PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 5.0 boards => Finished Scripts => Topic started by: Madman on 23 March, 2005, 22:47:34

Title: Custom/Random intro n outro
Post by: Madman on 23 March, 2005, 22:47:34
as i promised Daywalker... here you go =)

--//Custom/Random intro outro script made by Madman
--//Stripped from FunScript v7
--//Added option to have random intro/outros on users

Bot = "IntroNOutro"
--If users should have random intro/outros then set to 1
RandomUser = 0

--//[nick] will be replaced with the users name..
--//["Madman"]= "The [nick] has entred", Will show
--// The Madman has entred
CustomIntroTable = {
["[DN]Madman"]= "The Dragon Lord [nick] rode in on his breath of flame",
["[OP]Ctrl"]= "[nick] falls in with a hangover and says: the things you dont have, is things that is good to have!",
["[DN]Didde"]= "The man, The myth, The concept [nick] flies in to the hub",
["-=FakeKiller=-"]= "[nick] is a killing machine, he is always busy killing people, so don't PM him",
["Fonzie?"]= "The Network Devil [nick] has come to open up the hell",
["[DN]Con"]= "The god of Destruction 2 [nick] has come down from heaven",
["[OP]FranticJ1"]= "The GuitarDevil [nick] has played in",
["[LP]Bart_simpson"]= "[nick] has been activated",
["Stoffy"]= "[nick] faked his way in",
["KAMBOSS"]= "The old and wise phropecy merchant [nick] has arriveed at last",
["[DN]Sunnis"]= "The Gamer [nick] logs in and says: Let the Noobs be with you!",
["[DMGM]Maverick"]="The Dream~Master General Manager [nick] has entered the hub",
["WILDCAT"]= "[nick] walks in and winks at all the girls, and they all smile.",
["[OP]WILDCAT"]= "[nick] walks in and winks at all the girls, and they all smile.",
--//4 Madhouse
-- ["Madman"]= "The Dragon lord [nick] rode in on his breath of flame",
-- [""]= "[nick]",

CustomOutroTable = {
["[DN]Madman"]= "[nick] burns down some fakers on his way out.",
["[DN]Sunnis"]= "[nick] got scared, and runs out to hide.",
["[OP]Ctrl"]= "[nick] is *gone*",
["[DN]Didde"]= "[nick] disconnects while on flames.",
["-=FakeKiller=-"]= "[nick] has gone to the real world to kill some users.",
["Fonzie?"]= "The Network Devil [nick] has left the hub to go back to the hell.",
["[DN]Con"]= "The god of Destruction [nick] has left the hub to return back to heaven.",
["[OP]FranticJ1"]= "The GuitarDevil [nick] strummed his last song.",
["[LP]Bart_simpson"]= "[nick] has been deactivated.",
["Stoffy"]= "[nick] has been kicked.",
["KAMBOSS"]= "Now you are all alot wiser, it is time for old [nick] to leave and go spread the shit elsewhere",
["[DMGM]Maverick"]="The Dream~Master General Manager [nick] has left the hub, See you Soon.",
--//4 Madhouse
-- ["Madman"]= "[nick] burns down some fakers on his way out",
-- [""]= "[nick]",

--//Users here dont have a msg showing in main
Silence = {
-- ["Madman"]="",

function NewUserConnected(curUser)
if RandomUser == 1 then
local RandMsg = string.gsub(Intros[math.random(1,table.getn(Intros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg)

function UserDisconnected(curUser)
if RandomUser == 1 then
local RandMsg = string.gsub(Outros[math.random(1,table.getn(Outros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg)

function OpConnected(curUser)
if Silence[curUser.sName] then --//If user is in silence table
-- Send Nothing
elseif CustomIntroTable[curUser.sName] then --//If user was not in silence tavle, check this one
local Msg = string.gsub(CustomIntroTable[curUser.sName], "%[nick%]", curUser.sName)  --//Defines what the msg is
SendToAll(Bot, Msg) --//User was in CustomIntroTable, send this
else --//If not in CustomIntroTable
local RandMsg = string.gsub(Intros[math.random(1,table.getn(Intros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName) --//Defines what the msg is
SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg) --//Send the msg

function OpDisconnected(curUser) --//same as in opconnected
if Silence[curUser.sName] then
elseif CustomOutroTable[curUser.sName] then
local msg = string.gsub(CustomOutroTable[curUser.sName], "%[nick%]", curUser.sName)
local RandMsg = string.gsub(Outros[math.random(1,table.getn(Outros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg)

