DC++k CDM - Page 3


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Started by Roy, 07 January, 2004, 10:54:26

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Owner of FunnyHub
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Look what i found :)

no i did no found it :)
but it looks great :)))

thnx to Sulan form http://www.imperialnet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=230


if have not studyed yet but it looks great

have phun with it

and leave some nice comments to Sulan


hehe AC u just find more & more usefull stuff out there!
tnx M8, Ill allso send post to Sulan for nice guide..
Cya AC..

 New version is out :



QuoteOriginally posted by acethecase
hehe AC u just find more & more usefull stuff out there!
tnx M8, Ill allso send post to Sulan for nice guide..
Cya AC..

 New version is out :

nice ;)
lets do some checks later today  :D


aiight lets do so.. but first ..I have hade some problems with my computer, so I hade to clean it from everything..
Now Im like new born lol...

ok first: do I realy have to install Dc++ or can I just take
DC++k CDM and source, and put alltoghether in folder.
without installing anything..

second: Dc++k cdm also have / Check Client & Check files,
if check files is working then there is no need to use DC++k for checking files, correct!??

catch u ltr u tha man AC :D  :D


QuoteOriginally posted by acethecase
aiight lets do so.. but first ..I have hade some problems with my computer, so I hade to clean it from everything..
Now Im like new born lol...

ok first: do I realy have to install Dc++ or can I just take
DC++k CDM and source, and put alltoghether in folder.
without installing anything..

second: Dc++k cdm also have / Check Client & Check files,
if check files is working then there is no need to use DC++k for checking files, correct!??

catch u ltr u tha man AC :D  :D

First answer = Yes

second= yups DC++ k cdm is all you need ;)


New version  DC++k-CDM-v2.52 well work
hm, but me production this v2.6

owner for Latvian hub ALFA


QuoteOriginally posted by Zigurds
New version  DC++k-CDM-v2.52 well work
hm, but me production this v2.6

owner for Latvian hub ALFA

yup same to me ;)
i think psf8500 made a typing error ;)

*** DC++k CDM V2.52 - 02:17 15/01/2004 ***

Maybe/maybe not fixed checking dying when using check users as they enter the hub (if it don't work use /startchecking that should work).
Fixed a runtime error caused by filelist exceptions.
Added some more client detection. Thanks goes to Hell-Razor for the modified User.cpp he sent me.

hmm. nah its 2.52. i compiled it at 2am and was tired, hence the typo in the title bar
the details


QuoteOriginally posted by AlwaysConnected
Bleu User  , users that have to be checked
not completely true :P

blue is a non NeoModus Client
green user (not green c) is a NeoModus client

but true, both have to be checked ;)

I think it's the same with firewalled users
red user and wall = NeoModus firewalled (I think)
blue user and wall = Non NeoModus firewalled (that I'm sure of)



QuoteOriginally posted by yepyepyep4711
QuoteOriginally posted by AlwaysConnected
Bleu User  , users that have to be checked
not completely true :P

blue is a non NeoModus Client
green user (not green c) is a NeoModus client

but true, both have to be checked ;)

I think it's the same with firewalled users
red user and wall = NeoModus firewalled (I think)
blue user and wall = Non NeoModus firewalled (that I'm sure of)

thanks YepYep :)


*** DC++k CDM V2.6 - 10:12 16/01/2004 ***

Added more Client detection... Reverse connect, Backyard, QuickDC.
Added some more settings to "Settings > DC++k" to allow you to select which clients you consider to be hacked.
These clients will have the "Hacked DC++" raw command sent if they are detected.
Added version update notification. Enable "Download version XML-file" in Settings > Advanced to be notified of new versions.


but its no on the link yet will come soon


its there :)

DC++kcdm 2.6

Dc++k cDM guide Updateded


Hi AC & others , how u feeling today M8.
Is testing going on good for u, I have good news..
Everything is working fine for me /for now  :D / only clean users in hub  :]  , The /  Allow you to select which client you consider to be hacked / is great--
Ok Ill catch u ltr / back to testing board  

Btw "XML-file" is not working for me,
it says that new version is out all the time.. So I skipp XML-file..we have you for info hahaha  :D ..just kidding!
One more thing this threead is getting big , I think its betther if
we can have section DC++k CDM  in forum..but thats only my thinking-


QuoteOriginally posted by acethecase
Hi AC & others , how u feeling today M8.
Is testing going on good for u, I have good news..
Everything is working fine for me /for now  :D / only clean users in hub  :]  , The /  Allow you to select which client you consider to be hacked / is great--
Ok Ill catch u ltr / back to testing board  

Btw "XML-file" is not working for me,
it says that new version is out all the time.. So I skipp XML-file..we have you for info hahaha  :D ..just kidding!
One more thing this threead is getting big , I think its betther if
we can have section DC++k CDM  in forum..but thats only my thinking-

Yup :)
found again a new Goodie  8)


then the use gets this :)
[15:43:09] <=T-G-T=> =T-G-T= is warning chris1234 because: Forbidden files :

\films\Ad-aware 6\Lang\Language-pack 2\INSTALL.LOG
\films\Ad-aware 6\INSTALL.LOG
\films\Lavasoft\Ad-aware 6\Lang\Language-pack 2\INSTALL.LOG
\films\Lavasoft\Ad-aware 6\INSTALL.LOG
\films\Outlook Express\msimn.exe
Abotu the xml update :)
its removed and gone now  :D
and DC+k cdm
nah lets continu here ;) or and Admin must want it tooo ?

