deflood - Page 5


29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
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1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
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04 March 2014 - sites were temporary down because of DDOS attacks and issues with hosting service provider.

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Started by plop, 05 July, 2004, 05:52:44

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QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
just a notice to all, STOP BEING soft old farts,[...]
Ok I thought someone puts up a notice when he has somenthing to inform other ppl .. this post is a completely stupid bunch of text in a thread that it is supposed to help ppl out with the problems the poster and his team (lol) are creating (that seperation between "us" and "u" is made by meka...
QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
u complain we outsmart u thats your only prob... think of it as a favor,
thanks It reminds me of the favour someone did to me by taking my dog down with poisoned food ...
QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
u cant handle being attacked u cant fix your problems then u shudnt run a hub.....
Yeah I suppose when we finally make the dc secure from your flooding it will be heaven for u .. maybe then you'll get some rest ... I really wouldnt want to have your life meka ...

I getting so bored of you ... prolly this is the last post I answer back ...
/ignore meka][meka


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
just a notice to all, STOP BEING soft old farts,[...]
Ok I thought someone puts up a notice when he has somenthing to inform other ppl .. this post is a completely stupid bunch of text in a thread that it is supposed to help ppl out with the problems the poster and his team (lol) are creating (that seperation between "us" and "u" is made by meka...
QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
u complain we outsmart u thats your only prob... think of it as a favor,
thanks It reminds me of the favour someone did to me by taking my dog down with poisoned food ...
QuoteOriginally posted by Meka][Meka
u cant handle being attacked u cant fix your problems then u shudnt run a hub.....
Yeah I suppose when we finally make the dc secure from your flooding it will be heaven for u .. maybe then you'll get some rest ... I really wouldnt want to have your life meka ...

I getting so bored of you ... prolly this is the last post I answer back ...
/ignore meka][meka

lol u dont know my life lol, my life is hmm perfect, this is just something that cures a bit boredem every now and then, plus @ ur dog, well a hub can be attacked, then secured put back up, dog can be poised, killed and it aint coming back, u dont know what ur talking about, u are jst complaining.....if u dont like it, then start getting ur act together and do sumit about it, but no ur all to lazy u all hope plop can stop it all for u...try learning from him, not sitting around on ur lazy asses waiting, comon have u ppl not got a life outside of dc? it takes 2 mins to make a flooder, another 5 mins to flood, then rest of day free, it takes much longer to run a hub.... get a life...
Do you know what \'nemesis\' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an \'orrible cunt... me.


/unignore meka][meka

stop flooding with those bulshit MAaaaN ... I dont host a hub ... I dont w8 for plop's advice .. I go to him when I really need his knowledge as I do with any1 else but myself ...

I am helping my father with construction work in the mornings, in the evenings I get some 3D work done and then in the night I Lua ... so I dont think I am bored ...
..  before u know it I wished someone treaded u as bad as u speak .. bye :)

/ignore meka][meka


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
/unignore meka][meka

stop flooding with those bulshit MAaaaN ... I dont host a hub ... I dont w8 for plop's advice .. I go to him when I really need his knowledge as I do with any1 else but myself ...

I am helping my father with construction work in the mornings, in the evenings I get some 3D work done and then in the night I Lua ... so I dont think I am bored ...
..  before u know it I wished someone treaded u as bad as u speak .. bye :)

/ignore meka][meka

well bro sounds like a boring life to me, last post @ deflood topic getting way offtopic now from some misc n00b points fingers ;)
Do you know what \'nemesis\' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an \'orrible cunt... me.


Wel Meka][Meka
First: it's not a forum for you i think.
Second: Stop flooding the threat with Bullshit!
Third: i don't care who "u" are / dead!
4th: Damn, Man what do you want to prove?!?!?
        That you so smart that you post in forums?!?

Damn i should do the /ignore
*** user Meka][Meka is gaged


QuoteOriginally posted by blackwings
QuoteOriginally posted by Psycho_Chihuahua
In fact is was an older one, and the easiest way to block it is to set Ptokax to block users without a tag ^^ (so plop has informed me) and as of deflood 4.4.2 the filter is in it

hmm, to stop users without a tag, then no mac users won't be able to login to the hub :P

Seems like someone need to develop a new good mac dc client or to get hold of the source code of the MAC NMDC and add a tag.
tell them 2 start using dcgui-qt, it has a tag.

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


I've got a user banned for

time banned for a wrong ip in the $ConnectToMe, but this could be a hub flooder!! (bad/fake ConnectToMe)

he's using Regular DC++ v0.4032...
and got a normal IP and not behind a router NAT...
Not an IP spoofer...not a  Passive

But still got banned...

