search for file -> warn, kick or ban!


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search for file -> warn, kick or ban!

Started by surtur, 09 December, 2003, 23:07:31

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i need a script that can search through the hub for one specific file, or maybe three....

i've seen those bots who downloads your file list when you log on to the hub...and thought something like that can be developed further....

i want to, that when the file(s) is found, the bot will;
first time; warn the user in PM
second time; kick user
third time; ban user

if possible, it would be great if i could have some sort of overview, as a Owner, over the users affected by the bot... and maybe notify OP's or Owner about kick/ban.

it would be totally AWSOME if someone could take their time helping me develop this kind of script...
i would be all greatful to those who hopefully take their time to help me....

im totally noob to this scripting thingy, and willing to learn, but right now i'm in a hurry and doesnt have the time to learn...

thanks in advance!



Hey surtur,
The Fake share checkers are mostly used in DCK++ as it takes less bandwidth and resources.. Maybe you can try this one?

Use a Warning Script (has one in Robocop)

In DCK++ client, give the !warn command instead of kick command..

 3 x  Warns  = Ban

 So Anyone being faking, gets three warning.. then kicked or banned if u modify it..

 If not there are scripts in this forum, which automatically bans after 3 kicks = ban

Wait for sometime , if anyone else come up with good idea  :P


ok, any URL to this DCk++?


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