Crew online v 1.1_lua 5.1.3

Crew online v 1.1_lua 5.1.3

Started by [NL]Daddy-Bear?, 08 March, 2008, 16:07:37

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Hello it?s me again.

Converted to new Api,
Crew online v 1.1_lua 5.1.3 by [NL]Daddy-Bear?


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


Hello it?s me again.

Thanks Offski to bring to my attention a little bug.
Lua above has been a update.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


i have updated this script, so that you can choose if you want to register the bot on your hub or not. If the bot is not registered, the botname will still be used when the message is posted.

 *********************  Name: Crew online-lua  v 1.2   for lua 5.1 *********************
********************** Made by [NL]Daddy-Bear? May 2007  ***********************  

This is what the lua does:
	On a settable interval it gifs info to all Users over the Crew witch is online, and there profile.
	If no Crew online it will tell also the Users.
	Time repeat of the info you can set it  >>>  interval = 30 means every 30 min.
	See line under the quote Start of User Settings in this lua.
	March 2008: 	Rewrote for the new Api by [NL]Daddy-Bear?
 	15-03-08 :  Crew online v 1.2_5.1.3
	Thanks Offski to bring to my attention a little bug.
	Lua has a been update.
	20 March 2008:	Added the possibility to register the bot or not by Eagle00789
				???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????
-- -------------------------------------------  Start of User Settings  ------------------------------------------- 
interval = 60				-- Interval [in minutes] before trigger
rBot = 0					-- Register the bot in the hub? (1=yes 2=no)
sBot = "-+=The_Crew=+-"     -- Name of the bot
-- -------------------------------------------  End of User Settings  --------------------------------------------- 

-- -------------------------------------------- don't chance below !! --------------------------------------------- 
Sec  = 1000
Min  = 60*Sec
Hour = 60*Min
Day  = 24*Hour
bov = ("\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t    Online Master/Moderator informatie\r\n\r\n\t\t=======================  Geen idee of ze in de buurt van de pc zijn  =====================\r\n")
gooi = 1
function OnStartup()
	if rBot == 1 then
	tmr = TmrMan.AddTimer(Min*interval)

 local Profiles  = {
	[-1] = false,	--Unregistered User
	[0] = true,	--Master
	[1] = true,	--Operator
	[2] = false,	--Vip
	[3] = false,	--Registered User

function OnTimer(tmr)
	ond = ("\r\n\r\n\t\t========================== Info gegeven op ""%I:%M:%S - %p").." ===========================\r\n")
	txtn = "" txto = "" txtma = "" txtmo = "" txtop = "" msg = "" msgsend = ""
	gooi = 0
	for i,v in pairs(Core.GetOnlineUsers(true)) do
		local online = ""
		local nick = ""
		nick = v["sNick"]
		sUser = Core.GetUser(nick,true)
		if sUser.iProfile == 0 then
			gooi = 2
			txtma1 = ("\r\n\t\t\t\tMaster online for U\t\t"..nick.."")
			txtma = (""..txtma1.."")
			msg = (""..msg..""..txtma.."")
		if sUser.iProfile == 1 then
			gooi = 2
			txtop1 = ("\r\n\t\t\t\tOperator online for U\t\t"..nick.."")
			txtop = (""..txtop1.."")
			msg = (""..msg..""..txtop.."")
	if gooi == 2 then
		if rBot == 1 then
			msgsend = (""..bov..""..msg..""..ond.."")
			msgsend = ("<"..sBot..">"..bov..""..msg..""..ond.."")
		Core.SendToAll (msgsend)
	if gooi == 0 then
		if rBot == 1 then
			msg = ("\r\n\t\t\t\t\tNo Crew Online at this moment    :(\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tDon?t think now I can play, my checker is watching U  :-))")
			msg = ("<"..sBot..">\r\n\t\t\t\t\tNo Crew Online at this moment    :(\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tDon?t think now I can play, my checker is watching U  :-))")
		Core.SendToAll (msg)


Hello it?s me again.

Okay it can also this way eagle00789 well done keep it up nice work.  ;D
But please what you put on the forum using then the standard off PoKax meaning:
local Profiles  = {
	[-1] = false,	--Unregistered User
	[0] = true,	--Master
	[1] = true,	--Operator
	[2] = false,	--Vip
	[3] = false,	--Registered User

And please let the credits for what they are.
For example i am missing
15-03-08 :  Crew online v 1.2_5.1.3
	Thanks Offski to bring to my attention a little bug.
	Lua has a been update.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


sorry for the removal of that changelog bit mate. wasn't intentional to do that. i just put them back in :D
also, i just fixed the above script to only include the default profiles :D


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


no problem NL]Daddy-Bear?. i hate it myself to when someone removes your credits, so i must have overlooked that bit.....


Hello it?s me again.

Px conflict with the lua solved if there is no crew online
Add. Possibility to send an vote address with the info (You can put it on or off).
Add. Something for the view in main

Lua above has been  updated.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D

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