--//User enters the hub text
Intros = {
"[CURUSER] crawls in on their hands and knees.",
"In a fiery explosion [CURUSER] appears.",
"With a crazed look in their eyes [CURUSER] arrives.",
"Sir [CURUSER] of the east lunatic fringe has arrived.",
"[CURUSER] arrives yelling and screaming like a maniac.",
"[CURUSER] arrives ranting and raving about aliens or some such rot.",
"The demented [CURUSER] has arrived.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of nowhere and begins speaking in tongues.",
"[CURUSER] arrives and immediately heads for the light like a moth.",
"[CURUSER] climbs in through the window.",
"[CURUSER] falls from the skylight and lands on a chair.",
"[CURUSER] enters the room via the basement door.",
"After alot of loud groaning [CURUSER] comes waltzing out of Jessica Simpson's room...",
"Hair in everywhich direction [CURUSER] arrives on the scene looking more crazed than usual.",
"Brandishing what looks like a hairbrush [CURUSER] arrives.",
"[CURUSER] arrives with an elfgirl under each arm.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of thin air scaring the hell out of operators.",
"[CURUSER] parachutes in from an airplane.",
"[CURUSER] runs in, stubs their toe on a couch and falls over a table landing on jessica simpson.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the east wall arriving in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] is here, how about a round of newcastle for everyone?",
"[CURUSER] appears from the darkness",
"[CURUSER] walks in covered in something.",
"[CURUSER] drives in with a red cadilac.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the roof.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of nowhere and begins yet another fight against fakers.",
"[CURUSER] arrives and immediately heads for the light like a moth.",
"[CURUSER] crashes in through the window.",
"[CURUSER] enters the room via the basement door.",
"[CURUSER] stomps in with dirty wellies and a sheep under each arm.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of thin air scaring the hell out of the op in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] parachutes in from an airplane.",
"[CURUSER] runs in, stubs their toe on a couch and falls over a table.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the east wall arriving in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] is here, How about a round of Beer for everyone?",

Outros = {
"[CURUSER] has left the hub",
"Jumping through a plate-glass window [CURUSER] leaves the hub.",
"Aliens abduct [CURUSER], and they are gone.",
"[CURUSER] begins shrinking, and eventually disappears from the hub.",
"Jessica Simpson takes [CURUSER] by the arm and leads them to her room closing the door.",
"With cat like reflexes [CURUSER] leaps out the window and is gone.",
"The lights momentarily dim, and when they come back on [CURUSER] is gone.",
"Three giant men in white coats march in and haul away [CURUSER] kicking and screaming.",
"[CURUSER] leaves through the basement door",
"[CURUSER] accidentally walks into Jessica Simpson's room, muffled screams are heard for a few seconds but [CURUSER] is gone.",
"Suddenly [CURUSER] leaps up and bolts for the door.",
"[CURUSER] tosses a ten on Jessica Simpson's dresser and walks out the door.",
"[CURUSER] runs around the room screaming and then leaps out the window.",
"[CURUSER] walks out from the darkness",
"All your base are belong to [CURUSER]",
"[CURUSER] drops through the floor",
"[CURUSER] is out of here.",
"[CURUSER] is on his/her way out, but walks into the door, and faints.",
"[CURUSER] walks out of the door, but trips on the door step.",
"[CURUSER] falls through a hole in floor on the way out.",
"[CURUSER] got kidnapped by aliens on his/her way out and later gets anal probed by them.",
"BOOM! [CURUSER] explodes and is no more....",
"[CURUSER] leaves the hub crying like a baby.",
"[CURUSER] goes out with a BANG!",
"A storm sweeps by and drags [CURUSER] with it.",
"[CURUSER] gets hit in a drive-by and dies.",
"[CURUSER] goes *poof*",
"[CURUSER] moves his/her fat ass from the computer.",
"[CURUSER] jumps onto an airplane, and flys away.",
"[CURUSER] steals a car, and drives over some users killing them instantly.",
"[CURUSER] goes out for some nice Off-Roading.",
"[CURUSER] walks straight back to hell where he/she belong.",
Post by: dkt on 04 May, 2005, 13:02:58
try this..this one works
Bot = "IntroNOutro"
--If users should have random intro/outros then set to 1
RandomUser = 1

