DC++k CDM - Page 5


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Started by Roy, 07 January, 2004, 10:54:26

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QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
got this AC

Bad Gateway
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.


Apache/2.0.48 (Unix) Server at //www.dcppkcmd-guide.tk Port 80
thats a (dot)tk problem :(
try the otherlink


*** DC++k CDM V2.7 - 10:26 22/01/2004 ***

Added ADL search for forbidden files from later versions of DC++k.
Added option to send raw command if connection timeout is received a certain number of times.
Added new columns in user list for bytes shared, supports, and NMDC icon status.
Added more info to +info/report.
+info now always responds with what it has even if the client has not been checked yet.
Added detection of old version of DC-Gui (Thanks Dashes).
Improved NMDC Emulation detection (Thanks again Dashes). This will be improved even more soon.
Added detection of PTDC++ and MS++V.

DC++k cdm 2.7

i hope an dcpp cdm  guide will be updated soon :)

thnx to pf8500 for making this


Working smmooth...  8)


Thnx ac for the update.
Owner of FunnyHub
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QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
Thnx ac for the update.

yeeh Cut and past ;) thats it


forbidden files...can i make so it pm's me ..not kick everybody

<(.UTH-UK.)-?ltimate-BoUnCeR> User (.UTH-UK.)-[Scream]Mao Forbidden files : 12 - Incestvisa.mp3 - Nirvana - tour over europe - 18 - rape me.mp3 - 11. Grapefruit moon.MP3 - 15 - Grapefruit moon.mp3 - Eddie Izzard - Glorious - 12 - A Huge Fuck-Off Horse.mp3
<(.UTH-UK.)-?ltimate-BoUnCeR> (.UTH-UK.)-?ltimate-BoUnCeR is kicking (.UTH-UK.)-[Scream]Mao because: Forbidden files : 12 - Incestvisa.mp3 - Nirvana - tour over europe - 18 - rape me.mp3 - 11. Grapefruit moon.MP3 - 15 - Grapefruit moon.mp3 - Eddie Izzard - Glorious - 12 - A Huge Fuck-Off Horse.mp3
<(.UTH-UK.)-ReAsOn 2.5> (.UTH-UK.)-?ltimate-BoUnCeR kicked user <(.UTH-UK.)-[Scream]Mao> 1 time(s) - Reason: Read the warning message
<(.UTH-UK.)-?ltimate-BoUnCeR> User (.UTH-UK.)-[PL][PSV]sven? Forbidden files : atari teenage riot - death of a president diy.mp3 - atari teenage riot - does not impress me.mp3 - atari teenage riot - press.mp3 - atari teenage riot - the virus has been spread.mp3 - atari teenage riot - Virus Has Spread.mp3
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


ok i solved that problem...

is the away in this you can confirm the user ok again,,back from the red C to green .after i see his files are fine after i checked them ??

example  ::::::::: ----> Forbidden files : Nirvana - Rape Me.mp3
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


another thing ..would it be possible to auto force connection on timing out users...i notice some users get stuck while being checked

i force connection then it clears them,just fine

.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


QuoteOriginally posted by oblivion
another thing ..would it be possible to auto force connection on timing out users...i notice some users get stuck while being checked

i force connection then it clears them,just fine


turn that mark button off and you done  :D


Show share checked users (green C) ??this
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


CDM 2.71 released i'm in error?


QuoteOriginally posted by angelsanges
CDM 2.71 released i'm in error?

yup dc++k cdm 2.71 is out


QuoteOriginally posted by oblivion
another thing ..would it be possible to auto force connection on timing out users...i notice some users get stuck while being checked

i force connection then it clears them,just fine

.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


i,m having difficulties adding a raw command to 2.71

are there more folks with this problem o is it just me?

and one thing i hate about dc++k if you minimise it it stops checking or is this just me again?
Owner of FunnyHub
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QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
i,m having difficulties adding a raw command to 2.71

are there more folks with this problem o is it just me?

and one thing i hate about dc++k if you minimise it it stops checking or is this just me again?
Raw command is set to 1024 :)
but thats tooo long so you get an error
but it does save the rawcommand , in the next version it will be 256 or 512

yup thats an other bug of dc++k so donnot minise it :)


QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
i,m having difficulties adding a raw command to 2.71

are there more folks with this problem o is it just me?

and one thing i hate about dc++k if you minimise it it stops checking or is this just me again?

yes i have same shit...this is the question that was'nt
answerd bt always connected to me...
to complete users checks i have to force connection
then it checks again
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


Well, i have the same problem with the rawcommands, and the program terminates, but it works fine when i open DC++K CDM2.71 agian


Hi all..

