G?KK? - Page 16


29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
11 April 2017 - PtokaX released...
8 April 2015 Anti child and anti pedo pr0n scripts are not allowed anymore on this board!
28 September 2015 - PtokaX for Windows 10 IoT released...
3 September 2015 - PtokaX released...
16 August 2015 - PtokaX released...
1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
20 February 2015 - PtokaX released...
13 April 2014 - PtokaX released...
23 March 2014 - PtokaX testing version build 454 is available.
04 March 2014 - PtokaX.org sites were temporary down because of DDOS attacks and issues with hosting service provider.

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Started by pHaTTy, 12 October, 2003, 14:10:21

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NotOn = " non ? online."
Hidden = " ha nascosto: "
UnHidden = " ha tirato fuori: "

NoSuc = "Non far? una cosa del genere"
OpJust = "Un OP ha kickato: "
OpJustB = "Un OP ha bannato: "
WasBan = " ? stato bannato da: "
with = " con l'IP; "
WasBy = " ? stato kickato da: "
Lamer = "***Non fare il Lamer idiota"
Silly = "***Non fare lo stupido"
HasKilled = " ha ucciso se stesso"
Running = "Questo hub ? sorretto"

UR = "Tu sei: "
UIP = "Il tuo IP ?: "
URCLI = "La versione del tuo client ?: "
URPROF = "Il tuo profilo ?: "
STRING = "Questo ? il tuo tag (stringa): "

PFill = "Perfavore controlla la Mail"
OffSaved = "Offline-Messaggio salvato ...."

WelcomeOn = "Benvenuto, Le tue impostazioni sono Log=on,... ;o)"
WelcomeOff = "Benvenuto, Le tue impostazioni sono Log=off,... ;o)"

NotifOnA = " le notificazioni sono gia impostate su on!"
NotifOn = "Le notificazioni sono impostate su on"
NotifOffA = "Le notificazioni sono impostate su off!"
NotifOff = "Le notificazioni sono state disabilitate"


UProf = "Il tuo profilo ? impostato su "
AskPass = "Non puoi usare nessun comando da operatore fino a quando no inserisci la password dell'hub...."
TotalIncon = "Hai inserito la password sbagliato troppe volte, Ciao ciao :o)"
BanImPass = " ? stato bannato perch? ha inserito la password sbagliata troppe volte"
Incorrecta = "Sbagliata prova ancora"
Incorrectb = "Sbagliata, questo ? la tua ultima possibilit?"
Correct = "Nice one, that is spot on....have a nice day ;O)"
banned = " ? stato bannato"
PassDone = "Hai inserito la password corretta"
EnterHub = "Non puoi usarlo finch? non inserisci la pass dell'hub cos? == [pass ]"
HubPas = "Attivato blocco password Hub"

HubPassSavedOn = "HubPassword ? ora abilitata"
HubPassSavedOff = "HubPassword ? ora disabilitata"
HubPassSaved = "Il cambiamento della password dell'Hub ? avvenuto con successo"

ULocked = " Sei stato bloccato per motivi di sicurezza, rinserisci la password dell'Hub"
UEned = "Hai abilitato ses, self enabled security ? ora attivo"


Changed = "L'hub ? ora settato in lingua: "
engli = "Inglese"
duts = "Tedesca"
germa = "German"
swedi = "Svedese"
itali = "Italiana"
porta = "Portuguese"
fren = "Francese"

CheckFold = "Non c'? questo file nella directory Lans"

TheMin = "La condivisione minima ? settata su: "
HaveNoMail = "Non hai mail"

