User who changes IPs.....


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User who changes IPs.....

Started by Dj_OcTaGoN, 08 September, 2004, 19:06:53

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Is there any way to stop users who can change IP from getting into a hub? Happens all the time when f.e kicking someone for abusing language and they comes back just to flood their insults... Is there any unique code for each user? like client code or something......

(guess this question has been up before....)

              cheers // Dj_OcTaGoN


you can try banning an IP range, but then you are gonna lose 255*255 users ^^

Nickban and ipban is not enough against these users... I can rip rangeban from lawmaker, but its not a good idea, i say.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Perhaps e beginning of solution : ban IP + name + description + mail
A lot of time, their IP and name change but they forgot to change Description and/or mail



Yeah i know, and im not positive to ban a whole IP Range lol


description and email ban? hmmmm gonna implement that one into lawmaker lol
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


hmmm, if the ip's are all way different, but it's the same lame
person bugging you...
blocking socks 5 users might help, if that is how they
are getting the new ip...  not like you can really dl from
socks 5 users anyways.. not with any descent speed at

just an idea...


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Quoteblocking socks 5 users might help

Hmm.. good idea, though how would you go about doing that ?



seach the myinfo for M:5... if found... executeCrap() !



Compiling  Lua scripts is LAME!!!!!


Hi all,
Problem seems pretty complicated... there's a discussion about this on the dc++ forum, but it's not going very far :/

I'd love to see a way of making bans more effective, I just don't know how to go about it :rolleyes:
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QuoteOriginally posted by BottledHate
seach the myinfo for M:5... if found... executeCrap() !



Hehe - thanks


QuoteOriginally posted by bastya_elvtars
description and email ban? hmmmm gonna implement that one into lawmaker lol
I recall watching a script that does one of the two ..
I think it was the email ... but search and ye shall find :)


QuoteOriginally posted by BottledHate
seach the myinfo for M:5... if found... executeCrap() !



Some clients hide this, Dc Stealth hides the M:5 replaces with client status, passive or active, only way truly of blocking is having a huge list and putting them in something like protowall
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