DCDM++ - Page 4


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Started by AlwaysConected, 24 June, 2004, 08:24:53

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QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
be sure to try the new ver ...

AC should be posting his regular DCDM++ Update in here shortly ... till then

Venom: you will be better off mentioning those bugs in the clients forum
I am not the poster of the new version :)
the new version are posted by Psf8500
i only made the guide

:) just to inform you  :D


Added RabidWombats MySQL/Loadlib stuff.
Added TTH as source type to ADL Search.
Added some icons to the view menu.
Check on connect should work a bit better for laggy hubs.
Added a script editor.
LUA debug messages are now displayed in the script editor frame instead of it's own frame.
Removed upload queue.
TTH checking now done in a seperate thread.
Added an LUA button to the toolbar.

The .exe can be downloaded

The .pdb can be downloaded here.

The source code can be downloaded here
----------? 2004 psf8500---------------


Request, fix the LuaEditors colors...


strfind = blue
function = blue


strfind = red

function blue

Reserved Word such as ( function, do, if, else, repeat... )

Library such as ( strfind, strlen, gsub, strsub, write....)
Red   ( NOTE: put in the Lua 5 Library command colors to ( find, sub, len ... )

Operators such as ( (, [, ., >, <, ...)


Quotation such as ( "text line here", 'text line here' )

hope this is for some help...

Great work.. love it allready



hi some info about the DCDM++ :)
for special info look here


for how to make your own look here


for troubles and bugs look here


for new things :) look here

i hope that will send you to the right place :)


QuoteOriginally posted by AlwaysConnected
Added RabidWombats MySQL/Loadlib stuff.
Added TTH as source type to ADL Search.
Added some icons to the view menu.
Check on connect should work a bit better for laggy hubs.
Added a script editor.
LUA debug messages are now displayed in the script editor frame instead of it's own frame.
Removed upload queue.
TTH checking now done in a seperate thread.
Added an LUA button to the toolbar.

The .exe can be downloaded

The .pdb can be downloaded here.

The source code can be downloaded here
----------? 2004 psf8500---------------
This is what I call a DCDM++ Update ... :) sorry if I was misunderstood ... Ofcourse we all thanks PSF800 for this wonderfull client :D


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes

This is what I call a DCDM++ Update ... :) sorry if I was misunderstood ... Ofcourse we all thanks PSF800 for this wonderfull client :D

np ;)


QuoteRequest, fix the LuaEditors colors...


strfind = blue
function = blue


The default colours are maybe badly choosen, but you can edit them ;)

QuoteNOTE: put in the Lua 5 Library command colors to ( find, sub, len ... )

I kinda stole the library words from the lua syntax file in EditPlus2 which i believe is based on lua 4. if someone wants to provide a full list of lua (5) library words that should be coloured i'll gladly add it :)
Here's the what the current one looks like:

string ScriptEditorFrame::libraryWords[] = { "_ALERT","_ERRORMESSAGE","_INPUT","_OUTPUT","_STDERR","_STDIN","_STDOUT","_VERSION","abs",

QuoteOperators such as ( (, [, ., >, <, ...)

I'm gonna try and add this for the next version :)


