Octavo v1.0.2 Lua 5.1 Edition


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Octavo v1.0.2 Lua 5.1 Edition

Started by Rincewind, 16 July, 2006, 20:20:08

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Octavo v1.0.2 Lua 5.1 Edition is now available for download here.

This is an updated version of the Octavo. It has little new functionality but does fix several bugs and issues from v1.0.1. Read the changelog on the download page for full details of what is available in this new version.


Hi Rincewind!

The link does not work, the page is black and empty :(



Ok, my bad I had the wrong page ID. First post has had the link editied.





No problem. Let me know if you have any problems or requests  ;)


Yes I have 2 request :)

I have activated RightClick, Roulette, SlotMachine, ThreeCardMonty, Ascii and PM2OPS and in the
rightclick menu there is Information and the stuff that I didn't activate is there to, like information about
Trivia, Email etc.

Is there any chance to get only the stuff that I had activated to appear in Information?

I would like to have the possibillity to choose where the Trivia shold appear, in Main or PM to Bot.

Thanks for this GREAT Script it is awsome :)



Quote from: BrotherBear on 18 July, 2006, 15:34:41

2.I would like to have the possibillity to choose where the Trivia shold appear, in Main or PM to Bot.

Thanks for this GREAT Script it is awsome :)

And the anagrams too :) please


The information is Ascii the same as the Ascii Art. I just ship that stuff as default so it is there if people want to use it. If you don't want it use the GUI and go to the Ascii page and delete the stuff you don;t want showing.

You'll probably need to do the same with the Rotating Message if you use that as well.

In terms of playing in PM, this is something I know Alexinno has asked for previously. 3.2 will be a wrap of some bugs and small features. I will then do v4 which will be multilanguage and then will address the main/pm for the games. I'm afraid that it will take me a while to get to it gut it has not been forgotten I assure you.


Quote from: Rincewind on 18 July, 2006, 17:28:06
The information is Ascii the same as the Ascii Art. I just ship that stuff as default so it is there if people want to use it. If you don't want it use the GUI and go to the Ascii page and delete the stuff you don;t want showing.

You'll probably need to do the same with the Rotating Message if you use that as well.

In terms of playing in PM, this is something I know Alexinno has asked for previously. 3.2 will be a wrap of some bugs and small features. I will then do v4 which will be multilanguage and then will address the main/pm for the games. I'm afraid that it will take me a while to get to it gut it has not been forgotten I assure you.

Ok, I will look at it.

That sound great, take your time :)

Thanks again and keep upp the good work :)



Something weird.  ???

Line 197 /home/truckle/public_html/e107/class2.php

Error reported as: [3]: Core settings saved - backup made active.
Line 199 /home/truckle/public_html/e107/class2.php

Error reported as: [4]: No core backup found. Please run the Reset_Core utility to rebuild your core settings.
After rebuilding your core please save a backup from the admin/sql screen.

Can't connect throught the link. It keeps on giving this message.
I really want the script.  :'(
There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)


My website has gone down due to buggering about by the provider. I have uploaded the most recent versions of my scripts (Grimoire, DarkClerk and Ocatvo) to the GetScripts! section of the PtokaX Resource site while I try to sort out a replacement site


Thanks, I was getting worried!!



Don't worry I'm still here and working on the next version.  8)


Hope you got your hosting issues sorted out.

I love Octavo. :-)
There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)


My site is currently being hosted by Magic Prey of the ??I Network here on a temporary basis. Not sure how long the site will be there but I will keep everyone informed of any changes (and will go for a better chanegover than this time :))

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