? Guarding ? - Page 11


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? Guarding ?

Started by kepp, 01 April, 2005, 20:22:27

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That's good news! :P

Waiting for the great news, that is the release date... :D

It might be simple for you but rocket science for me...


QuoteOriginally posted by yoonohoo
That's good news! :P

Waiting for the great news, that is the release date... :D

Well, you have a 25% chance to guess the right day of the release day :-O


In that case it's today  :D
or could it be tomorow?

It might be simple for you but rocket science for me...


hmmm im guessing today maybe :D lol
Quote\"so you can be quick,
jump the candlestick,
burn your back,
and fuck Jill on a hill,
but you still ain\'t Jack.\"


I cant stand it no more !!!!!

I need a newer Guarding before i explode!!

Keep up the good work Kepp, we are here for you.
Take your time to make it a good script.
Xion++ - Where it all begins


Please Kepp.. have mercy on our souls... we're so anxious over here :)


To give you all a little preview of what has happening im now
releasing the first public, not fully finished, some things may be missing that i havent thought of.. anyway

Guarding V: 0.3.3 BETA
*	Added CPU, Connection, Memory field to GUI
*	Fixed spelling misstake in hubuptime command, reported by BeeR
*	Added support to send commands in PM to bot :)
*	Fixed name problem causing 2 "Guarding menus" to be shown, 1 for text and 1 for original commands, Thanks BeeR
*	Changed writing of Minshare & Maxshare process logging, Thanks Jose
*	Added unban (IP / Name) and tempunban (IP / Name)
*	Fixed wrong minshare info sent to hublist-pingers
*	WROTE A NEW GUI FROM START... Lost old sources :(    (Hopefully better and easier to understand)

Guarding V: 0.3.4 BETA
*	Fixed error due to the topic cycle, table empty caused nil, Tahnks voy for report
*	changed Tempop command now take a password as an argument, optional
*	Removed the impleneted GeoIP in offline user database
*	Fixed several issues of the offline user database, rewrote most of it and ended up 40 lines less code
*	Removed the session uptime calculation, will be logged when logged to the offline database
*	Changed to outgoing data in myinfo and getinfo commands if values are nil

Guarding V: 0.3.5 BETA
*	Fixed several errors that was caused by the removal of the old Uptime logging
*	Fixed an error user not being in the temorarily database, accessing field was '?'

Guarding V: 0.3.6
*	Changed the restart messages implented in Guarding to another requirement of Guarding, 3 new commands, add, del, show
*	Changed the script look, now categorized in sections
*	Changed mem handling of tables not needed
*	Added command, showsettings, Shows all settings
*	Added the set command requested, By Who?;;   RAW commands, for advanced users only, IF the code typed is not OK an error will be displayed
*	Added more hub advertise properties, see help in gui for more info
*	Added a command, showhubstatus, show some status of hub, files and records, uptime.exe is now optional but provided
*	Fixed error upon saving Requests
*	Changed some output style in commands, Will finish this as i keep updating...
*	Fixed errors in records counting of HubStat table

I think i have configured it right, Link shall now work again
and point you to 2 directories called Script and GUI,   The guarding script + gui is in script folder while the GUI sources are located in the GUI folder...

You know the drill, errors, spelling misstakes, opinions, they are all very welcome :)

Ciao and i hope i saved some soul :-O


Hello guys,

I use Guardian V0.3.6B and I have this problem:
[00:37] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1479: attempt to index field `?' (a number value)

In this line:
HubStat[1][Mode] = HubStat[1][Mode] + 1;

What is wrong?

Thank you in advance for help!

OK Kepp, thanks.


Unless i don't get any other error reports til tomorow i will release
yet another version that fixes the one you mentioned and another that also has been reported...