CustomIntroTable = {
         ["[DN]Madman"]= "The Dragon Lord [nick] rode in on his breath of flame",
         ["[OP]Ctrl"]= "[nick] falls in with a hangover and says: the things you dont have, is things that is good to have!",
         ["[DN]Didde"]= "The man, The myth, The concept [nick] flies in to the hub",
         ["-=FakeKiller=-"]= "[nick] is a killing machine, he is always busy killing people, so don't PM him",
         ["Fonzie?"]= "The Network Devil [nick] has come to open up the hell",
         ["[DN]Con"]= "The god of Destruction 2 [nick] has come down from heaven",
         ["[OP]FranticJ1"]= "The GuitarDevil [nick] has played in",
         ["[LP]Bart_simpson"]= "[nick] has been activated",
         ["Stoffy"]= "[nick] faked his way in",
         ["KAMBOSS"]= "The old and wise phropecy merchant [nick] has arriveed at last",
         ["[DN]Sunnis"]= "The Gamer [nick] logs in and says: Let the Noobs be with you!",
         ["[DMGM]Maverick"]="The Dream~Master General Manager [nick] has entered the hub",
         ["WILDCAT"]= "[nick] walks in and winks at all the girls, and they all smile.",
         ["[OP]WILDCAT"]= "[nick] walks in and winks at all the girls, and they all smile.",
--//4 Madhouse
--         ["Madman"]= "The Dragon lord [nick] rode in on his breath of flame",
--         [""]= "[nick]",

CustomOutroTable = {
         ["[DN]Madman"]= "[nick] burns down some fakers on his way out.",
         ["[DN]Sunnis"]= "[nick] got scared, and runs out to hide.",
         ["[OP]Ctrl"]= "[nick] is *gone*",
         ["[DN]Didde"]= "[nick] disconnects while on flames.",
         ["-=FakeKiller=-"]= "[nick] has gone to the real world to kill some users.",
         ["Fonzie?"]= "The Network Devil [nick] has left the hub to go back to the hell.",
         ["[DN]Con"]= "The god of Destruction [nick] has left the hub to return back to heaven.",
         ["[OP]FranticJ1"]= "The GuitarDevil [nick] strummed his last song.",
         ["[LP]Bart_simpson"]= "[nick] has been deactivated.",
         ["Stoffy"]= "[nick] has been kicked.",
         ["KAMBOSS"]= "Now you are all alot wiser, it is time for old [nick] to leave and go spread the shit elsewhere",
         ["[DMGM]Maverick"]="The Dream~Master General Manager [nick] has left the hub, See you Soon.",
--//4 Madhouse
--         ["Madman"]= "[nick] burns down some fakers on his way out",
--         [""]= "[nick]",

--//Users here dont have a msg showing in main
Silence = {
--   ["Madman"]="",

function NewUserConnected(curUser)
   if RandomUser == 1 then
      local RandMsg = string.gsub(Intros[math.random(1,table.getn(Intros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
      SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg)

function UserDisconnected(curUser)
   if RandomUser == 1 then
      local RandMsg = string.gsub(Outros[math.random(1,table.getn(Outros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
      SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg)

function OpConnected(curUser)
   if Silence[curUser.sName] then --//If user is in silence table
   -- Send Nothing
   elseif CustomIntroTable[curUser.sName] then --//If user was not in silence tavle, check this one
      local Msg = string.gsub(CustomIntroTable[curUser.sName], "%[nick%]", curUser.sName)  --//Defines what the msg is
      SendToAll(Bot, Msg) --//User was in CustomIntroTable, send this
   else --//If not in CustomIntroTable
      local RandMsg = string.gsub(Intros[math.random(1,table.getn(Intros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName) --//Defines what the msg is
      SendToAll(Bot, RandMsg) --//Send the msg

function OpDisconnected(curUser) --//same as in opconnected
   if Silence[curUser.sName] then
   elseif CustomOutroTable[curUser.sName] then
      local msg = string.gsub(CustomOutroTable[curUser.sName], "%[nick%]", curUser.sName)
      local RandMsg = string.gsub(Outros[math.random(1,table.getn(Outros))], "%[CURUSER%]", curUser.sName)
      SendToAll(HubBot, RandMsg)