MasH1 = "fixsetup - ripristina i settaggi in main (settings.ini)"
MasH2 = "hideu - nascondi un utente/bot sulla lista"
MasH3 = "unhideu    - fai ricomparire un utente/bot sulla lista"
MasH4 = "regserver - Registra l'hub su "
MasH5 = "Per l'uso seguente di questa configurazione..."..mcmd.."setta "
MasH6 = "iplog - Setta i Log IP su on/off"
MasH7 = "tempban - Cancella la lista sei tempbans"
MasH8 = "newuc    - Setta il messaggio di ingresso di un nuovo utente su on/off"
MasH9 = "rsmain - setta restart message su on/off"
MasH10 = "rsops - setta log restart message su on/off"
MasH11 = "setdes - setta la descrizione dell'hub su "
MasH12 = "hubname - setta il nome dell'hub su "
MasH13 = "prefix - setta il prefisso del comando su "
MasH14 = "pass    - setta la password dell'hub su "
MasH15 = "hubpass - setta la password dell'hub su on/off"
MasH16 = "hublan - setta la lanstring su "
MasH17 = "Le LanStrings sono le seguenti:"
MasH18 = "let "
MasH19 = "dcpp - Permesso dc++ on/off/redirect"
MasH20 = "mldc - Permesso mldc on/off/redirect"
MasH21 = "nmdc - Permesso nmdc on/off/redirect"
MasH22 = "untagged - Permesso untagged clients on/off/redirect"
MasH23 = "dcgui - Permesso dcgui on/off/redirect"
MasH24 = "threats - Permesso hub threats on/off"

LannerE = "ing = Inglese"
LannerF = "fra = Francese"
LannerS = "swe = Svedese"
LannerD = "dut = Tedesco"
LannerP = "por = Portoghese"
LannerG = "ger = German"
LannerI = "ita = Italiano "

OpH = "!! - Apri la finestra della Op-Chat"
OpH1 = "kick - caccia "
OpH2 = "temp - caccia con un tempban"
OpH3 = "ban - banna "
OpH4 = "flood - flooda perch? "
OpH5 = "whois - informazioni sulla connessione di un "
OpH6 = "userinfo - informazioni su un "
OpH7 = "userlogs - mostra l'userlogs"
OpH8 = "donkeylog - mostra il donkey logs"
OpH9 = "savestats - salva le statistiche dell'hub"
OpH10 = "loadstats - load le statistiche dell'hub"
OpH11 = "clearstats - Cancella le statistiche dell'hub"
OpH12 = "mass - spedisce a tutti "
OpH13 = "ses - se non sei al computer usa self enabled security"
OpH14 = "?settings - mostra i settaggi degli scripts"
OpH15 = "set    - Set the setting at string value"
OpH16 = "I settaggi sono i seguenti:"
OpH17 = "log - Setta la notificazione su on/off"

ux1 = "rules - Mostra le regole dell'hub"
ux2 = "about - Mostra i settaggi dell'hub"
ux3 = "myip - Mostra il tuo ip a te stesso"
ux4 = "help - Mostra l'help"
uxa1 = "regme - Registrati nell'hub :)"
ux5 = "uptime - Mostra uptime"
ux7 = "death - Caccia te stesso dall'hub"
ux8 = "boss - Mostra i nick degli owners (Proprietari dell'hub)"
ux9 = "version - Mostra la versione degli scripts"
ux10 = "mail - Spedisci una mail ad un utente anche se ? offline"
ux10b = "checkmail - controlla se hai ricevuto una mail"
ux11 = "boom - mostra acsi pic"
ux12 = "coffee - mostra acsi pic"
ux13 = "cannabis - mostra acsi pic"
ux14 = "wazzup - mostra acsi pic"
ux15 = "peacepipe - mostra acsi pic"
ux17 = "topstats - mostra the top chat stats"
ux18 = "mystats - mostra your chat stats"
ux19 = "userstats - controlla le statistiche di un utente"
uxTX = "afk - setta il tuo messaggio di via: "
uxTX3 = "slots - Controlla tutti gli utenti con slots liberi"
uxTX2 = "re - setta il tuo ritorno"
uxTX4 = "slap - schiaffeggia un utente con un messaggio a caso"
bxTX1 = "report - spedisci un messaggio a un utente online"
ux20 = "joke - tell a joke, solo con chat abilitata"
ux21 = "set "
ux22 = "I settaggi sono i seguenti:"
ux23 = "chat - abilita la chat bot"
ux24 = "lan    - setta il tuo linguaggio"

ManH1 = "nuke - tartassa un utente di PM e poi lo disconnette"

UserComms = "Comandi Utenti"
OpComms = "Comandi OP"
MasComms = "Comandi Owner/Master"
AdComms = "Comandi Admin"
VipComms = "Comandi VIP"
ModComms = "Comandi Moderator"

backat = " ? tornato dietro a: "
MustYep = "*******Devi inserire un motivo, prova ancora"
Toldus = " ci ha detto: "
thataway = "che ? via, perch?: "
Chekkin = "Checking"
AcOnly = "Solo per utenti Active"
SlapWho = "Come mi vuoi schiaffeggiare?"

