PtokaX forum

PtokaX => Support => Topic started by: BlazeXxX on 23 November, 2003, 23:38:30

Title: 8Gb Per Day Usuage for only 300 users?
Post by: BlazeXxX on 23 November, 2003, 23:38:30
Hi Guys,
I am using Ptokax IceCube IV Build 1 with scripts like:
IP Ranger
Security Admin 666
Lucifier anti advertiser
Nick Taken bot by Skrollster
Welcome msg to newbies script

Thats all.. And what my question is, the Hub is over using the bandwidth recently.. For every one hr , its using 450mb+ bandwidth in and outs..

The most peak users i had was 350 and mostly its at 300.. I have no clue why its using up this much :S

Can anyone suggest me what cud be teh reason ? or is it normal for this amount of users with those bots running ?

Post by: SaintSinner on 24 November, 2003, 13:45:31
are you using the webserver, does the internal webserver add to the calculation?
Post by: BlazeXxX on 24 November, 2003, 16:39:43
Nope... The IceCube IV Versions doesn't allow u to switch on the webserver.. So nope.. webserver is disabled..

Pls help me out as the hub has used 350gb bandwidth within a month time for only 300-350 average users :S
Post by: SaintSinner on 24 November, 2003, 17:25:40
are you using the hubserver to calculate the totals
and not an external network monitoring tool?

look at the activity window and see if there are alot more CMD or CHAT than normal?
where did you download the hubserver from, i notice that ptakec no longer has it (icecube) avalible on his website so if you got it from one of these other sources like external to the lua community (us),....i would seriously question the integrity of the file (Hacked)

download the hubserver again
start up a new server maybe on port 412 and have a couple of users connect see how that goes.
Post by: pHaTTy on 24 November, 2003, 17:27:48
Hmm that dont sound bad actually, remember for every conenction made it uses a bit of bandwidth even if they connect to someone then disconnect adn coennct agen, it uses your server to tell the other client $conencttome etc etc so.............if alot of peeps are downloading then..........................well you get where im going......................just kick low sharers min share 50GB or sumit thas what i do, but on the other hand most of time i dont i can have as much as i can take he he he

13TB in 2 days wasnt bad lolz
Post by: BlazeXxX on 24 November, 2003, 20:06:52
Hmmm nope.. What i am getting to is.. When i was on a differenet line.. I had same amount of users and same hub soft.. But for the past few months.. the usuage is so high.. No clue :S
Post by: [NL]Pur on 01 December, 2003, 11:48:16
have you measured bandwitdth usage with a external program too , just too compare if it's the same?
Post by: BlazeXxX on 01 December, 2003, 12:16:27
Hmm Yes.. The external one is alos stating like 8GB + .. Now TD4 is killing me with 10 - 15 GB per day usuage :( I am only having like 350 peak users.. And robocop running at the bg..

See if there is any pbm or is it natural ?
Post by: SaintSinner on 01 December, 2003, 13:32:35
QuoteOriginally posted by BlazeXxX
Hmm Yes.. The external one is alos stating like 8GB + .. Now TD4 is killing me with 10 - 15 GB per day usuage :( I am only having like 350 peak users.. And robocop running at the bg..

See if there is any pbm or is it natural ?

Didnt you already state it was becouse you had a hacker in your system in another thread?
Post by: BlazeXxX on 02 December, 2003, 12:48:23
I thought it was a hacker who is boosting my bandwidth , but its not.. He wasn't originally a hacker .. some stupid kid ! When i switched to TD4 , it increased from 9GB per day to 12GB a day for just 300 users? All I am asking is, does your hubs uses this much for this amount of users? Or is it just for me ?
Post by: SaintSinner on 02 December, 2003, 13:36:41
i think its just you,
i dont think even the big hubs have that much traffic
going throught them, especially per day,
what scripts are you running, i have noticed that when
i run a gamescript where everyone gets involved, it
jacks up the trasfer ALOT, but not as mucha 8-9 gigs per day.
Post by: BlazeXxX on 03 December, 2003, 00:19:21
Hmm.. i am using Robocop latest version, lucifier anti advertiser, one welcome msg known as rule showing.. and few little scripts..
Post by: Sudds on 30 May, 2004, 01:12:48
I think if u use different scripts it wil be alot less robocop uses alot and the more scripts u use the more bandwith.
So use a script like glory securitaz or gekko as these use alot less than robocop and remove all the other scripts and u will use alot less bandwith, i
Post by: NotRabidWombat on 30 May, 2004, 04:51:11
Wait wait wait. A LOT of these statements don't even make sense. The number of scripts has NOTHING to do with bandwidth. If the scripts _sends_ a lot of messages, then it will matter.
The ConnectToMe / RevConnectToMe are also insignificant (unless someone is spamming with them).

Typically, a lot of bandwidth is used for a person connecting through (Hello, GetInfo, MyInfo, etc). You could set up a script to monitor how many times a person connects/disconnects from the same IP. This is the equivalent to a silent flood.

The same goes for passive searching, since all search results must be returned through the hub. This isn't such a problem with the timeout built into Ptokax, but a group of people could easily flood a hub exploiting this.

Maybe I'll get around to making a script to try to report these possible exploits. Probably not.