--//User enters the hub text
Intros = {
"[CURUSER] crawls in on their hands and knees.",
"In a fiery explosion [CURUSER] appears.",
"With a crazed look in their eyes [CURUSER] arrives.",
"Sir [CURUSER] of the east lunatic fringe has arrived.",
"[CURUSER] arrives yelling and screaming like a maniac.",
"[CURUSER] arrives ranting and raving about aliens or some such rot.",
"The demented [CURUSER] has arrived.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of nowhere and begins speaking in tongues.",
"[CURUSER] arrives and immediately heads for the light like a moth.",
"[CURUSER] climbs in through the window.",
"[CURUSER] falls from the skylight and lands on a chair.",
"[CURUSER] enters the room via the basement door.",
"After alot of loud groaning [CURUSER] comes waltzing out of Jessica Simpson's room...",
"Hair in everywhich direction [CURUSER] arrives on the scene looking more crazed than usual.",
"Brandishing what looks like a hairbrush [CURUSER] arrives.",
"[CURUSER] arrives with an elfgirl under each arm.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of thin air scaring the hell out of operators.",
"[CURUSER] parachutes in from an airplane.",
"[CURUSER] runs in, stubs their toe on a couch and falls over a table landing on jessica simpson.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the east wall arriving in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] is here, how about a round of newcastle for everyone?",
"[CURUSER] appears from the darkness",
"[CURUSER] walks in covered in something.",
"[CURUSER] drives in with a red cadilac.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the roof.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of nowhere and begins yet another fight against fakers.",
"[CURUSER] arrives and immediately heads for the light like a moth.",
"[CURUSER] crashes in through the window.",
"[CURUSER] enters the room via the basement door.",
"[CURUSER] stomps in with dirty wellies and a sheep under each arm.",
"[CURUSER] appears out of thin air scaring the hell out of the op in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] parachutes in from an airplane.",
"[CURUSER] runs in, stubs their toe on a couch and falls over a table.",
"[CURUSER] crashes through the east wall arriving in the hub.",
"[CURUSER] is here, How about a round of Beer for everyone?",

Outros = {
"[CURUSER] has left the hub",
"Jumping through a plate-glass window [CURUSER] leaves the hub.",
"Aliens abduct [CURUSER], and they are gone.",
"[CURUSER] begins shrinking, and eventually disappears from the hub.",
"Jessica Simpson takes [CURUSER] by the arm and leads them to her room closing the door.",
"With cat like reflexes [CURUSER] leaps out the window and is gone.",
"The lights momentarily dim, and when they come back on [CURUSER] is gone.",
"Three giant men in white coats march in and haul away [CURUSER] kicking and screaming.",
"[CURUSER] leaves through the basement door",
"[CURUSER] accidentally walks into Jessica Simpson's room, muffled screams are heard for a few seconds but [CURUSER] is gone.",
"Suddenly [CURUSER] leaps up and bolts for the door.",
"[CURUSER] tosses a ten on Jessica Simpson's dresser and walks out the door.",
"[CURUSER] runs around the room screaming and then leaps out the window.",
"[CURUSER] walks out from the darkness",
"All your base are belong to [CURUSER]",
"[CURUSER] drops through the floor",
"[CURUSER] is out of here.",
"[CURUSER] is on his/her way out, but walks into the door, and faints.",
"[CURUSER] walks out of the door, but trips on the door step.",
"[CURUSER] falls through a hole in floor on the way out.",
"[CURUSER] got kidnapped by aliens on his/her way out and later gets anal probed by them.",
"BOOM! [CURUSER] explodes and is no more....",
"[CURUSER] leaves the hub crying like a baby.",
"[CURUSER] goes out with a BANG!",
"A storm sweeps by and drags [CURUSER] with it.",
"[CURUSER] gets hit in a drive-by and dies.",
"[CURUSER] goes *poof*",
"[CURUSER] moves his/her fat ass from the computer.",
"[CURUSER] jumps onto an airplane, and flys away.",
"[CURUSER] steals a car, and drives over some users killing them instantly.",
"[CURUSER] goes out for some nice Off-Roading.",
"[CURUSER] walks straight back to hell where he/she belong.",
Post by: Madman on 04 May, 2005, 14:30:47
uhm... thats the script posted above.... just with out my credits...
Post by: kash? on 01 July, 2005, 09:35:39
hey can u make available right click cmd
for users to set their custom intros n outros

