Something like IMDB Bot


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Something like IMDB Bot

Started by lazyj189, 20 October, 2003, 04:24:27

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IMDB Bot seems to be a relatively nice bot to have, however I was wondering if someone had though of elaborating on it so it can give movie information when searched for.  Something like pull the info off of Blockbusters website, if that is even possible.
DivX Dominion Hub Owner
3 years running
DivX Dominion Hub


what 's the adress of the site and what do you want to pull from it.


well, I know // has a lot of the information on movies searched for.  Didnt know if that would be a suitable site or if someone knew of a different site to pull the info from.
DivX Dominion Hub Owner
3 years running
DivX Dominion Hub


you mean instead of links , directly the movie information?

if so..

This is hard too do since you get more then one result after searching the movie.

Solution could be that the first result is given.


ya, movie informations, like rating, length, year, actors, movie description, all good info that tells what the movie is all about.
DivX Dominion Hub Owner
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