PtokaX forum

PtokaX => Support => Topic started by: BlazeXxX on 29 October, 2003, 01:56:27

Title: Meaning of PtokaX ?
Post by: BlazeXxX on 29 October, 2003, 01:56:27
What is the meanin of Ptokax Guys? I was wondering since start.. but only figured out some of it :p

Pt = Ptaczek

What abt the rest? Maybe this question is stupid, but i always wanted to knwo the meaning of it :D
Post by: ptaczek on 29 October, 2003, 03:56:00
Think of it as about the biggest joke I did ;) The word means absolutely nothing. It's an artifitialy synthesized word that I've "compiled" after few tries with leters. Sorry about that ;D It's not similar to any word of my language (im not sure about other languages) and I've choosed it out of pure curiosity. The idea behind it is: "How popular can be a piece of software with name that means nothing at all?" ;)
Post by: BlazeXxX on 29 October, 2003, 18:02:02
Haha Cool :) I like the way you named it.. I thought it makes sense in some lanaguage :D