IP-name ban (aka resolve ip-name) script?


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IP-name ban (aka resolve ip-name) script?

Started by Skyhawk, 15 January, 2004, 01:29:58

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Hi there,

i was wondering...

Is there a way to ban someone using a fixed IP name like: xyz.dyndns.org

eg. if you don't want the owner/hoster of another hub to enter your own hub.

the script would have to accomplish the following:

1.  get the name(s) of banned adresses (in a txt file / addable/deletable).

2. resolve all names to IP adresses.

3. check those ip's if they are connected to the hub (the hub the script is running on)

4. disconnect/kick/ban those IP adresses.

If anyone could help me with this...

THANKS in advance.


i don't think there is a script which bans a ip like  xyz.dyndns.org because dat is only used 2 connect 2 the hub it ain't used as ipz to connect 2 a hub. all u can do is put a advertising script up to stop poeple from advertising. i recomend the lucifer advertising script as it is very powerful, u should be able 2 find it in the forum. lol  :D


well i posted this in request for scripts.

The reason:

I don't want certain hubowners from other hubs entering my hub with their IP.

But since those IP's change constantly i need a script that pulls the current ip's from their hub ip-names.

Understand now?

Please help.


what he means is that ppl cant get into your hub with those type of addresses, the only way someone can get into your hub is by letting their ip address be known to the hub.

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