PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Request for scripts => Topic started by: BrotherBear on 08 July, 2008, 00:20:43

Title: ChatRoom Script like Report2Ops!
Post by: BrotherBear on 08 July, 2008, 00:20:43

We have DJ's that want a place where the users can add their Request and that the Users just se what they are typing and the DJ's see's all the users Requests.

Is there any script out, have searched but did not find what I wanted?

I am running Ptokax

Thanks in Advance!


Title: Re: ChatRoom Script like Report2Ops!
Post by: BrotherBear on 08 July, 2008, 06:56:57
Hehe, me and my explaining :D

What I ment was that User 1 type a Request in this ChatRoom, user 2 do the same but don't see what user 1 has typed vice versa.
The only one that can see what user 1 and user 2 has typed is a user from for example Profile Moderator.
A Chatroom where Users can Only Write and see what THEY have typed and a DJ that can See ALL users typing.
This is to make it easier for the DJ to overlook the Requests.
If every user send an PM to the DJ they will be filled with PM Windows.

OP's is not needed to see the chat.

What I ment by Report2Ops is that it is what I describe above.

Or if you have other solutions to this, it is most welcome :)

I will checkout the SpareChat 1.0b LUA 5.11 [Strict][API 2]


Title: Re: ChatRoom Script like Report2Ops!
Post by: BrotherBear on 10 July, 2008, 05:26:34
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Thanks Mutor :D

Exactly what i was after :)

