PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Finished Scripts => Topic started by: Ravage on 20 September, 2009, 21:20:08

Title: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: Ravage on 20 September, 2009, 21:20:08
Hey dudes and dudettes   ;D

Here is my very first script that i made for Ptoka. Dunno, if this was allready made or sth.,
i needed some simple tool that allows me to handle with my regged users profiles,
so i made this one.

According to that, sometime ago i`ve started to learn how to script, so this was also an
opportunity to learn from it. At this point big thx to CrazyGuy for helping me find some
serious bugs in the earlier version of this Script and special thx to Mutor for helping
me out with some cool solutions when i got stuck sometimes.

Have fun with it, comments are welcome!

--[Edit]--[Script Updated 29-09-2009]--

 LUA 5.1 [API2]

   --- Profile Update 1.1 ---
      By Ravage   20-09-2009
-This script provides commands to change profile of regged users.

-'Get Prof Names in table function' by Mutor (Thx a bunch, for help!)

====[ Description Ver. 1.0 ]============================
[->] Changes Profile of a regged user per command
[->] Gets profile from regged user
[->] Shows all Profiles that are set in Hubsoft
[->] RightClick command Option enabled
[->] Optional, notifies online user about Profile Update
[->] Optional, notifies about Profile Update in OpChat

====[ Description Ver. 1.1 ]============================
[+] Added: Improved Perm. Control for changeprof Command
[+] Added: Extended Function to Profile Permission table

====[ Available Commands Ver. 1.0 ]==============================
[->] !changeprof <username> <profile>  --// change user`s profile
[->] !getprof <username>                  --// get user`s profile
[->] !getprofall              --// Show available Profiles in hub

tCfg = {
----[Bot Configuration]--------------------------------

-- Enter Bot`s name here, leave "", for default Hub Bot
sBotname = "-[ProfileUpdate]-",

-- Bot Description
Desc = "Ver 1.1",

-- Bot Email
Email = "",

-- Reg Bot as OP. Bot is OP = true, / is not OP = false,
Key = true,

----[Notification Confgr.]-----------------------------

-- Notify about Prof. Updates in OPchat
OpNtf = false,

-- Notify the user about Profile update, if online
UsrNtf = false,

----[Command Config.]----------------------------------

-- change user`s profile
CmdProf = "changeprof",

-- get user`s profile
CmdGtPr ="getprof",

-- Show available Profiles in hub
CmdShwPrf = "getprofall",

----[Rightclick Config.]-------------------------------

-- UserCommands available in Context Menu? (Rightclick)
RgClk = true,

-- Main Menu Name
menu = "Profile Update",

----[Profile Command Permission]-----------------------

-- '2' can update any profile (Use this ONLY for Admin)
-- '1' can update lower profile, only
-- '0' No command permission / Disabled
-- Set your permission profiles here:

Profiles = {
[0] = 2, -- Admin / Master
[1] = 1, -- OP
[2] = 0, -- VIP
[3] = 0, -- Reg

          --[End of Configuration Line]--
         --[Do not change anything below]--
OnStartup = function()
if tCfg.sBotname == "" then
local Bta = SetMan.GetString(21)
if Bta then botname = Bta
local Btb = tCfg.sBotname
if Btb then botname = Btb
Core.RegBot(botname, tCfg.Desc, tCfg.Email, tCfg.Key)
tProfs = {}
prx = SetMan.GetString(29)
prxtab = string.sub(prx, 1, 1)
profiles = ""
for i,v in ipairs(ProfMan.GetProfiles()) do
profiles = profiles..v.sProfileName.." / " end
for i,v in ipairs(ProfMan.GetProfiles()) do
tProfs[v.sProfileName] = v.iProfileNumber

fncStart = function()
Core.SendToAll("<"..botname.."> Profile Update Ver. 1.1 by Ravage has been started|")

UserConnected = function(user)

