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Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Finished Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: chaggydawg on 03 May, 2004, 00:28:36

Title: DawgBot 0.9 Released
Post by: chaggydawg on 03 May, 2004, 00:28:36
[EDIT]   0.91 Is Out now  [EDIT]

I have released DawgBot 0.9, I added a few things, fixed a few things, etc. etc.   It's my Full hub managing/security script  Please check it out and let me know if you like it  :) (heck let me know if you don't like it, but please include some suggestions if so hehe.)

All the details and setup help and list of features/commands are here: (
Post by: [G-T-E]Gate? on 03 May, 2004, 00:42:01
On to it, best  get a Java while Iam reading..
Post by: chaggydawg on 04 May, 2004, 14:32:27
well.... poopy sticks....   I messed up in the client checker portion..... didn't realise some clients would have letters in their V. numbers. 9.1 out soon i guess in the meantime if anyone is using it comment out the checker portion:

it looks like:

--/ Allowed Clients checker
if (strsub(Data,1,7) == "$MyINFO") and not curUser.bOperator then
local ccClient,ccSpeed,ccShare,ccTag = sParseMyInfo(Data)
if AllowClients[ccClient]~=1 then
curUser:SendData(BotName," "..ccClient.." is not allowed here !")
local t1 = clock()
while clock() < t1+.2 do
if ( ccTag["S"]==nil or ccTag["H"]==nil ) then
curUser:SendData(BotName,"You are hiding your Tag!")
local t1 = clock()
while clock() < t1+.2 do
elseif ( tonumber(ccTag["V"]) < tonumber(AllowedClientVersions[ccClient]) ) then

curUser:SendData("<"..secbot..">    You Must Upgrade Your Client To Atleast "..ccClient.." v"..AllowedClientVersions[ccClient])
local t1 = clock()
while clock() < t1+.2 do
--/ End Allowed Clients checker

change to:

--/ Allowed Clients checker
-- if (strsub(Data,1,7) == "$MyINFO") and not curUser.bOperator then
-- local ccClient,ccSpeed,ccShare,ccTag = sParseMyInfo(Data)
-- if AllowClients[ccClient]~=1 then
-- curUser:SendData(BotName," "..ccClient.." is not allowed here !")
-- local t1 = clock()
-- while clock() < t1+.2 do
-- --sleep
-- end
-- curUser:Disconnect()
-- else
-- if ( ccTag["S"]==nil or ccTag["H"]==nil ) then
-- curUser:SendData(BotName,"You are hiding your Tag!")
-- local t1 = clock()
-- while clock() < t1+.2 do
-- --sleep
-- end
-- curUser:Disconnect()
-- elseif ( tonumber(ccTag["V"]) < tonumber(AllowedClientVersions[ccClient]) ) then
-- curUser:SendData("<"..secbot..">    You Must Upgrade Your Client To Atleast "..ccClient.." v"..AllowedClientVersions[ccClient])
-- local t1 = clock()
-- while clock() < t1+.2 do
-- --sleep
-- end
-- curUser:Disconnect()
-- end
-- end
-- end
--/ End Allowed Clients checker

Title: DawgBot 0.91 released
Post by: chaggydawg on 04 May, 2004, 22:31:19
Ok I fixed up the client checker and added command to disable/enable it via the hub chat.  Now you must put each allowed version of each Client into the table, you'll see it in there. Just follow the format.  Use the link at begining of this thread, or in my signature to go to dawgbot info/download page.