Slap = " schiaffeggia "
Grabs = " afferra "
Slap1 = " such a good'en across the chops"
Slap2 = " and slaps'em round like a rag doll"
Slap3 = " kisses em goodbye and slaps them across the head, so hard their head fell off"
Slap4 = " pokes them in the eye, and turns around really quick and slaps them with a razor blade"
Slap5 = " so hard their head is now rolling all over the server"
Slap6 = " by the neck and twists and snaps their neck, then sofly slaps their face, what a twisted ending"
Slap7 = " and shoves there finger up their noke, pull out there peanut of a brain, and slaps them with a basball bat"
Slap8 = " tells them that really they love'em, and gives them a little slap"
Slap9 = " shouts 'I LOVE YOU' and gives them a really passionate slap"
Slap10 = " tells them they hate em, and punches their head til blood is dropping from them and then throws them on the ground, jumps up and down on their head, goes down and twists their neck 10 times, and gives em a slap"

Slapsem1 = " slaps em'self..........what a fool"
Slapsem2 = " gives themself a quick slap..........what is er doing you fool"
Slapsem3 = ", what a fool, slapping em'self"

WasSearch = "was disconnected because of being a search bot! "

HubThrea = "Minacce Hub ? stato settato su: "

Bloc = "Bloccato"
Alou = "Permesso"

ThreatOff = "Tutte le minacce dell'hub sono ora disabilitate"
ThreatOn = "All threats are aloud to enter this hub "

UKICKED = "Sei stato cacciato perch?: "

Running = "Questo hub ? retto con: "
awaybecause = "Sono attualmente fuori, perch?: "

Welkome = "Benvenuto nella OpChat"

NewCom1 = "immune - Rendi immune un su alcuni controlli"
NewCom2 = "delimmune - Togli l'immunit? di un utente su alcuni controlli"
NewCom3 = "?immune - Mostra gli utenti protetti da l'immunit?"
NewCom4 = "!nickban - banna il nick di un utente (se l'utente ? connesso poi viene bannato)"
NewCom5 = "!restart - fai ripartire l'hub"
NewCom6 = "!restartscripts - fai ripartire gli script dell'hub"
NewCom7 = "!topic - Setta il nuovo topic. O !topic off - cancella il topic."
NewCom8 = "!clrtempban - cancella la lista dei tempbans"
NewCom9 = "!clrpermban - cancella la lista permban"
NewCom10 = "!drop - caiccia un utente senza motivazione con un ban temporaneo"
NewCom11 = "!op - Imposta Operatore temporaneo un "

NewCom12 = "!disconnect - Disconnetti l'utente dall'hub, senza motivazione" --Op
NewCom13 = "!iprangeinfo - Mostra tutti on/offline utenti che hanno quel ip range" --op
NewCom14 = "!unban - Sbanna l'IP o il Nick" --op
NewCom15 = "!getbanlist - Mostra la lista dei bannati" --op
NewCom16 = "!gag - imbavaglia un utente" --op
NewCom17 = "!ungag - leva il bavaglio ad un utente" --op
NewCom18 = "!addreguser - aggiungi un utente nella lista dei registrati con un profilo" --op
NewCom19 = "!delreguser - rimuovi un utente dalla lista dei registrati" --op
NewCom20 = "!getinfo - mostra le informazioni su un nick" --op
NewCom21 = "!stat - Mostra le statistiche dell'hub" -- op
NewCom22 = "!ipinfo - Mostra tutti on/offline utenti con questo IP" --op

NewCom23 = "advert - Avverti la tua uscita con un messaggio su 5 " -- vip
NewCom24 = "!me - parla in terza persona" --user


hmmm i dont do V4 anymore its too old, the new to be translated is up the page sorry lol
Resistance is futile!