RegConnected,OpConnected = UserConnected,UserConnected

ChatArrival = function(user,data)
local _,_,pfx  = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+(["..prx.."])")
local _,_,cmd  = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+["..prx.."](%w+)")
local _,_,sUsr = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+["..prx.."]%w+%s+(%S+)")
local _,_,sPrf = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+["..prx.."]%w+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)|")
local iPerm = tCfg.Profiles[user.iProfile]
if pfx then
if cmd == tCfg.CmdProf then
if not sUsr or not sPrf then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> Wrong command usage. "..
"Syntax is: !changeprof <nickname> <profilename>|")
return true
if iPerm == 1 or iPerm == 2 then
GetUserInfo(user, sUsr, sPrf, iPerm)
return true
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> You have no permission to use this command|")
return true
if cmd == tCfg.CmdGtPr then
if iPerm == 1 or iPerm == 2 then
GetProf(user, sUsr, prof)
return true
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> You have no permission to use this command|")
return true
if cmd == tCfg.CmdShwPrf then
if iPerm == 1 or iPerm == 2 then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> Hub`s available Profiles are: "..profiles.."|")
return true
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> You have no permission to use this command|")
return true

GetUserInfo = function(user, sUsr, sPrf, iPerm)
if RegMan.GetReg(sUsr) then
if sUsr then
if sPrf then
local Profs = tProfs
if Profs[sPrf] then
ProfNmbr = Profs[sPrf]
local tab = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
local prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(tab.iProfile).sProfileName
PermChk(user, sUsr, ProfNmbr, prof, sPrf, iPerm)
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> No such profile name "..
"as: '"..sPrf.."' available, "..
"please make sure, you have typed the correct profile name.|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> The user: "..
""..sUsr.." couldn`t be found in the registry|")
return true

PermChk = function(user, sUsr, ProfNmbr, prof, sPrf, iPerm)
if iPerm == 2 then
ProfUpd(user, sUsr, ProfNmbr, prof, sPrf)
if iPerm == 1 then
local tab = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
local iProf = tab.iProfile
if user.iProfile > iProf then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> ***Error, "..
"Command restricted. User "..sUsr.." has a higher "..
"profile than you. |")
if user.iProfile == iProf then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> Do you "..
"really wanna change your own profile by "..
"yourself? Please ask the Admin first. |")
if user.iProfile >= ProfNmbr then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> ***Error, "..
"Command restricted. You cannot use profiles "..
"that are equal or higher than your profile |")
ProfUpd(user, sUsr, ProfNmbr, prof, sPrf)

ProfUpd = function(user, sUsr, ProfNmbr, prof, sPrf)
if sUsr then
local pwd = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr).sPassword
RegMan.ChangeReg(sUsr, pwd, ProfNmbr)
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> *** User`s profile "..
"has been updated to: "..sPrf.." |")
if tCfg.OpNtf == true then NotfOp(user ,prof ,sUsr) end
if tCfg.UsrNtf == true then NotfUsr(user, sUsr, prof)
if Core.GetUser(sUsr) then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> *** User "..
"has been informed about Profile Change|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> User is not online!|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> Error, missing Argument!|")
return true

GetProf = function(user, sUsr, prof)
local sUsr = string.sub(sUsr, 1, -2)
local sTabUsr = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
if sTabUsr then
local tab = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
local prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(tab.iProfile).sProfileName
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> "..sUsr.."`s profile is: '""'|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..botname.."> "..sUsr.." is not a registered user.|")

NotfUsr =function(user, sUsr, prof)
local tab = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
local newprf = ProfMan.GetProfile(tab.iProfile).sProfileName
local nick = Core.GetUser(sUsr)
if nick then
local PmMsg = " "..sUsr..", Your old profile: "..
"'""' has been changed to profile: "..
"'"..newprf.."' by "..user.sNick.."."
Core.SendPmToUser(nick, botname, PmMsg)

NotfOp = function(user ,prof ,sUsr)
local tab = RegMan.GetReg(sUsr)
local newprf = ProfMan.GetProfile(tab.iProfile).sProfileName
local opchat = SetMan.GetString(24)
Core.SendPmToOps(opchat, "<"..botname.."> The profile of"..
" user: "..sUsr.." has been updated from '""'"..
" to the new profile: '"..newprf.."' by "..user.sNick.."|")

function UserCmds(user, sUsr)
local iUsrCmd = tCfg.Profiles[user.iProfile]
if iUsrCmd == 1 or iUsrCmd == 2 then
if tCfg.RgClk == true then
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 3 |")
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 3 ""\\ Get User`s Profile$<%[mynick]> "..prxtab..""..tCfg.CmdGtPr.." %[nick]&#124;|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 3 ""\\ Change Profile$<%[mynick]> "..prxtab..""..tCfg.CmdProf.." %[nick] %[line:Enter Profile: "..profiles.."]&#124;|")
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 3 ""\\ Show all Profiles$<%[mynick]> "..prxtab..""..tCfg.CmdShwPrf.."&#124;|")

Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: DeAn on 21 September, 2009, 10:45:24
Nice approach Ravage.. I think if there was a limit of share for particular profiles, so after exceeding that share limit the user automatically switches to the next profile.. For example if the minimum share limit for VIP profile is 100 GB and when a user of reg profile exceeds above 100 GB share, he automatically switches to VIP profile.

