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right click

Started by ((KMN))Gazza-95, 25 July, 2006, 21:39:00

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Quote from: speedX on 07 October, 2006, 19:26:17
no....it is not a script or thread......i am just making my own right.....first i disable teh right click of all my scripts and thn cuztomizing my own right click.......in making my own right click i faced a porb while making a separator.......read my above post.....
yeap I noticed ;) nice to see you doing some stuff on your own :P

I just now saw the post from Rincewind
try changing the curUser to user ;o


Sorry that was me not paying attenton to the variable names


hm.....so i guess tht my request is not possible to fulfill  :(
Thanking You,



as Herodes said change the curUser in the line I supplied to user and the separator should then work


The separator is working....but it is shoing the separator after Nick of IP.....I would like a separator between IP help and Alerts.........is it possible?? and i tried both curuser and user but still the separator comes after Nick from IP.....
Thanking You,



Is the code you have this;
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\IP Help\\Nick From IP$<%[mynick]> +ip %[line:IP]&#124;")
user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 &#124;")
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\Alerts\\Add Alert$<%[mynick]> +addalert %[line:nick]&#124;")


nope I m using this code...
   user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\IP Help\\Nick From IP$<%[mynick]> +ip %[line:IP]&#124;|")
   user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 ")
   user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\Alerts\\Add Alert$<%[mynick]> +addalert %[line:nick]&#124;|")

But i tried ur code also....not workin as per my request... :(  the separator is still coming after Nick from IP
Thanking You,



it is impossible.. resistance is futile.

try making it without the sub-menus.. it'll work ;)

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\IP Help - Nick From IP$<%[mynick]> +ip %[line:IP]&#124;|")
user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 ")
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\Alerts - Add Alert$<%[mynick]> +addalert %[line:nick]&#124;|")

Probably the separator can be added only for just until one sub menu. no more. ( I don't know if its meant to work this way in the client, if not then its a bug that will not be fixed since the DC++ creators are going to remove all NMDC Protocol from the DC++ sooner than we can all imagine... )


ya even i knew it tht it would be impossible......but thought i shud once ask u all...... np
Thanking You,



well i've been playing around a bit and this bit works for me

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\IP Help - Nick From IP$<%[mynick]> +ip %[line:IP]&#124;");
user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 ");
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\Alerts - Add Alert$<%[mynick]> +addalert %[line:nick]&#124;");

either that way or this way

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\IP Help\\Nick From IP$<%[mynick]> +ip %[line:IP]&#124;");
user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 ");
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 HOPS\\Alerts\\Add Alert$<%[mynick]> +addalert %[line:nick]&#124;");
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Yeah sorry I was forgetting about rhe submenus  :P

The separator will appear at the bottom of the previous submneu rather than ijn the top level. As far as I know there is no way round that


hm......unfortunately the 2nd one is not working for me......would not like if it is displayed like the first one.......
Thanking You,



what client are you using?

like i said they both work for me and i'm using CZDC 0.666[P2]
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i m using Strong DC 1 rc10
Thanking You,


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