Waiting for reply..

Post by: Madman on 01 July, 2005, 16:37:31
QuoteOriginally posted by kash?
hey can u make available right click cmd
for users to set their custom intros n outros

Waiting for reply..


Yes, it can be done....
Do you want for all users or just ops?
i'll do it for just ops untill u replay ;)
Post by: kash? on 01 July, 2005, 17:40:48
ya I want it for all the users
all the users should be able to set and
delete their intros and outros and if some1
doesn't set it, it should use randum intros and
outros included in the script

Post by: Madman on 01 July, 2005, 22:36:55
This should do the trick

CustomRandomIntro (
Post by: MOH on 10 July, 2005, 22:39:04
[]pinger arrives with an elfgirl under each arm.

what is that ? can be fixed ?

Originally posted by kash?
hey can u make available right click cmd
for users to set their custom intros n outros

Waiting for reply..



Yes, it can be done....
Do you want for all users or just ops?
i'll do it for just ops untill u replay ;)

madman can you make it available only for ops,masters,netfounders,moderators
Post by: Madman on 10 July, 2005, 23:44:57
QuoteOriginally posted by MOH
[]pinger arrives with an elfgirl under each arm.
what is that ? can be fixed ?
Thats a pinger from some hublist... check the lua file... there is a Silence table....
["[]pinger"] = "",
To that table.. place it under the -- ["Madman"]=", line
QuoteOriginally posted by MOH
madman can you make it available only for ops,masters,netfounders,moderators
Yes... but not tonight.... trying to find whats fucks up m net....

So i think i solved my problem... =)
anyway... here it is... a quick work...
Deafualt all user is allowed to change there intro n outro...

Same location as before (
Post by: MOH on 11 July, 2005, 03:50:09
Im sorry that im bodaring you again but can you make it so when someone enteres the hub for example VIP to shows [VIP] and the nick and msg !?
Post by: Madman on 11 July, 2005, 08:40:58
How do you mean?

A standard msg for each profile?
The [VIP]Madman has entred
The Master Madman is here!

Or do you want to be abel to a [profile] to your custom msg?

Should it say the profile in the random msg

witch one(s) of these 3 you want?
Post by: MOH on 11 July, 2005, 14:15:58
Ok thats what i mean !
I wont only OPERATORS, MASTERS, NETFOUNDERS AND MODERATORS to able to change there intro and outro messages !
The others vips, regs, unregs i wont the bot just to show <<< VIP MOH jas entered ... >>> or
<<< User MOH has entered ... >>>

this is what i wont !

Please make it as soon as you can
Post by: Madman on 11 July, 2005, 21:20:09
This should do.. (  the trick...
It's a quick work... ;) and it might be a bit slow to download... my lan buddy is filling my download and upload.... ;p
Post by: MOH on 12 July, 2005, 14:37:23
no it doesnt work ! The unregs can change there into and outro msg ! And when unreg joins it doesnt displey anything !? i tryed just with unregs i dont know how it will be for VIP and regs !

Please fix it !

I wont only OPERATORS, MASTERS, NETFOUNDERS AND MODERATORS to able to change there intro and outro messages !
The others vips, regs, unregs i wont the bot just to show <<< VIP MOH jas entered ... >>> or
<<< User MOH has entered ... >>>
Post by: Madman on 12 July, 2005, 14:52:29
Works for me...
Did u set it up right?