But is not the traslation of V4
Is V5.
And in Beta 5 i haven't find the italian list command.


no thats not done, thats from old v4, its not to be done, its being removed slowl, to be translated i showed up there somewhere ^^^^^^^^^
Resistance is futile!


hmm im very close to starting again, from scratch, and for everytime i rewrite i start a new version but this time, i think i will give that a pass, because technically its not relaeased yet, i think i can rewirte it much better this time, so i'll see, bbl
Resistance is futile!


Ah! I have understood now :)
Do you want that i translate you this in Italian?

englishdays = "days"
englishhours = "hours"
englishminutes = "minutes"
englishseconds = "seconds"
englishPowered = "Hub Powered By: Gekko"
englishVersion = "Version"
englishAuthor = "Author"
englishTheMin = "This Minimum Share is set to"
englishHasKilled = " has killed themselves from the hub"
englishOwnedBy = "This hub is owned by: "
englishNoSuff = "You do not aqquire the sufficent rights to carry out such a command"
englishEnterHub = "Please enter the hub password"
englishInValNick = "Please enter a valid nickname"
englishUnhidden = " has unhidden: "
englishHidden = " has hidden: "
englishUEned = "You have enabled ses, self enabled security is now in action"
englishWhoCheck = "Whois Checking.."
englishNotOnOwn = "You can't carry out that command on hub owner: "
englishBotOrNot = "Either User is a bot or does not exist"
englishRegServ =  "*** Enter a address to register to the registration server!"
englishRegToo = " has set the hub register server address too"
englishInvalid = " Invalid command"
englishGUIRed = "DCGui cleints are now being redirected to: "
englishSelfDis = "This command is self disabled because the redirect address is nil"
englishGUIOff = "DC Gui cleints are not aloud to enter this hub"
englishGUIOn = "DC Gui cleints are aloud to enter this hub"
englishMLDCOn = "MLDC cleints are aloud to enter this hub"
englishMLDCOff = "MLDC cleints are not aloud to enter this hub"
englishMLDCRed = "MLDC cleints are now being redirected to: "
englishDCPPOn = "DC plus plus cleints are aloud to enter this hub"
englishDCPPOff = "DC plus plus cleints are not aloud to enter this hub"
englishDCPPRed = "DC++ cleints are now being redirected to: "
englishNMDCOn = "NMDC cleints are aloud to enter this hub"
englishNMDCOff = "NMDC cleints are not aloud to enter this hub"
englishNMDCRed = "NMDC cleints are now being redirected to: "
englishUtaiOn = "Untagged cleints are aloud to enter this hub"
englishUtaiOff = "Untagged cleints are not aloud to enter this hub"
englishUtaiRed = "Untagged cleints are now being redirected to: "
englishThreatOff = "All hub threats are now disabled from entering this hub"
englishThreatOn = "All threats are aloud to enter this hub "
englishNoImp = "You are trying to select an invalid language"
englishHubPassSavedOff = "You have turned off the hub password"
englishHubPassSavedOn = "You have enabled the hub password"
englishChatBotOff = "Chat bot is disabled"
englishChatBotOn = "Chat bot is enabled"
englishTBCL = "Temp ban list cleared. "
englishUCOn = "New user connect msg's are enabled"
englishUCOff = "New user connect msg's are disabled"
englishHubSetName = "The hub name is set to: "
englishHubSetDes = "Hub Description is now set to: "
englishBadDOff = "Bad words will no longer be filtered"
englishBadDOn = "Bad words will now be filtered"
englishAllIPOff = "Ip Logging is now disabled"
englishAllIPOn = "Ip Logging is now enabled"
englishSRMOn = "Script restart message is switched on in the main"
englishSRMOff = "Script restart message is switched off in the main"
englishSRMOnOP = "Script restart message is switched on in the main for OPs"
englishSRMOffOP = "Script restart message is switched off in the main for OPs"
englishHubPassSaved = "You have succesfully changed the hub password"
englishYouSucMore = "You have sucessfully changed the command prefix"
englishYouSuc = "You have sucessfully changed the owner's nickname"
englishWelkome = "Welcome to OpChat"
englishVerClient = "Your client does not seem to have a version number"
englishHeyRead = "Hey read this moron:"
englishNoAskSlotty = "DO NOT ask for slots because you will be kicked"
englishNumNuts = "Ok num nuts you are gone....Goodbye...:o)"
englishHeyAgen = "Hey once more and your gone for good"
englishWelcomethere = "Welcom there, lucky guy,... ;o)"
englishYouIP = "Your ip belongs to an ip range that is not allowed into this hubs!"
englishYouDIS = "You are beeing disconnected!"
englishwasbanned = " was banned by "
englishYouHave = "You have selected "