------------------------small note-----
if you also download the DC++k-CDM-v2.6-pdb.rar it seems to me is crashes less  :D
----------------------small note--------


Well I dont use /addforbiddenfile , beacuse Im not so familliar with wich files to add hehe...
Some users gets warnings without having bad files
but I use ADL Seach just to find files I dont want in my hub..
Can u help me out with what files to add to forbidden,
u can if u want to post me PM with picture so u dont
have to write it.. :]

This is what I have in my ADL Seacrh:


One more thing I want to get this message to user to not only in client!

and this is the mess in main chat!
<-=HaL=-> [BOT]C-D-M kicked user <[BBB]Ma> 1 time(s) - Reason: No reason given!

bloody RAW command hehe...


/addforbidden - adds filenames/paths to the forbidden files list

Below you see its added

/showforbidden - display the forbidden files list

Below you see the list

/removeforbidden - remove the filenames/paths you added above

The esiast way to add the forbidden files it to open your
DCPlusPlus.xml and sear for _
See the picture below

To ad use its in the ofrmat like this

Filename.txt|map|etc after a map or file donnot forget the | but the last file Donnot have a |    

The file to use you could use them form your ADLSearch.xml

You can find it here

And the things will be saved good when you closed your DC++k CDM when you do in the main screen


hehe like I allways say u are fast man, I dont get time to edit my post lol..
Nice work tnx allot Mr..



[BOT]C-D-M kicked user 1 time(s) - Reason: No reason given!

did u get any reason..


QuoteOriginally posted by acethecase

[BOT]C-D-M kicked user 1 time(s) - Reason: No reason given!

did u get any reason..
Yeeh we need a RAW command Specialist
Who knows it ?
<%[mynick]> is kicking the rulebreaker %[nick] because: %[clienttype]| $Kick %[nick]|

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being Warned because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> %[mynick] is warning %[nick] because: %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !warn %[nick] Read the warnig message|

message of DC++k cdm

20:49:16] <=T-G-T=> =T-G-T= is warning pluis because: Too small filelist - 53 B for the specified share of 228.80 GB

message from the hub

[20:49:16] <-=T-G-T=-> =T-G-T= warned user 1 time(s) - Reason: Read the warnig message

But it want some thing like this

<-=T-G-T=-> =T-G-T= warned user 1 time(s) - Reason:Too small filelist - 53 B for the specified share of 228.80 GB

so a mix of both, who knows it


Found some strange thing in DCkk+cdm 2.6

When i startup i enter /sharecheck and /startchecking
so far so good  

but after a while is stops checking  

so i close the check programm  

And restart it again with /sharecheck and /startchecking

but when i see in my list all ppl will show up as a red C
the only wy to solve the prob is to go to the map where i have installed DC++k CDM and remove the sum folder Logs and FileLists

when i do a report on a user what has become RED C its tells me that the list of that user has Compression problem. But i cannot image thats it is on all 100 users which are in my hub.

The code is

Cheat status FileListException Error during decompression
Probably something to do with the crash i fixed during decompression errors, 2.51 would have crashed in this situation.
Leaving filelist exceptions unchecked might be a good idea until i fix it. (psf8500)
Greets AC ;)


hi Mr..
hmm thats sound starange, I dont get that error
/sharecheck and /startchecking  is working with no problems,
user is check @ entrence and then after about 20 min user get checked again no problem so far.. red bricks gets warning or kick/ban.!

Im trying this Raw command @ the client check, u know about the thing we spoke yesterday.that it does not show in main/ the kick reason:
So Im trying this one but nonthing has happend yett/no kicks or bans .. I dont have many users to try it on hehe but Ill let u know if it works..

$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> is kicking the rulebreaker because: %[clienttype]   -   %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because:  %[clienttype]   -   %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !kick %[nick]|

Btw - AC im Baned fr ur hub ..cant come in now  :D  :rolleyes:
I use [BBB]aCe for name..


yep i have similar shit happen .... i do sharecheck , then it boots me out ..very strange
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


just wondering would it be possible ,to have a version
to download that has all the settings ready to go version...raw commands etc..instead of an idiot like me ,that has so many problems ....all we have to do is change a few small things if needed
.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


QuoteOriginally posted by oblivion
just wondering would it be possible ,to have a version
to download that has all the settings ready to go version...raw commands etc..instead of an idiot like me ,that has so many problems ....all we have to do is change a few small things if needed
hint hint :)
see on my dc++k cdm guide

hint hint :)

more can i not give to jah ;)

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