VIXCheck - IP range script needs a few changes!!!

VIXCheck - IP range script needs a few changes!!!

Started by Azmodan, 20 October, 2003, 11:00:35

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Hi guys i have a script that someone(sorry dont know who made it)  made for me.  It reads IP ranges from a txt file and checks to see if the user(on newconnection) has an IP that falls into the IP Range listed in the txt file..

My question is how do i change it from them receiving the message "Non_VIX_IP_Detected!" (if they arnt in the IP list) to stopping them from entering altogether?  It would be better if they never had a chance to enter the hub at all.. but it will have to send them a message once they have been rejected..

The Ranger.dat text looks like:

[VIX_IP_Detected!]        <-------this is the msg they get if thier IP falls into this range. - -

the Code is below:

ipRanges = {}

function compute(ip)

local s, e, a, b, c, d = strfind(ip, "^(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)$")

if s then return a*16777216 + b*65536 + c*256 + d end return 0


function checkrange(table, ip)

return foreachi(table, function(id, tmp)

if (%ip >= tmp[1]) and (%ip <= tmp[2]) then return tmp end



function load(name, data)

ipRanges[name] = ipRanges[name] or {}

gsub(data, "(%S+) %- (%S+)", function(s, e)

s, e = compute(s), compute(e)

tinsert(ipRanges[%name], { s, e })



function Main()

local f = openfile("ranger.dat", "r") assert(f, "ranger.dat")

local file = read(f, "*a") closefile(f) gsub(file, "%[(%S+)%]([%c%d%s%-%.]+)", load)


function NewUserConnected(user)

local ip, isp = compute(user.sIP)

for name, range in ipRanges do

if checkrange(range, ip) then isp = name break end

end isp = isp or "Non_VIX_IP_Detected!" user:SendData(" "..isp)


Cheers guys ;-)


must have been me..
just change the whole NewUserConnected function to
function NewUserConnected(user)
	local ip, isp = compute(user.sIP) 
	for name, range in ipRanges do 
		if checkrange(range, ip) then isp = name break end
	if isp then user:SendData(" "..isp) 
	else user:SendData("*** You dont belong here.") user:Disconnect() end


yep thx Tezlo, btw can i block these users before they enter the hub, NewUserConnected(user) function allows them to enter then disconnects them..

Also this script is designed to check the file for "allowed" IP ranges, how can i modify it so any IP ranges in the file will reject the user?

thx mate


can anyone help me with the above post ????


1. yes.. either with your firewall
or EnableFullData() and check/kick them on $ValidateNick

2. easiest to do would be a special section in ranger.dat
and check it before the "allowed" ranges.. would that do?

c h i l l a

good but enablefulldata unless its changed isn't need with validatenick ;).


yep that would work well Tezlo, could either make the Ranger.dat file contain only NON allowed ranges OR add both allowed/non allowed!


make a section called [BLOCK] in ranger.dat
and replace NewUserConnected() with this one..
function DataArrival(user, data)
	if user.bOperator or strsub(data, 1, 13) ~= "$ValidateNick" then return end
	local ip, isp = compute(user.sIP)
	if not checkrange(ipRanges["BLOCK"], ip) then
		for name, range in ipRanges do
			if checkrange(range, ip) then return end
	end user:SendData(denyMsg) user:Disconnect()

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