Hi kepp glade to see the new version looks kool, good work :))

Just 2 errors so far

Syntax ...\EMIN3M WORLD\scripts\Guarding.lua:1470: attempt to compare nil with number

Syntax ...\EMIN3M WORLD\scripts\Guarding.lua:1479: attempt to index field `?' (a number value)

I get loads of them errors all the time :S

Thanx Em


+ Every time I un tick [OP-CHAT] close and save it auto ticks it self :/
Quote\"so you can be quick,
jump the candlestick,
burn your back,
and fuck Jill on a hill,
but you still ain\'t Jack.\"


Guarding V: 0.3.7
*	Fixed an error that often came, counting of disconnects etc failed, Thanks voy for report
*	Fixed a another counting error, thanks voy
*	Fixed error warning a user, Thanks voy
*	Fixed strange output at several commands if command failed because user weren't online
*	Changed the user Context, they are now placed in a diferent file for those who want to edit it to fit their need
	Reduces memory of script since a "smart" menu remember has been implented

About your problem with op-chat Eminem som e values
such as Bots / Commands etc requires a little diferent method to save

To save a bot, choose the bot you want to edit, when your done, Choose another bot, it saves it then..
Same goes for the commands, choose a command, edit, to save choose another, same thing for rules...
Everything else that are "GLOBAL" are saved either directly or saved when you exit and get the prompt


The link in your signature doesn't work :D

QuoteThe following error was encountered:

    * Access Denied.


Hmmm, I can't see that any other people have had any problems entering Ubikk, try again, If it dosen't work then post again, i'll check settings and firewall so i havent blocked your IP.. lol


[17:50] <-Guarding-> Syntax : +followprocess
[17:50] <-Guarding-> The mode must be either Main or PM!

ok, that makes sence, but how to turn it off?
Thats my question   :D
Xion++ - Where it all begins


tiny request too:
 +hideshare [on/off]   -   Toggle hide share (when hidden showing zero bytes plus)

anything you want to add?
Xion++ - Where it all begins


How about unfollowprocess?
Anyway, about your request, sure will do, though
i do not recomend it as PtokaX will send out the original Infostring while i send out a false


+unfollowprocess worked fine :)
didnt spot it in +help section though
Xion++ - Where it all begins


Hi kepp,

Just I have 3 errors:

[20:03] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1481: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `?' (a nil value)
[20:03] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:579: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value)
[20:03] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1481: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `?' (a nil value)
[20:04] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1481: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `?' (a nil value)
[20:04] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:579: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value)
[20:04] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1481: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `?' (a nil value)
[20:04] Syntax C:\PtokaX\scripts\Guarding.lua:1012: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value)

And on and on these errors time after time ;(  ?(

Thanx Jerry


Hi kepp im still getting this error

Syntax ...\EMIN3M WORLD\scripts\Guarding.lua:1472: attempt to compare nil with number

Is there some thing im doing wrong?
Quote\"so you can be quick,
jump the candlestick,
burn your back,
and fuck Jill on a hill,
but you still ain\'t Jack.\"


how i closed info bot becose in 1 min it's type me info hub and i want to closed i del this file Hubad.txt and it's type me error i don't this text all 1 min and i can't find how to closed this same one can to help?


Thanks for error report, update soon

Trip: You cannot delete the hubad, it's a part of Guarding
and is required ( I'll probably add check for it later )
To turn it off you simply disable it in GUI ;)


Jerry, i've been lookin up all the errors you posted..
It seems to me you haven't updated to Guarding 0.3.7 yet
If that's the case they are allready fixed i hope :-O


my error:
[00:00] Syntax G:\Ptokax\scripts\Guarding.lua:1240: bad argument #1 to `find' (string expected, got nil)

using Version 0.37
Xion++ - Where it all begins


^^ Fixed, will result in clearing the database totally


Guarding V: 0.3.8 B
*	Fixed reported error from Eminem, Hopefully fixed it, Min version / Max version check of some clients whos version is nil failed
*	Fixed error when shifting topic, Pointer was set never reset, Thanks to all who reported it
*	Fixed error in stopcycle command, thanks Voy for report
*	Fixed, Hopefully, error in generating the context menu for the first time ;)
*	Fixed issue offline users not being cleaned, date was missing from table

I hope this version is a begining for me to start taking requests of new things
I want to minimize errors and such before i do that

The Offline user Database must be cleared out

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