In Advance settings u have " Check users on login" that
one does not work so good , not for me do..
But when u star dc++kcdm type in main /startchecking
it will check all users and chack all new connected -

About raw- this is my raw I use and its working super-
-Tnx AC-

For Client check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> ?kick %[nick] %[clienttype]|

For file check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being Warned because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> %[mynick] is warning %[nick] because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !warn %[nick] %[cheatingdescription]|

 :]  :]


QuoteOriginally posted by oblivion
QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
i,m having difficulties adding a raw command to 2.71

are there more folks with this problem o is it just me?

and one thing i hate about dc++k if you minimise it it stops checking or is this just me again?

yes i have same shit...this is the question that was'nt
answerd bt always connected to me...
to complete users checks i have to force connection
then it checks again
perhaps you can put it in
http://www.imperialnet.org/ as bug report
i donnot know it


*** DC++k CDM V2.72 - 23:15 25/01/2004 ***

Fixed some bugs with reverse connect detection (Thanks Dashes)
Fixed a stupid bug with crashes in fav hubs properties (and reduced the raw command max size to 512 characters)
Added sending of raw commands in user commands. Start your command with /raw to make it a raw command. eg /raw $Kick %[nick]|
Possibly fixed some more filelist exception bugs (i'll get it right eventually ).
Added some more links to the help menu.
dc++k cmd 2.72

thnx pfs8500


thanx AC

will test it :-))
Owner of FunnyHub
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QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
thanx AC

will test it :-))
:) oke
let us know the results


oke here is a pre report

first thing i noticed was that after i set it up like i did the old one that if i opened the properties again
by going to the hub in favorites-> properties that all the settings i had made were gone (:-

furthermore after a night of letting it run maximized it didnt log the fakeshares.

there were users with a red c that werent disconnected
or warned despite the commands i used

For Client check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> ?kick %[nick] %[clienttype]|

For file check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being Warned because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> %[mynick] is warning %[nick] because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !warn %[nick] %[cheatingdescription]|

and there were no user with a green c at all.

what i did noticed was that he added more fakeclients to check :-)))

oh before i forget again the raw command line in settings is still grey i cannot enter any command there as i could in 2.62.
Owner of FunnyHub
       Forum Master of


grrrrrrrr  ?(

after putting the /raw command in front of

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> ?kick %[nick] %[clienttype]|

i started dc++kcmd again and after a while i suddenly got disconnected :(

so i,m going back to 2.62 atleast that wone worked for me.
Owner of FunnyHub
       Forum Master of


QuoteOriginally posted by [NL]trucker
oke here is a pre report

1 first thing i noticed was that after i set it up like i did the old one that if i opened the properties again
by going to the hub in favorites-> properties that all the settings i had made were gone (:-

2 furthermore after a night of letting it run maximized it didnt log the fakeshares.

3 there were users with a red c that werent disconnected
or warned despite the commands i used

4 For Client check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because: %[clienttype]|<%[mynick]> ?kick %[nick] %[clienttype]|

5 For file check:

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being Warned because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> %[mynick] is warning %[nick] because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !warn %[nick] %[cheatingdescription]|

6 and there were no user with a green c at all.

7 what i did noticed was that he added more fakeclients to check :-)))

8 oh before i forget again the raw command line in settings is still grey i cannot enter any command there as i could in 2.62.

1 happend to me also ;)
   nah note pad solved me :)

2 mhz not seen that one

3 did you enter a mark button on dc++k detector ?

4  and 5 i have a better raw command ;)
              ask messdia he gets it :)
6 strange but perhaps its ther because the favo raw command are gone

7 nice

8 true all are taken in the fave commands

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