scan filelists and making list of content

scan filelists and making list of content

Started by toh, 09 June, 2005, 19:34:19

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Is there any script that will scan filelists and make list of.. for example, *.avi files more than 500 mb in txt or html or may be Access database?


hi all agen i hav changed some of this script  i am just wondering if this looks ok cose i dont do scripts
i dont get enay errors

-- vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet

-- FileChecker.lua, rewrite of a 'SearchKick' bot for PtokaX by ptaczek and

-- Leon (called The Illegalist)

-- version 1.0 for DCH++

-- by Sedulus 20030910, requested by BSOD2600

-- 20030919: 1.0


-- Translated back to PtokaX (OpiumVolage 9 Sept. 2003)

-- Added timer for automating search


-- (using more mem (3 tables, instead of one) but less cpu)


-- searches for all terms in the SearchFor table,

-- sends a message to the user that he/she shares the file, with the response

-- message.

-- set disconnectUser to 1 if you want the user disconnected as well (not

-- recommended, as bots always seem to find a way to misinterpret data )


-- spaces in the SearchFor table will be converted to dollar's, but they will

-- (purposely) only match if there's a space in the result later.

-- so "a b" won't match "b a" or "aXXXb"

--// useful stuff

botName = "FileChecker?"

disconnectUser = nil -- disconnect the user, nil = don't

-- opchatName = "-OpChat-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

opchatName = botName -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

mb = 1024 * 1024

gb = 1024 * mb

-- Timer value, will send search for 1 of the file on all users at each timer

timerValue = 10*1000 -- Every 10 seconds (higher value will reduce load)

useTimer = 1 -- set to 1 to enable timer functions

counter = 1

--// do not modify this table, lookup the meanings in the $Search section in the protocol documentation

SearchTypes = {

ANY = 1,

AUDIO = 2,




IMAGE = 6,

VIDEO = 7,

FOLDER = 8, -- do not use FOLDER's! the $SR's are formatted differently


st = SearchTypes

--// MODIFY THIS TABLE <-------

-- { searchType, words[, minimumSize[, regexMatch]] }

SearchFor = {

["N?o tenhas downloads incompletos no share! L? as regras em Info:"] = {

{ st.ANY, "antifrag", 1, "antifrag$" },

{ st.ANY, "download dat", 1, "download[0-9]+%.dat$" },

{ st.ANY, "INCOMPLETE~" },

{ st.ANY, "__INCOMPLETE___" },

{ st.ANY, ".part.met"},

{ st.ANY, ".mp3.temp"},

{ st.ANY, " .torrent"},

{ st.ANY, " dctmp"},

{ st.ANY, " .GETRIGHT"},

{ st.ANY, " Download10"},


-- },


--// convert the tables

SearchTable = {}

ResultTable = {}

function Main()



botLen = string.len( botName )

local i = 0 -- add the serial botnames in here as well.. so the user doesn't think he is flooded by one person

for k,v in SearchFor do

for _,search in v do

-- add $Search

local s = "$Search Hub:"..botName..i.." "

if search[3] then

s = s.."T?F?"[3]


s = s.."F?F?0"


s = s.."?"[1].."?"..string.gsub( search[2], " ", "$" ).."|"

table.insert( SearchTable, s )

-- add $SR match

local idx = string.lower( search[2] )

ResultTable[idx] = { msg = k }

if search[4] then ResultTable[idx].regex = string.lower( search[4] ) end

-- next..

i = i + 1



st, SearchTypes, SearchFor = nil, nil, nil

-- set options

if opchatName then

messageFunc = SendPmToOps


messageFunc = SendPmToOps

opchatName = botName


if useTimer then SetTimer(timerValue) StartTimer() end


-- on new user

function NewUserConnected( client )

table.foreachi(SearchTable, function(_, v) client:SendData( v ) end)


-- on $SR

function SRArrival( client, line )

local match = nil

-- test if it was a result to us only

local ret,c,to = string.find( line, "\005([^\005|]*)|$" )

if ret and string.sub( to, 1, botLen ) == botName then

local ret,c,file,size = string.find( line, "^%$SR [^ ]+ ([^\005]*)\005([0-9]+) " )

if ret then

file = string.lower( file )

for k,v in ResultTable do

if ( v.regex and string.find( file, v.regex ) ) or ( not v.regex and string.find( file, k, 1, 1 ) ) then

match = 1

-- warn( client, file.." ("..dchpp.formatBytes( size ).." ("..size..")", v.msg )

warn( client, file.." ("..size.."", v.msg )





-- disconnect user

if match and disconnectUser and not client.bOperator then

client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> Est?s a ser Kikado!" )


return 1



function warn( client, file, response )

-- send message to user

client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> Tens no share o seguinte Ficheiro: "..file..": "..response )

if client.bOperator then return end

message = client.sName.." tem no share: "..file

-- send message to all Operators

messageFunc( opchatName, message )


function OnTimer()

if table.getn(SearchTable) < 1 then return end


counter = counter + 1

if counter > table.getn(SearchTable) then counter =1 end



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