@ microsoft . ...


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@ microsoft . ...

Started by UwV-awayfromhome, 10 October, 2007, 20:22:59

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QuoteYou have just been sent a personal message by microsoft on The PtokaX Portal.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

hy ;D

me again, i need a small modification, to mutor`s Pm block http://mutor.no-ip.com:6703/files/User_PM_Filter_1.0b_L5.1.lua , to allow mesages from users, to bots, and op`s. thx v much

please help me


Reply to this Personal Message here:
1. Did you actualy try and post this request ? i cant find it on the board ..
2. did you ask Mutor ? as far as i know  he is always willing and able to help if you ask niceley.. ..
3. i am not at home for a while so i can't answer your pm's with a pm untill i remeber my password.. 


Excuse me, but is it really necessary to disclose PMs?
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


the "m" was not that "p" imo ... so i thought it was ok ..
also i thought it nicer to answer then not to answer.. indeed maybe not neccesary though ..
more then that i should have mentioned the senders name in the subject of the prior post .. it would have a bigger chance of him/her actually reading it .. but i can't edit it now :p ..
so,.. wellregarded BE i meant no harm .. but if it bothers you or anyone else for that matter .. just whipe it .. i dont really care .. 

** edit i just found out i can modify these guest posts ..


	User PM Filter 1.0b LUA 5.0/5.1

	by Mutor                03/24/06
	Requested by vadertje
        Edited for microsoft per request to let bots and op's get pm's... 

	Prevents PM's by specified profiles to all but ops
	Edited for microsoft per request to let bots recieve pm's... 
	+Changes from 1.0       03/24/06
		+Added blocked profiles table
Edited for microsoft per request to let bots recieve pm's... 

--Script Settings
PmCfg = {
--Name for bot pulled from hub, or use "custom" name
PmBot = frmHub:GetHubBotName(),
Profiles = {
[-1] = 1, --Unregistered User
[0] = 0, --Master
[1] = 0, --Operator
[2] = 0, --Vip
[3] = 0, --Registered User
[4] = 0, --Moderator
[5] = 0, --NetFounder

tBots = {

Main = function()
	if PmCfg.PmBot ~= frmHub:GetHubBotName() or not frmHub:GetHubBot() then
		frmHub:RegBot(PmCfg.PmBot, 1, "PM Filter Bot", "")

ToArrival = function(user, data)
	if PmCfg.Profiles[user.iProfile] and PmCfg.Profiles[user.iProfile] == 1 then
		local s,e,who = string.find(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:")
		local nick = GetItemByName(who)
		local prof = GetProfileName(user.iProfile) or "Unregistered User"
		if not nick then
			local OfflineMsg = "The user "..who.." is not online. Check your spelling."
			return 1
			if not nick.bOperator or not tBots[who] then
				local FilterMsg = "<"..PmCfg.PmBot..">\r\n\r\n\tSorry "..user.sName..
				", Your Private Message To "..nick.sName.." Was Blocked.\r\n\r\n"..
				"\t"..prof.."'s may only PM Operators and bots\r\n\r\n"
				return 1

the script already allowed for operators to recieve pm's from blocked profiles, i added a table where you can fill in your botnames..
it is "not tested" but i guess it works..


Quote from: UwV-stillawayfromhome on 10 October, 2007, 20:48:17
so,.. wellregarded BE i meant no harm .. but if it bothers you or anyone else for that matter .. just whipe it .. i dont really care .. 

No problem, I am just concerned about it because it can serve as a bad example.
However, in this case it can be alowed, because you're trying to help.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Oh, and a good advice: do not ask for script support in PM! The chances are lower when only one scripter faces your problems. :)
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.

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