A message could be sent to that user "Congrats buddy, you are now switched to VIP Profile as you have crossed the minimum share limit for VIP profile.

I would be thankful if such an addon would be added to this script..

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: TZB on 22 September, 2009, 14:30:04
This scripts good but why such a update.
OK if its updated then the scriptor will have to add the reverser also if the profile lowers share less than 100GB then back to Reg.
Don't you think the script will make the hub Master's a bit lazy? The Master has to just on the script and sit and all the work done by script. :P
Not against the update but its best to have VIP's and OP's on Hub whom you know.Rather than classify them on share basis but even if its done it should be done manually or else there are clients by which user can increase their share by using fake share clients and get themselves a  updated profile.
Its all my own views.Nothing personal.
Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: Yahoo on 25 September, 2009, 15:20:16
i agree with TZB
nice script Ravage
Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: Ravage on 27 September, 2009, 22:38:14

Hey ppl. I was working on the script again and made some changes to it, due some security reasons.
I have noticed that in the Version 1.0 , any user, that the 'changeprof' command is given to, was
able to change the profile from any user to any profile, even his own.

So in case one of your Ops has updated himself to an Admin 'accidently',
do not panic and blame me instead.  ;D

Script Version 1.0 is no longer available, and has been replaced to Version 1.1.
The new version has a better permission handling now, see the description below.

----[Profile Command Permission]-----------------------

-- '2' can update any profile (Use this ONLY for Admin)
-- '1' can update lower profile, only
-- '0' No command permission / Disabled
-- Set your permission profiles here:

Profiles = {
[0] = 2, -- Admin / Master
[1] = 1, -- OP
[2] = 0, -- VIP
[3] = 0, -- Reg

If the value '2' is set to the command permission table, then, as the description above describes,
any profile from any user can be changed

if value '1' is set, then profiles can only be changed from users with lower profile. If this
hierarchy structure is affected then it will be mentioned by messages as follow...

<-[ProfileUpdate]-> ***Error, Command restricted. You cannot use profiles that are equal or higher than your profile.

<-[ProfileUpdate]-> ***Error, Command restricted. User [OP]TestOp has a higher profile than you.

<-[ProfileUpdate]-> Do you really wanna change your own profile by yourself? Please ask the Admin first.

I hope this let you slumber calmly.
Enjoy, reports are welcome!

Title: Profile Update
Post by: atonal on 27 September, 2009, 23:33:42
well the scripts is good, for me is bether one hub working with only scripts
is becase to many OP, master are lazy,

my request is more security scripts and less OP and master in to Hub?s

ejempl:  if one user broke the rules bunnnn out kick from  security script,  lol

Most the time  OP or master are sleeping, lol

Recewinds  is good i block stuped Many Old dc
and fani nicks

well brother thanks for all scripts beutifull i habe in to Recewinds, habe good day
Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: DeAn on 28 September, 2009, 11:24:03
I think you are right TZB, but that addon can be only put till VIP profile. Not more than that.. As atonal said,
QuoteMost the time  OP or master are sleeping, lol
I think still it would be better if that addon could be added till profile VIP.

Thanks In Advance
Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: Ravage on 30 September, 2009, 14:41:43
I think still it would be better if that addon could be added till profile VIP.

Hi DeAn,

Regarding your earlier request, i think as a matter of principle, it is
a bad idea to benefit somebody just because of the amount of share.
Besides, as some people mentioned, it is neither guaranteed if a specific user
can hold his share after his update, nor if the users share is gonna meet
your expecrtations at all.

I have started to work on something similiar to your request, some days ago.
The auto profile update itself will be based on something different than
the amount of share.

In consideration of that I?m still a learning script noob, it will take some
time until some functions will work, but i promise to come up  with
something soon, or Leastwise, i am trying.

Title: Re: Profile Update 1.0 [LUA 5.1] [API2]
Post by: DeAn on 01 October, 2009, 07:27:19
Thank you very much Ravage.. I'll be looking forward for that.

Thanks In Advance