lol yea i think he means that xD i need to get beta6 (or maybe beta7?) phatty, have ur hub go up!!! :)


sorry ppl i dunno if i gonna be around much, ive just lost someone very important to me today, woke, found em dead........ :'(
Resistance is futile!


sad to hear that.


Sad to hear that m8.



i agree with nightlitch m8 i,m sorry to hear you lost someone important to you.

hope to hear some good news from ya soon.
Owner of FunnyHub
       Forum Master of


Oh Phatty so very sorry to hear about your loss :(
you know they say all things good or bad happen for a
reason and tomorrow always brings a better and brighter day, so keep your chin up my friend, and take care m8



QuoteOriginally posted by AMediaMan
Oh Phatty so very sorry to hear about your loss :(
you know they say all things good or bad happen for a
reason and tomorrow always brings a better and brighter day, so keep your chin up my friend, and take care m8

Touching words. But good words. That should warm your heart Phatty. gezz Am getting sentimental.

Keep your head up Phatty, bro. :-)



hi there,, wow never knew ppl really cared, thx guys, i feel little better today, wonder i still living suprised i woke up after 9 pills last night lol

but i decided to get my mind off things and do some developing,, heres a quick glance at the first menu ;)

enjoy ;)

btw the menu already has its own client, it will detect many things to save script resources also ;)
Resistance is futile!


QuoteOriginally posted by (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?
sorry ppl i dunno if i gonna be around much, ive just lost someone very important to me today, woke, found em dead........ :'(

It's sad to hear that Phatty. From one to another moment a empty space is created.
Wish you luck.



yep i feel extremely empty atm, but i must move on, life goes on (unfortuantle) so its just another bump in the road thats gotta be filled...
Resistance is futile!


sorry about ur loss m8y...

visit me at home....




WOW i really like the new looks of it m8
i think it,s impressive :-)

is it gonna stay this way?
Owner of FunnyHub
       Forum Master of


hopefully yes, so far it connects to hub u can chat from it, development will probably be slow tho, i dunno maybe not maybe fast' we'll see ;)

if any G-Beta testers would like to sto by hub download the exe to have a glance, be my guest ;)
Resistance is futile!


The layout is perfect and i like the colors :)
My heart goes out to you , Phatty, we'll be thinking of you and if you need someone, you know the address :)
Love and warm heartfelt hugs, Sus & my OPs
Owner of the bestest little SweHub on DC

[Sweden Rocks]  



QuoteOriginally posted by toras
The layout is perfect and i like the colors :)
My heart goes out to you , Phatty, we'll be thinking of you and if you need someone, you know the address :)
Love and warm heartfelt hugs, Sus & my OPs

eheh thx alot, i will survive tho ;)
Resistance is futile!



dont worry atleast 1 will stop by and d/l it hehehhe

guess who :-))
Owner of FunnyHub
       Forum Master of


But since my last hdd-crash I lost your address & my login-nick and pass :)
If you would be so kind and stop by my hub and PM it to me I'd be real happy to dl it and check it out :D
And Turbo_Tucker in my hub would like to check it out too :))
Hugs Sus
Owner of the bestest little SweHub on DC

[Sweden Rocks]  



QuoteOriginally posted by toras
But since my last hdd-crash I lost your address & my login-nick and pass :)
If you would be so kind and stop by my hub and PM it to me I'd be real happy to dl it and check it out :D
And Turbo_Tucker in my hub would like to check it out too :))
Hugs Sus

have done ;)
Resistance is futile!


sorry project is off, looks like i just dint ever get a rest from shit

Resistance is futile!

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