PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Finished Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: Corayzon on 18 April, 2004, 04:14:03

Title: cSlave
Post by: Corayzon on 18 April, 2004, 04:14:03
cSlave 0.3.0 [b1.7]
:: Working with cSlave to get the functionality you deserve (cSlave settings scripts) ::

   cSlave is a programable ptokax server administration script. It allows easy intergration of
setting up and controling most aspects of the server. This is all done via a bunch of well
organised and documented settings scripts which are located in the 'cSlave Settings' folder
in the base directory for your ptokax scripts.
Features ::

editable profile names and levels!
editable command names, levels, usages!
editable hub messages!
editable away-back system!
editable release system!
editable kicking system! (including seemless offline banning system!)
editable registering system!
editable slots checking system! (for ptokax releases with bad slots checking!)
editable gaging system!
editable client checking system!
editable hub protection system!
editable search and download filters!
editable download blockers!
editable fantastic logging system!
updated routines for processing connections quicker then ever!
updatedable mainframe for cSlave updates!
This is one of ptokax's most powerfull hub scripts that allows the entire hub to operate
the way you want it to! I hope ptokax hubowners have as much fun with
it as i had making it!
cSlave_v0.3.0_[b1.7].rar can be downloaded from the cslave ftp ( or if you cant get access
to the ftp, you can download it from this mirror (
Post by: Snooze on 18 April, 2004, 04:56:10
Looking good :))

 -Fighting a bad headache from working with tables
Title: 030b08debug
Post by: Corayzon on 20 April, 2004, 01:03:25
cSlave v0.3.0 beta [Debug 0.8] is now out!
Post by: Snooze on 20 April, 2004, 01:18:01
Hmm.. the download link isnt working for me .. ?


Odd ... the 4th or 5th time i tryed it worked ??
Post by: Corayzon on 20 April, 2004, 06:08:14
yea...if the servers full and ur using windows, then it will show the login screen =[

stupid windows ftp client!
Post by: Corayzon on 20 April, 2004, 14:24:57
just fixed up some shit with the userinfo database, and added more client info to the +getinfo command

just started to implement the userinfo database to the +getinfo command for when users are offline

fixed up alot of other small bugs...
Post by: Corayzon on 23 April, 2004, 09:26:41
just done a little work while had time

- User info database added!
- +getinfo fix for offline statistics
- +offlineban fixed!
- filelimiters and cleaners added to stop statistics files growing hugh and holding the server process on user entry processing
Post by: Corayzon on 24 April, 2004, 03:59:45
cslave 030 (1.0) is out!

- large scale problems with offline userinfo fixed!!! (for good) no more laggin while the server process's the userinfo file
- +changeusername added
- userinfo options added to target user types and decrease the userinfo filesize
- userinfo clearing timer added to clear the useinfo file on x hours
- new database.lua functions added to decrease file rereading! (about 2 times faster now)
- kicking error fixed with showrulesonban and showrulesonkick, now the rules are being shown!
Post by: Xico on 24 April, 2004, 05:54:20
I just can't download your script. What am I doing wrong? Neither with the link or with an FTP Client ....

All the best
Post by: Corayzon on 24 April, 2004, 10:19:54
Client Checking Added!

- client type checking
- max slots checking
- passive mode checking
- bandwidth limiter checking
- smart fake info checking!

part of settings.lua
-- Client Checking;
client = {} -- To Move ::
enableclientchecking = yes
client["oDc"] = no
client["DC++"] = yes
client["DC:PRO"] = yes
client["DCGUI"] = yes
client["DCTC"] = yes
client["DCGUI"] = yes
client["NeoModus 2"] = yes
client["Italian DC++"] = yes
client["zDC++"] = yes
client["MS++V"] = yes
client["DC++k CDM"] = no
client["Phantom DC++"] = yes
client["Unknown"] = no
badclientmsg = "*** Your client is not allowed on this server! :: #e"

enablemaxslotscheck = yes
maxslots = 25
maxslotsmsg = "*** Maximum open slots allowed on server is #e"

disconnectnoinfo = yes
disconnectnoinfomsg = "*** Invalid User Info String Returned! '#e'"
disconnectpassiveusers = no
disconectpassiveusersmsg = "*** Passive Users Are Not Welcome Here!"
disconnectbandwidthlimiters = yes
disconnectbandwidthlimitersmsg = "*** Bandwidth limiters are not welcome here"
Post by: Corayzon on 25 April, 2004, 09:40:14
cslave 0.3.0 (1.2) is out!

- slots checking complete! (complete slots checking system)
- slots checking profile disabler (checkslots["profilename"] = yes\no)
- secondary welcome msg template added
- client checking issues and bugs fixed
- and quite a few more bugs fixed
Post by: Corayzon on 29 April, 2004, 17:34:10
release 0.30beta debug[1.8] is out!

its allmost at the final release state after some more major new features are added...


H e l p   T e m p l a t e

+help - shows this dialog
+rules - shows the rules dialog
+network - shows the network dialog
+motd - shows the hub motd
+sfv - shows info about sfv checking downloads

+away - sets ur status to away
+back - sets ur status to back
+awaylist - shows a list of the away users

+getinfo - shows info about a username
+myinfo - shows info about ur own username
+hubinfo - shows info about the hub

+reguser - registers a username to a profile
+unreg - unregisters a username from a profile
+rereg - reregisters a username to a new profile
+reglist - shows a list of the usernames registered to the profilename
+changeuser - changes your username
+changepass - changes your password
+reqreg - sends a request to all ops for you to be registered

+rls - shows a list of the latest releases
+rls - shows all matching releases, eg +rls 2004
+rls full - shows the entire release list