there you go psf8500 ... pls felow forumers check for any typos ... I believe there arent but just to be on the safe side of things ...
{ "_G", "_LOADED", "_TRACEBACK", "xpcall", "tostring", "gcinfo", "loadlib", "unpack", "require", "getfenv", "setmetatable", "next", "assert", "tonumber", "rawequal", 
"collectgarbage", "getmetatable", "rawset",  "pcall", "type", "__pow", "newproxy", "print", "rawget", "loadstring", "_VERSION", "dofile", "setfenv", "pairs", "ipairs", "error", "loadfile", 
"string.sub", "string.gfind", "string.rep", "string.sub", "string.char", "string.dump", "string.find", "string.upper", "string.len", "string.format", "string.byte", "string.lower", 
"os.exit", "os.setlocale", "os.execute", "os.getenv", "os.difftime", "os.remove", "os.time", "os.clock", "os.tmpname", "os.rename", "os.date",
"io.popen", "io.write", "io.close", "io.flush", "io.open", "io.output", "io.type", "io.read", "io.stderr", "io.stdin", "io.input", "io.stdout", "io.lines", "io.tmpfile", 
"table.setn", "table.insert", "table.getn", "table.foreachi", "table.foreach", "table.sort", "table.remove", "table.concat", 
"math.log", "math.atan.", "math.ldexp", "math.deg", "math.tan", "math.cos", "math.pi", "math.random", "math.randomseed", "math.frexp", "math.ceil", "math.floor", 
"math.rad", "math.max", "math.sqrt.", "math.pow", "math.asin.", "math.min", "math.mod", "math.exp", "math.log10", "math.atan2", "math.acos", "math.sin", "math.abs", 
"debug.getupvalue", "debug.sethook", "debug.gethook", "debug.traceback", "debug.setlocal", "debug.setupvalue", "debug.getinfo", "debug.getlocal", 
"coroutine.resume", "coroutine.yield", "coroutine.status", "coroutine.wrap", "coroutine.create"}
For the DC():xxxxx actions here is the list ....
{ "DC():SocketAccept", "DC():HubWindowAttention", "DC():CreateClient", "DC():GetHubIpPort", 
"DC():GetSetting", "DC():SocketConnect", "DC():InjectHubMessage", "DC():new", "DC():PrintDebug", 
"DC():SocketClose", "DC():SendClientMessage", "DC():DeleteClient", "DC():GetClientIp", "DC():SendWindowMessage", 
"DC():FindWindowHandle", "DC():SendUDP", "DC():InjectHubMessageADC", "DC():SocketWrite", "DC():SendHubMessage"}
I am not very confident about dcpp:xxx and I dont know if the list below is correct ...
{"dcpp:removeHub", "dcpp.OnCommandEnter", "dcpp:FormatChatText", "dcpp.OnTimer()", "dcpp:listHubs", 
"dcpp:getHub", "dcpp:hasHub", "dcpp:addHub", "dcpp:setListener", "dcpp.UserDataIn", "dcpp:getListeners", "dcpp.UserDataOut" }
below is the list for control structures keywords...
{"for", "do", "break",  "if",  "elseif", "else", "end", "while", "repeat", "until", "then"}
this is the reserved keywords list ...
{"local", "return", "nil", "function" "true","not", "false"}
and this is the operators list ...
{"<=", ">=", "==", "~=", "<", ">",  "or", "and"}
[*edit*] I forgot the object constructors ...
{"=", "[","]", "{","}", ".." }


B4 to DC++k CDM i could dwl the settings to get me started.

With the new (and better) DCDM i cant..
I might be stupid but there is a lot that i dont understand "how to"...

Some client are reported as CZDC/BCDC based client.. that dosnt sounds right, but i could be wrong, can DCDM??

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


i would if the link worked


Okey Vector, but post the link anyway, that might get me a hint on were to look.

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D



Yess i have read that guide Herodes, ive printed it out and read it about 3-4 times....

I'm not a newbie, but sure feel like one right now ;(

I cant get the +help in OpChat to work.. yes the OpChat nick is put in the opt in faw hub.
The DCDM found a "DC++ Stealth" client, all settings for that client were set to Raw1, the raw 1 in fav hub was set to kick, but DCDM didnt kick him anyway.

If i set Raw1 in the hub fav settings to kick, and in "Clients" that DC++ Stealt should use "Action - Raw1", do i still have to set something in the "Detector" tab at the "Raw command" field ???

The "Texts" tab isnt explained at all in the dcdm++ guide
I have a lot of this setting that i dont understand and that are not explained in the dcdm++ guide

It would be a LOT more easy if there would have been some samples settings in the clients

Sorry to bother u all with theese simple newbies quest

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


QuoteOriginally posted by MrZ
Yess i have read that guide Herodes, ive printed it out and read it about 3-4 times....

I'm not a newbie, but sure feel like one right now ;(

I cant get the +help in OpChat to work.. yes the OpChat nick is put in the opt in faw hub.
The DCDM found a "DC++ Stealth" client, all settings for that client were set to Raw1, the raw 1 in fav hub was set to kick, but DCDM didnt kick him anyway.

If i set Raw1 in the hub fav settings to kick, and in "Clients" that DC++ Stealt should use "Action - Raw1", do i still have to set something in the "Detector" tab at the "Raw command" field ???

The "Texts" tab isnt explained at all in the dcdm++ guide
I have a lot of this setting that i dont understand and that are not explained in the dcdm++ guide

It would be a LOT more easy if there would have been some samples settings in the clients

Sorry to bother u all with theese simple newbies quest

Z ya

hmz the opchat i can explain

enter the exacact name of you opchat in there
and after that close DCDM++ and restart
then do a PM against opchat en typ +help
then you must see the help, if not wroking
remove all settigns nd start all over clear.

about the other stuff wich settings is not explained ?
please send me a pm or put it in here so i can update it

i also will tro to explain the new things next week, vecause its holiday's for me :)

ps perhaps they can help in the imperialnet.org forum links are some postigns before


Hia AlwaysConnected

1'rst ...Pls Dont think im complaining about ur exelent work.