What else Deflood checks

... well the problem was he by mistake was Passive in the DC settings...that's why he was Banned!


thats what you get with users,..  ;0)

 in dutch ..  "tsja,.. dat heb je met gebruikers "
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


unfortunetly fo them,
But i don't want a newbies to be kicked because of it!
Maybe it's better to explain to the kicked users what settings in DC to check in case they're Newbies...


it does BoJlk. It sends this message to those with the wrong ip in the connect to me:

            user:SendPM(Bot, "You have the wrong IP in the active settings from your DC client!!\r\n"..
               "You have set it to "..ip..", the IP you should have set it on is: "..user.sIP..".\r\n"..
               "For Safety reasons you are now banned for "..iConnect.." minutes\r\n"..
               "For more info about how to setup active mode you should look at the next website's:\r\n"..
               "Default router setup manual: --->\r\n"..
               "Specialized router manuals: --->\r\n"..
               "Official dc++ faq: ---> |")

without the scripting language of course


QuoteOriginally posted by imby
it does BoJlk. It sends this message to those with the wrong ip in the connect to me:

            user:SendPM(Bot, "You have the wrong IP in the active settings from your DC client!!\r\n"..
               "You have set it to "..ip..", the IP you should have set it on is: "..user.sIP..".\r\n"..
               "For Safety reasons you are now banned for "..iConnect.." minutes\r\n"..
               "For more info about how to setup active mode you should look at the next website's:\r\n"..
               "Default router setup manual: --->\r\n"..
               "Specialized router manuals: --->\r\n"..
               "Official dc++ faq: ---> |")

without the scripting language of course

He,he...Didn't see this...
10x alot.
Then Good Work Plop


QuoteOriginally posted by BoJlk
He,he...Didn't see this...
10x alot.
Then Good Work Plop
this was the only good way i could think of, because the script can't see a difference between a user making a mistake and the flooder abusing this.

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


Deflood sudenly Kicked me out!?

Quote Private message from deflood: You have the wrong IP in the active settings from your DC client!!
You have set it to **.**.**.**, the IP you should have set it on is: **.**.**.**.
For Safety reasons you are now banned for 8 minutes
For more info about how to setup active mode you should look at the next website's:
Default router setup manual: --->
Specialized router manuals: --->
Official dc++ faq: --->  
[02:09:57] *** Connection closed

I didn't set any Active IP address in the DC Settings.
That was funny!


-- V4.5
-- added filter for the search flooder. (thx uffetjur)
-- changed chatcheck so it's open to accept tables from all kinds of checks (future work).
-- added "anime & music" to the description table.
-- added the 666GB share to the badshare table.
-- done some cleaning.
-- added comments all over the script.
-- found a cleaning lady willing to work for free for you ppl.
-- V4.5.1
-- changed iMaxCon from 10 to 5, so the yhub flooder in ruri's OMEGA flooder is also filtered.

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


about how delflood 4.5.1 handles search flooder, it says in the info in the config this = "-- max amount of the searches a user can do (flush interval is halved here)". Does that meant if you use the default flush time (10 * iSec) and iMaxSrch = 5, will the bot kick the user if the user search more than 5 times during 5 seconds??


I get this error in 4.5 and 4.5.1

Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil


QuoteOriginally posted by blackwings
about how delflood 4.5.1 handles search flooder, it says in the info in the config this = "-- max amount of the searches a user can do (flush interval is halved here)". Does that meant if you use the default flush time (10 * iSec) and iMaxSrch = 5, will the bot kick the user if the user search more than 5 times during 5 seconds??
other way around, on 2 flushes only 1x the table is gone be flushed on this.
so more then 5 searches per 20 secs.

@ (=CyberPimp=): are you running Testdrive ??

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


I was using td4 but i swithed to 15.25 and now it works fine :S   something wierd is going on. Going to test it more.


LOL, i got the Same problem with px-TD4...

Deflood v4.5.1

QuoteSyntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
and goes on and on and on...


How does one clear the flood log for deflood 4.5.1. Is deleating the log file sufficent ?


Syntax error: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
   1:  function `DataArrival' at line 420 [file `...rograms - Games\Ptokax\scripts\deflood4.5.1.lua']

Syntax error: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
   1:  function `DataArrival' at line 420 [file `...rograms - Games\Ptokax\scripts\deflood4.5.1.lua']

with 0330 15.25. i hope this helps. i dunno what caused it unfortunately.


Can the Deflood Check by profiles...?
I mean if OP/VIP then...Not checked


-- filter levels. use 1 for everything but OP's, nil for the table with level numbers.
iMode = nil
tMode = { [-1] = 1 }

Chage this part


-- filter levels. use 1 for everything but OP's, nil for the table with level numbers.

Changing it to "nil" Means Everyone is checked except OP/VIP/Master?

i'm sorry i'm dumb, Just gotto ask this...


I?m still haveing problem with deflood 4.5.1.
I?m useing TD4 and RC9b   ;(

Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
Syntax Error: table index is nil
and goes on and on and on...

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