PtokaX forum

Stuff => Offtopic => Topic started by: Corayzon on 12 May, 2004, 05:14:40

Title: Request :: A new forum for ppl to post there hubinfo on
Post by: Corayzon on 12 May, 2004, 05:14:40
heya guys...

just been reading through some posts as normal and came across the post 'post hubs here' in some board...

and started thinking it would be good to have a new section something like 'Our Servers', that sounds bad but... wanna here what u think bout this one...

Post by: [NL]Pur on 12 May, 2004, 13:12:34
why do you think i closed that topic?
Post by: Corayzon on 12 May, 2004, 13:47:58
it appears as though its in the wrong place...i really dont know, could be for any reason for all i know...and im not saying anyone should do, i just simply asking other ppl what they think...

so you tell me please =]
Post by: NotRabidWombat on 12 May, 2004, 15:43:52
How ironic that you closed that thread but have an advertisement for your hub in every post you send ;-)

Post by: [NL]Pur on 12 May, 2004, 16:13:41
yup, well my hub is for dutch ppl only, so 95% is of forum isn't able to get in.

and i'm still in search of someone joining my network. so i can't redirect all those foreign ppl.

why i closed it,
       - Most ppl here are hubowners not in search for a hub.

       - lots of ppl hate it on te forum when you advertise. (look at the reactions in the offtopic thread)

       - It 's a lua forum, so why opening a separte part for advertisement? You really think ppl gonna read it ?