Chat and leech blockers


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Chat and leech blockers

Started by koji_nanami, 05 February, 2005, 11:34:40

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I'm setting up my server so that new unregged users cannot chat in mainchat, getlist, search and download.

I've used leechblocker and it seems to work blocking search getlist and download but as soon as an op get the unregged list of shared this user can get the op list. Someone replied that it's a known problem and the only way to avoid this is that the op has to close connetion manually to this unregged  so that he becames again blocked. But there is a way to automatize it or another script that those all blocking and auto reblock?

I've also prob with the chatblocker. I want unregged users to be unable to chat in main but as soon as an unregged joins I see in the middle of the wellcome three messagges "you cannot chat in mainroom" and after that every pm or chat tentative makes the chatbloker bot replay in mainchat (visible to everyone)  "you cannot chat in ...."
It's possible to set it up so that only mainchat is blocked for unregged and pm and chat in other rooms is enabled?
And that the bot doesnt reply in main but in pm or status bar???



Please help !!! =)

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