I did all the things you said to get +help to work, but still dosnt work - ive puted the nick of the op chat (OpChat) in hub fav settings, restarted DCDM, Pm'd OpChat,,, nothing

I did a clean install of DCDM and the above again,,, nothing

Its f.ex the 10.7 in "Detector " tab that isnt explained (sorry ur link didnt work ;)

And as i said in the last post i tried to make DCDM to autokick a Stealt client it found but i didnt make it.

And i wount give up i shall (with ur help) make this work :))

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


Wel i guess i must be bad to explain :))

in my Settings:
 -> DCDM++ -> Clients -DC++ Stealth 1 to Stealt 4,
the action is set to Raw1

Raw 1 in the hub faw is set to :
$To: %[mynick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[nick]> ----> %[clienttype] - %[cheatingdescription]|

I waited and waited and the client still didnt kick
All the "Raw commands" in 10.7 is default (=No action).

And Mutor, if i get a listLen error what does it means?
When u say "File lengt" do u mean some of the settings. "file list to small" or "File list to big" as i cant find any settings talking about "File length"

Tnx guys for trying

And i must tell u that 99% of the users in our hub is proper users so i must be 110% sure that the DCDM is making the right decision :))

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


you are useing the wrong command
its not +help ....its  /help ...you should get this

*** /refresh, /slots #, /search , /dc++, /away , /back, /g , /imdb , /rebuild, /getlist, /clear, /grant, /close, /favorite
*** (BCDC++) /winamp, /mplayerc, /showqueue, /clearqueue, /upload , /download , /lua , /luafile

hope it works for you


I believe thats not the answer to MrZ prob ...

/help is for main only ,,, what he wanted is the DCDM-defined command for viewing in Opchat ...


Well actually u were right both of u :))))

its not +help as stated in the guide its /help
Adn it is working in both main and OP chat :)))

Thanks a LOT one problem solved..hehe

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


* Fixed colouring of '\"' within quotes in script editor.
* Added operator colouring to script editor.
* Script filename now shown title bar in script editor frame (thanks Sulan).
* You can now use %[speed] in user commands. From the transfer menu this use the current speed, anywhere else it uses the speed in userlist.
* Script name now shown in a status bar along with current/total line number.
* Made a ClientProfileManager. Should be a bit more efficient than just sticking it in HubManager (maybe a few bugs).
* Added an option to define custom keywords etc.
* XML files now stored in a seperate folder (Note: HashData.dat goes in the same folder).
* Added a bad ISP option. Bad ranges will get the raw command specified in detector page sent (made a few changes to the ISP code for this so it may work better/worse icon_wink.gif. lemme know).
* Added option to check for conflicting ranges on loading ISPs. Set to false by default.



* Added option not to strip ISP tags by default when tab completing nicks (thanks Spargatoru for the suggestion).
* Fixed UserIP bug.
* Hopefully prevent crashes with failed ISP updates.
* Added Winamp and MPlayer Classic formatting options
* Added option to specify winamp location.
* Updated LUA (BCDC++ SVN 517).
* Fixed delayed closing of hubs that are checking.
* Added option to specify the sleep time between checking. This is the time each hub waits between checking each client.
If your checking multiple hubs it may increase stability and decrease the chances of timeouts if you raise this value.



me and a friend off mine use dcdm++ and we get inverted colours on the text in 0.037..
is it just us?

Cya at the Special Olympics


QuoteOriginally posted by RiTARD
me and a friend off mine use dcdm++ and we get inverted colours on the text in 0.037..
is it just us?
----------psf8500 wrote--------
in formatting_settings.txt change:

background_is_dark = 1,


background_is_dark = 0,

and for more details look here


what you have just suggested does not work for me.
I have been posting this thread on the dcdm forum.
this thread

as i can get the users list but nothing in main chat.
ive uninstalled and reinstalled, tried different things in formatting lua txt, but still no different.
I always use blue background with white txt which i find easier on my eyes.



QuoteOriginally posted by REBEL
what you have just suggested does not work for me.
I have been posting this thread on the dcdm forum.
this thread

as i can get the users list but nothing in main chat.
ive uninstalled and reinstalled, tried different things in formatting lua txt, but still no different.
I always use blue background with white txt which i find easier on my eyes.

send me your dcdm++ so i can see

you find the email on my nickname

i see what i can do for you :)

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