Min video Share Bot


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Min video Share Bot

Started by devilixx, 13 November, 2003, 01:55:57

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Aim: This bot tries to guess the videos shared by a new user, and kicks him off, if it's below 3gb. Its a *shitty* hack of an old search kick script I picked up here.

Status: I'm making it search for 9 video and 1 mp3 types. The MP3 search is more like a terminating condition. The moment MP3 results come in, we evaluate whether the user has shared enough data or not. The *hitch* being that the bot NEVER fetches more than 20 search results. Hence it never gets to the mp3 search results( at which pt it'd terminate,plus we assume that any user will have one mp3 atleast )

Any workarounds?
Here is the code:
--Borrowed from FileCheck
--// useful stuff
botName = "FileCheck"
disconnectUser = nil -- disconnect the user, nil = don't
-- opchatName = "-TropiCo-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
mb = 1024 * 1024
gb = 1024 * mb
iter = 0 -- initialize this counter for each video type search
-- Timer value, will send search for 1 of the file on all users at each timer
timerValue = 50*1000 -- Every 10 seconds (higher value will reduce load)
useTimer = 1 -- set to 1 to enable timer functions

minVideos = 3 * gb -- minimum 3gb of videos must be shared
sharesize = 0 -- set this to zero at every Iteration.
vidTypes  = 10 -- How many video types do we deal with?

-- FIXME -includes the last dummy wmf as a termination condition

prevBot = "0" -- Which was the latest sub-bot we received data from?

counter = 1
--// do not modify this table, lookup the meanings in the $Search section in the protocol documentation
SearchTypes = {
   ANY = 1,
   AUDIO = 2,
   DOCUMENT = 4,
   IMAGE = 6,
   VIDEO = 7,
   FOLDER = 8, -- do not use FOLDER's! the $SR's are formatted differently

st = SearchTypes
--// MODIFY THIS TABLE <-------
--      { searchType, words[, minimumSize[, regexMatch]] }
SearchFor = {
   ["You're NOT sharing enough videos!"] = {
      { st.VIDEO, ".avi", "avi$" },
      { st.VIDEO, ".mpeg","mpeg$"},
      { st.VIDEO, ".mov", "mov$" },
      { st.VIDEO, ".mpg", "mpg$" },
      { st.ANY  , ".dat", "dat$" },
      { st.VIDEO, ".asf", "asf$" },
      { st.ANY, ".divx", "divx$" },
      { st.VIDEo, ".wmv", "wmv$" },
      { st.ANY, ".vob", "vob$" },
      { st.ANY, ".mp3", "mp3$" },


--// convert the tables
SearchTable = {}
ResultTable = {}

function Main()
   botLen = strlen( botName )
   prevBot = "Blah"
   local i = 0 -- add the serial botnames in here as well.. so the user doesn't think he is flooded by one person
   iter = 0
   for k,v in SearchFor do
      for _,search in v do
         -- add $Search
         local s = "$Search Hub:"..botName..i.." "
         s = s.."F?F?0"
         -- Removed the size criterion
         s = s.."?"..search[1].."?"..gsub( search[2], " ", "$" ).."|"
         tinsert( SearchTable, s )
         -- add $SR match
         local idx = strlower( search[2] )
         ResultTable[idx] = { msg = k }
         if search[3] then ResultTable[idx].regex = strlower( search[3] ) end
         -- next..
         i = i + 1
   st, SearchTypes, SearchFor = nil, nil, nil

   -- set options
   if opchatName then
      messageFunc = SendToOps
      messageFunc = SendPmToOps
      opchatName = botName
   if useTimer then SetTimer(timerValue) StartTimer() end

-- on new user
function NewUserConnected( client )
   sharesize = 0
   iter = 0
   prevBot = "FileCheck0"
   foreachi(SearchTable, function(_, v) %client:SendData( v ) end)

