PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Request for Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: Acidpadd on 09 March, 2005, 10:49:15

Title: -->Rightclick for ca.25 little scripts<--
Post by: Acidpadd on 09 March, 2005, 10:49:15
Hello, i am new here!

I want request an script, if`s posseble to create it.  :D
I am not use an Channelbot ore securitybot robocop becurse i use little scripts.(i found for robo already)
But wat i need is an script ware i can edit my own commands for the little scripts with an sub main Menu with his own name wat i like (Withouth Robo ore some kind like it) ? is that posseble ?

It wil be very nice if you can look for an Bot hider Script to (i have seen mutch hubs with 15 bots) i want thake care that on my hub on the biggining not more Bots than users online being online than :=).
Ore an cind of it to hide Bots and ops

thanks for atention .... :))
Post by: Cid on 09 March, 2005, 11:26:11
just use the same botname for all scripts... if the commands are different that is.

then only one bot shows in the userlist.
Post by: Acidpadd on 09 March, 2005, 13:59:58
i tryt to run the sript from Rightclicker for Robo .. but he doned work. i do not use robo! .... that script was thinking it is only for robo .. isn`t ?

-- 1=on / 0=off
SendTo = {
Title: ricghtcklik
Post by: (NL)waarom on 14 April, 2005, 22:51:13
hai Acidpadd
trey this one

-- rightclicker
Bot = "Richtclik"   -- your main bot here
SendComm = 1    -- Send user command [right click] "1"=yes "0"=no
fMenu = "-=( Rightcklik )=-" -- funMenu Name

SetTo = {
Post by: Quattro on 16 April, 2005, 12:09:36
This can only work if robocop profiles are installed or he has the exact same levels....