**How to config a !extra command Read this**


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**How to config a !extra command Read this**

Started by AlwaysConnected, 21 October, 2003, 21:02:19

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How to make a Custom command in Channelbot 4 and above

note1 the pass = !lol
note2 the file i use is called lol.txt

part 1 first check this

Type !extra

Then you must see this
*** Extra commands ***
!coffeee            coffee TimeUh :p
!can            CannBisSs
!hid            lolololol
!hidd            lololololol lol ol ol ol olo l

part 2 config a VCOM

I will change !can to !lol

type this !custom VCOM2

Then you must see this

[20:44] VCOM2 found.
*Actual path is set to: ChannelBot/Txt/cannabis.txt
*Command is set to: !can
*Cmd description is set to: CannBisSs
***Password required:
part 3 enter the pass

Type the pass you entered in the settings.dat at this line PASSWORD|!lol

Type you password
then you must see this
[20:46] Enter a path for this command:
part 4 enter a path for this command

Type this
Then you must see this

found,... Please enter a line command now:
Part 5 enter a line command now

Type this !test <-- the command to use in the bot
then you must see this
Ok,... Please enter a description for this command now:
part 6 enter a description for this command now

Type this
This is just a test :)
Then you must see this
Ok,... Please enter the way to show the commands.
Type 'main' if you want the commands shown in main chat, or 'pm' if you want them shown in pm to you:
part 7 chose main or pm

Type this
main (to show it in the main) type pm (to show it in the PM)
[i will use main]
then you must see this
Ok,... and finally, Please :
part 8 enter a level for this command now

This levels are available

1=user (All users can run the hub function)
2=newbie (Newbies users or higher can run the hub function)
3=regs (Regs users or higher can run the hub function)
4=vip (VIPs or higher can run the hub function)
5=op (standard operators or higher can run the hub function)
6=moderator (only moderators or higher can run the hub function)
7=admin (only admins or higher can run the hub function)
8=hubowner & network founder (only hubowner or network founder can run the hub function)
i will use 1

Type 1
then you must see this
[20:55] Done !! ;P
Part 9 restartscripts

Type !restartcript
then you muse see this
[20:56] Scripts are being restarted !
part 10 see your command

type !extra
then you muse see this
*** Extra commands ***
!coffeee            coffee TimeUh :p
!test            This is just a test :)
!hid            lolololol
!hidd            lololololol lol ol ol ol olo l
Part 11 check the command

Type !test
then you must see this
Greets AC :) AlwaysHelpful

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