PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 5.1 boards => Request for scripts => Topic started by: Razzoorr on 27 September, 2006, 10:21:03

Title: Clean Screen for LUA5.1 & Op Hide Sher
Post by: Razzoorr on 27 September, 2006, 10:21:03
Pls can someone make me a script like the old !cls and something for hideing op share? I would be tankfull
Title: Re: Clean Screen for LUA5.1 & Op Hide Sher
Post by: Herodes on 27 September, 2006, 12:04:45
There is your clear screen ;)
--- SimpleClearMain by Herodes
--- request by Razzoorr

function ChatArrival( user, data )
if user.bOperator then
if string.find( data, "%b<>%s+[%!%+%?%-%.%#]cls") then
SendToAll( string.rep("\r\n", 200).." chat cleaned ;) )
return 1;
As for the other request there is some in the forum as far as I can remember,.. try searching.
Most probably the cls script is on the forum too.. but I wouldn't bother searching for you ;)
Title: Re: Clean Screen for LUA5.1 & Op Hide Sher
Post by: Razzoorr on 18 October, 2006, 20:26:15
Thanks a million i'd searched the forum but to my shame i missed the cls script.
Posted on: 30 September 2006, 23:21:12
One more request I'll just say it hear no use creating a new topic. I tryed to search a HideSher script but i coude't find anything. Can someone please help me ?
Title: Re: Clean Screen for LUA5.1 & Op Hide Sher
Post by: Naithif on 19 October, 2006, 00:19:30
If you want to hide your share from userlist only then search for Hawk's share hider
-- Ops Share Hider Script By ??????Hawk??????
If you want real share hide like even if users download your list get's only an empty list, use a client with share hide feature...
Title: Re: Clean Screen for LUA5.1 & Op Hide Sher
Post by: Razzoorr on 19 October, 2006, 16:23:35
I have found it! Tnks mate ! U saved my life  ;D