Help to alter please a script that the script used a command from other script.

Help to alter please a script that the script used a command from other script.

Started by F_O_X, 02 March, 2008, 08:06:12

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Help to alter please a script that the script used a command from other script.
There are two working scripts.
The first - blocking of bad words. The second - Gag on IP.
Now in blocking bad words such sequence:
For each bad word the warning, after 10 warnings the user receives Kick, after 3 kicks Ban
It is necessary to insert from the second script between Kick and Ban a command gagip
I.e. Gag at 1 o'clock
In the menu of the user of script Gag on IP this line looks so:
Core.SendToNick(user.sNick,"$UserCommand 1 2 "..GagStartMenu.."\\?????????\\IP\\??????\\?? 1 ???$<%[mynick]> "..prefix..add_gag_ip.." %[line:IP?] 1 1H %[line:??????? ???????]&#124;|")

How it can be made?

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