user and ip log


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user and ip log

Started by dragos_sto, 22 September, 2006, 12:31:03

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this script mage log
whit user and what ip use and count the number at thei connect to the hub from same ip
whit ip and what user use and count the number at thei connect to the hub from same nick
whit user last 20 disconnect from the hub at what date and what time thei do this
whit ip last 20 disconnect from the hub at what date and what time thei do this
and online log return online users and at what time thei connect to the hub



Nice script! I translated it into russian)


post here .. or any one ho convert in thei language


Quote from: dragos_sto on 23 September, 2006, 07:22:05
post here .. or any one ho convert in thei language
I'd think that it is better to attach a file named like [RU]User_IP_Log.lua


i try to post the script here , but i receive a messege .. like
over 10000 char .. :D
so it better to attach scripts


can't the info be stored in one simple file per day to? cuz this creates one hell of alot of log files.


Quote from: MrDivine on 16 October, 2006, 20:58:56
can't the info be stored in one simple file per day to? cuz this creates one hell of alot of log files.
it dont matter for me ,
i use a script a long time a go
ho use one single file,after some time , my hub ansewr to my command
very hard ... and discover the problem to be that big file ,
becaus it take to much time to search in them
and make the hub to answer with difficulty

what may say after 6 month
the script make 73125 files
whit a size of 29.1 MB
and size on disk of 285 MB ,becaus one file it smoller then a cluster on disk

any file represent a diffrent log
if have one big file of 20 MB to search in them from a info take some time

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