Request message script controled by profiles


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Request message script controled by profiles

Started by Vipertje, 31 May, 2007, 21:44:03

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I need a hub message script controlled by hub profiles, i have now 1 that only do mass massage send to the hub and I want some messages send by profiles sort like only to USER profile and REG profile.

Do someone knowa script for that or can someone build something like that for me, that will be great.



If I understand this script then he only send messages to PM's but I want the messages show in MainChat.

Is this possible?


I have this one now for all users:

-- Rotating Message 1.1 by jiten - for PtokaX build 16.09
-- based on Rotating Message 1.0 by Mutor The Ugly
-- Rotates n text files posted to main chat at interval
--User Settings---------------------------------------------------------------------
mSet = {
   sBot = ("Mega-foon"),      -- Bot Name
   RunStatus = 1,         -- Auto Start -> 1=ON 0=OFF
   iDelay = 111,         -- Delay between each text file in minutes
   -- Don't change this
   iCnt = 1,

sFile = { -- put here the files you want to send

--End User Settings-----------------------------------------------------------------

Main = function() 

ChatArrival = function(sUser, sData)
   local s,e,cmd = string.find(sData, "%b<>%s+[%!%?%+%#](%S+)" )
   if sUser.bOperator then
      local tCmds = {
      ["addon"] =   function(user,data)
               mSet.RunStatus = 1
               user:SendData(mSet.sBot,"Messages started...")
      ["addoff"] =   function(user,data)
               mSet.RunStatus = 0
               user:SendData(mSet.sBot,"Messages stopped...")
      if tCmds[cmd] then
         return tCmds[cmd](sUser,sData),1

OnTimer = function()
   if mSet.RunStatus == 1 then
      for i = 1, table.getn(sFile) do
         if i == mSet.iCnt then
            local f,tmp =,"r"),""
            if f then
               tmp = f:read("*a")--
               tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"|",string.char(166))
               tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"\n","\r\n")
            if table.getn(sFile) == i then
               mSet.iCnt = 1
               mSet.iCnt = i + 1

In this version the text prefers to a txt file. Your version what i did understand of it does only the text what you did input (so only 1 message) is that correct?

If yes is it not possible to prefer it to a txt file also?


Ok what I want is the script of mine last reply added.

Added in that the script has a users profile setting like:

   [1] = 1,
   [2] = 1,
   [3] = 0,
   [4] = 1,
   [5] = 1,
   [-1] = 0,
  • = 1,

    This way its easy to use it for 1 or more profiles at the same time.

    I hope you understand me with this..
    Can no one add that in the script?

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