User should be 1
RandomMsg should be set to nil
and you have to set the profiles not allowed to change there intro to 0 in the Allowedprofiles table.. the deafualt settings allows everybody to change there intro...
Post by: Jacko on 28 July, 2005, 22:32:47
Hello madman
have been using this script for a couple of weeks now to abuse the hub ops & above (in a nice way) I would now like to do the same to vips .....I have entered their names in txt file but i cant make it send onjoin msg without enabling for all users....but it sends rightclick to vips

can you help please           P S  love this script    ?(
Post by: Madman on 29 July, 2005, 06:17:52
Here it is (

Change the LogInProfiles Table as you wish.... =)
Untested, just a quick work before work.... ;p
Post by: Jacko on 29 July, 2005, 20:24:44
Big thanks Madman

have it running here and all appears fine

you are a champ m8y  ;)
Title: problems
Post by: ?Tr??T_???? on 02 August, 2005, 23:38:58
hi i am trying to use it on the new ptokax but its not workin mayb something wrong...i have no errors ?(
Post by: Madman on 03 August, 2005, 05:55:57
QuoteOriginally posted by ?Tr€€T_????
hi i am trying to use it on the new ptokax but its not workin mayb something wrong...i have no errors ?(

Then how do u kno it's not working?
Post by: kunal on 03 September, 2005, 15:47:53
can u modify the script so that [nick] is not required in the intro and outro
Post by: kunal on 03 September, 2005, 16:49:09
i m talking about the custom intro outro cmd
You must have [nick] in your msg!
Post by: kunal on 03 September, 2005, 17:27:18
i m sure this is what i want
i want users to enter their intro but there must be no compulsion to use his nick in the intro
Post by: kash? on 18 November, 2005, 21:26:42
I am using CustomRandomIntroScriptV2
I want to disable outros  and keep only intros
and one should be able to add manual intros without using [nick] , it should not give this error =
You must have [nick] in your msg!

For e.g. I want intro Hello only instead of using
Hello [nick]

Post by: Madman on 19 November, 2005, 00:04:31
Sry kunal, I ddin't notice this thread untill Kash wrote in it today...
You guys want the same... so here we go... =)

CustomRandomIntroOutroV2.5 (

Quote-- Added Enable Intro/outro, request by kash?
-- Added ForceNick, request by Kash?

It's a 5 min work... so it might have bugs..
Post by: kash? on 19 November, 2005, 08:41:58
Its same as before and still gives error
It still asks for [nick] to put in the intro n outro
I dont want to have nick in custom intro n outro

And also I dont want outros,I want to keep
only intros but user should be able to add custom
outro as well as intros

Post by: Madman on 19 November, 2005, 13:20:55
first of... did u set it up? check the lua file...
QuoteOriginally posted by kash?
Its same as before and still gives error
It still asks for [nick] to put in the intro n outro
I dont want to have nick in custom intro n outro
for this..Set code bellow to nil
-- Force to have [nick] in intro/outro?
ForceNick = 1

QuoteOriginally posted by kash?
And also I dont want outros,I want to keep
only intros but user should be able to add custom
outro as well as intros

for this...
-- User intro/outro
-- 1 is on, nil is off
EnableIntros = 1
EnableOutros = 1
and one more thing... made some changes... so dl the file again...
Post by: kash? on 19 November, 2005, 13:52:03
As I said earlier -
Its same as before and still gives error
It still asks for [nick] to put in the intro n outro
I dont want to have nick in custom intro n outro

And also I dont want outros,I want to keep
only intros but user should be able to add custom
outro as well as intros

It still runs outros even after setting Outro = 0 and
it still outros work after keeping ForceNick = 0

Plz test it b4 posting

Post by: Madman on 20 November, 2005, 03:33:08
QuoteOriginally posted by kash?
As I said earlier -
Its same as before and still gives error
It still asks for [nick] to put in the intro n outro
I dont want to have nick in custom intro n outro

And also I dont want outros,I want to keep
only intros but user should be able to add custom
outro as well as intros

It still runs outros even after setting Outro = 0 and
it still outros work after keeping ForceNick = 0

Plz test it b4 posting

Please read my post again...
I didnt write 0.. i wrote nil
Post by: kash? on 20 November, 2005, 09:16:19
Sorry m8, it was my fault
I was in hurry when I read ur post
Working perfectly
Thanx for helping

Post by: Madman on 20 November, 2005, 13:08:20