-- on $SR
function DataArrival( client, line )
   --client:SendData("Checking botID as:"..prevBot.." presently at "..(sharesize/gb).." Gbytes")
   local ret,c,to = strfind( line, "\005([^\005|]*)|$" )
   if ( to ~= prevBot ) then
   prevBot = to

   local match = nil
   local gigs = 0
   local curr_bot = prevBot   

   if strsub( line, 1, 4 ) == "$SR " then
      -- test if it was a result to us only
      local ret,c,to = strfind( line, "\005([^\005|]*)|$" )

      if ret and strsub( to, 1, botLen ) == botName then

         local ret,c,file,size = strfind( line, "^%$SR [^ ]+ ([^\005]*)\005([0-9]+) " )
         if ret then
            file = strlower( file )
            for k,v in ResultTable do
               if ( v.regex and strfind( file, v.regex ) ) or ( not v.regex and strfind( file, k, 1, 1 ) ) then
                  --unlike prev bot, here we must ADD the sizes!
                  match = 1
                  sharesize = sharesize + size
                  --warn( client, file.." ("..(size/mb).." MB)", " " ) --earlier was v.msg
   iter = iter + 1
   client:SendData( ": presently at "..(sharesize/gb).." Gbytes")

   -- disconnect user
   if sharesize > minVideos then
   gigs = sharesize/ gb
   client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You have shared enough videos, "..gig2.." Gbytes.Welcome!!" )
   return 1
   if prevBot == "FileCheck10" then -- meaning we've searched for all files.
      if (not match or sharesize < minVideos ) and not client.bOperator then
         -- If client hasnt shared videos or lesser than minVideos, kick him
         gigs = sharesize / gb
         client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You havent shared enough videos, only "..gigs.." Gbytes" )
         return 1
      end --( not match )
   gigs = sharesize / gb
   client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You have shared enough videos, only "..gig2.." Gbytes.Welcome!!" )
   return 1
   end -- for (iter==vidTypes)

function warn( client, file, response )
   -- send message to user
   client:SendData( "<"..prevBot.."> You are sharing the following file: "..file..": "..response )
   if client.bOperator then return end
   message = client.sName.." shares: "..file
   -- send message to all Operators
   --messageFunc( opchatName, message )
   SendPmToOps( opchatName, botName )

function OnTimer()
   if SearchTable.n < 1 then return end
   counter = counter + 1
   if counter > SearchTable.n then counter =1 end


I've seen attempts on such scripts in the past. None worked... :-(

About the 20 search results... don't you always get MAX 5 results?
[ > DC - UniteD < ]


QuoteOriginally posted by klownietklowniet
I've seen attempts on such scripts in the past. None worked... :-(

About the 20 search results... don't you always get MAX 5 results?

Now that you mention .... yes, it was 5 per category like MPG/MPEG/DAT.

But how can this be overcome??


QuoteOriginally posted by devilixx
QuoteOriginally posted by klownietklowniet
I've seen attempts on such scripts in the past. None worked... :-(
About the 20 search results... don't you always get MAX 5 results?
Now that you mention .... yes, it was 5 per category like MPG/MPEG/DAT.
But how can this be overcome??
learn c++ and alter the source from dc++k.
in theory all you have 2 do is change forbidden files 2 allowed and add the sizes.
can't help you with that as i don't know c++ (want 2 learn it but no time).

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


QuoteOriginally posted by plop

learn c++ and alter the source from dc++k.
in theory all you have 2 do is change forbidden files 2 allowed and add the sizes.
can't help you with that as i don't know c++ (want 2 learn it but no time).


I just dont get this.
a. phatty told me to use dc++k myself. But what is it, where can I download, that I cannot find in searches. Can anyone PM me that?
b. Im working on PtokAx. Where did dc++k come into the picture then??

Care to explain further?


dc++k is a patched dc++ client.
it can automaticly check filelists for fake shares the moment a user connects 2 your hub.
beside fake shares it can search the whole share (it downloads the list) for bad files (junk and forbidden).
if you want a stable version (forbidden files doesn't fully work, so far i seen it report it 2x) just send a blanco email 2 dcplusplusK@plop.nl.
it will be send 2 you in a mather of minutes, inc a short manual, link 2 a full manual and homepage.
http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<

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