#### Important: Virus ####


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#### Important: Virus ####

Started by pHaTTy, 21 January, 2004, 20:44:20

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Hi there,,

I sugest all users be very very careful who they download from, and what yo'all download, theres people going around dc, getting ppl to download files infected with a deadly virus, it erases sectors on boot, and disables functions for format, restartiong will auto format ur comp on boot, if u use a diskette and get ot started it auto restarts on explorer open, your inet will start to die slowly, and it is very effective, be extremely cautious, a few of ukd guys have been taken down already,,
Resistance is futile!


cheers for that phatty..thats cheered me up no end...lol
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub

DJ Bert

Thnx for the information Phatty.



You know the name of it?


QuoteOriginally posted by kepp
You know the name of it?

sorry no, they are just using different file names, and they are also using some other viruses, but thats the one you wanna watch our, another one they using is a bat quick format, which lets the other format comp
Resistance is futile!


QuoteOriginally posted by kepp
You know the name of it?
thats a real good question.

the diskette part of that virus shouldn't be a problem on me, haven't got 1 in my fileserver. lol


* edit shouldn't chat while posting, 2 late now 2 ask. lol
http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


QuoteOriginally posted by (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?
QuoteOriginally posted by kepp
You know the name of it?

sorry no, they are just using different file names, and they are also using some other viruses, but thats the one you wanna watch our, another one they using is a bat quick format, which lets the other format comp
Nah quick format ;)

cheerup and start wit a clean hd  :D


humm, what virus takes up loads of cpu, memory, hd space, net bandwith, time, money, and isnt detected by nay virus scanner?

XP ^^
Whos ya daddy  :]


What virus may not be the case but WHO? It would not surprice me if this is another attack by RIAA, they have done similar thing on kazaa. Look out for suspicious files that resembles releases of latest media files.
Please report IP's of users that share obvious fake releases.
Norges DC hub nummer 1!


anyone who deals with kazza needs shooting
its a feeding ground for viruses and coruption
stay well away
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


THX 4 the quick Info.....

[23:00] <[TGA]Silvia> check here for more info: http://board.univ-angers.fr/thread.php?threadid=1119&boardid=1&styleid=1&page=1#7

This is why I love DC

Who needs more to get stuff ??

kazzaa, e-donkey and whatever is out there they can't beat DC, just in corrupt & infected files...

so be aware doods
Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


QuoteOriginally posted by Event_Horizon
THX 4 the quick Info.....

[23:00] <[TGA]Silvia> check here for more info: http://board.univ-angers.fr/thread.php?threadid=1119&boardid=1&styleid=1&page=1#7

This is why I love DC

Who needs more to get stuff ??

kazzaa, e-donkey and whatever is out there they can't beat DC, just in corrupt & infected files...

so be aware doods
yw, and pls give silvia a hug from me. lol

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


These viruses are detectable by latest AV-signatures i hope? or if they are new, sent to be analyzed?  ?(



hahah well if u think im gonna put it on my comp to send by email pfff lol ;)
Resistance is futile!

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