\n\tIt's not that your share ain't big, it's that there are bigger !!!"
m = m.."\r\n\tStill.. You are most welcome !  Enjoy your stay here and have a great download time !  ;) "
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..AverageCfg.Bot.."> ".. m.."\r\n\r\n\t==================================================================================\n\n " )

OpConnected = UserConnected
Title: Re: Average Share 1.0a LUA 5.1x [API 2]
Post by: CrazyGuy on 29 March, 2010, 00:07:35
Nice work and welcome to this board  :)

A small remark though about your OnStartup function.

if AverageCfg.Bot == "" then AverageCfg.Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end
if AverageCfg.Hub == "" then AverageCfg.Hub = SetMan.GetString(0) end
if not Core then
local hub = ""
local app,ver = getHubVersion()
if app and ver then hub = app.." "..ver.." " end
OnError("This script is incompatible with "..hub.._VERSION)

If "if not Core" would ever be true, the script would halt on the 2 lines above because if Core doesn't exist, neither does SetMan (attempt to index global 'SetMan', a nil value). The condition "if not Core" will therefor never produce the result you are looking for.

I'd suggest the following:

OnStartup = function()
assert(_VERSION == "Lua 5.1","Incorrect Lua version.")
if not Core then
local hub = ""
local app,ver = getHubVersion()
if app and ver then hub = app.." "..ver.." " end
OnError("This script is incompatible with "..hub.._VERSION)
AverageCfg.Scp = "Average Share"
if AverageCfg.Bot == "" then AverageCfg.Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end
if AverageCfg.Hub == "" then AverageCfg.Hub = SetMan.GetString(0) end
local Path = Core.GetPtokaXPath().."scripts/"
if AverageCfg.Bot ~= SetMan.GetString(21) then
Core.RegBot(AverageCfg.Bot, AverageCfg.BotDesc, AverageCfg.BotMail, AverageCfg.BotIsOp)