Death to adult finder! - Page 13


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Death to adult finder!

Started by Madman, 12 July, 2005, 11:58:34

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some i got this night dont knew if they allredy are in the list                                                                                    

hej , uzun lafin kisasi, hen?z bir bu?uk ya?imiza ula?madan sekt?rde i?lerin nasil y?r?d?g?yle ilgili olarak olduk?a net bir baki? a?isina sahibiz ve ben artik ki?isel olarak bazi firmalarin ba?arisizligini, y?neticilerinin niteliksizligine bagliyorum.    
dergiyi her ayin birinde y?ksek ??z?n?rl?kl? pdf dosyasi formatinda edinebileceginiz bu se?enek, basili dergi aboneligi ile ayni fiyata satiliyor. kredi karti ya da banka havalesi ile abone olabiliyorsunuz. ... sorunun bizde oldugunu sanmiyorum... t?rk telekom'un "adsl tarifeleri sizce nasil olmali?" diye sordugu g?r?lm?? ?ey mi?,

?zellikle saray e?yasini b?t?n d?nyada dola?tiran bizler acaba bu konuda ne oranda ?zen g?steriyoruz, hangi t?r anla?malar yapiyoruz, ne gibi ko?ullar ?ne s?r?yoruz?


Thank you... Addys added
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


*** PM spammer : Hi, is?good time for se? -?x
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


*** PM spammer : Hi, real people?want adult chat with you
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


QuoteOriginally posted by voy
some i got this night dont knew if they allredy are in the list                                                                                    

hej , uzun lafin kisasi, hen?z bir bu?uk ya?imiza ula?madan sekt?rde i?lerin nasil y?r?d?g?yle ilgili olarak olduk?a net bir baki? a?isina sahibiz ve ben artik ki?isel olarak bazi firmalarin ba?arisizligini, y?neticilerinin niteliksizligine bagliyorum.    
dergiyi her ayin birinde y?ksek ??z?n?rl?kl? pdf dosyasi formatinda edinebileceginiz bu se?enek, basili dergi aboneligi ile ayni fiyata satiliyor. kredi karti ya da banka havalesi ile abone olabiliyorsunuz. ... sorunun bizde oldugunu sanmiyorum... t?rk telekom'un "adsl tarifeleri sizce nasil olmali?" diye sordugu g?r?lm?? ?ey mi?,

?zellikle saray e?yasini b?t?n d?nyada dola?tiran bizler acaba bu konuda ne oranda ?zen g?steriyoruz, hangi t?r anla?malar yapiyoruz, ne gibi ko?ullar ?ne s?r?yoruz?

This spammer gets more interesting as he uses more languages, and this time his choice is Turkish.. Funny but these messages are about up-to-date problems in Turkish people's lifes...

And also, add these please:

[2005-11-17 17:03]  SickBoy tried to send this msg: register there! it's gratis [swinger,sex...] [URL],[/URL] To: [itu]gs09
[2005-11-17 17:03]  SickBoy tried to send this msg: visit these sites! may be that in your city is waiting for u pretty girl? or handsome boy? -it's easy and free : [URL],[/URL] To: [adsl]igus
[2005-11-17 17:03]  SickBoy  with ip tried to send this msg: visit these sites! may be that in your city is waiting for u pretty girl? or handsome boy? -it's easy and free : [URL],[/URL] To: [itu]spidey and was tempbanned 720 min
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


QuoteOriginally posted by GeceBekcisi
This spammer gets more interesting as he uses more languages, and this time his choice is Turkish.. Funny but these messages are about up-to-date problems in Turkish people's lifes...

and addys added
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


[02:16:15] <[Room]-Plancia> Julia send this msg: do u bellieve in destiny? u can find your destiny in loving relationship... register here! it's free:, To: thehandofgod
[02:16:22] <[Room]-Plancia> Julia send this msg: register there and find girlfriend or boyfriend (it's gratis):, To: intheshadow
[02:16:30] <[Room]-Plancia> was added to file
[02:16:30] <[Room]-Plancia> Julia  with ip tried to send this msg: i recommend u register there... it's free:, To: paja and was tempbanned 720 min


and script updated...

Added the BanNick option...
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


A bit more serious realse.. not just a quckie as the one erlier... lol
Was so fucking tierd then...

Quote-- Added: BanNick option, Madman
-- Fixed: A bug, Madman
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p

DJ Bert

It is not good to ban nick for spamming with adultshit. They also use names like you and me, last week just one give me a pm in my hub that a user was spamming in another hub with my nickname, the only thing they checked was his/her ip adres, so they know that wasn't me.


DjBert is right... i have noticed that too... with my nick.. i think this spammer try to make us look like spammer.  BTW d2af dont work with new h-beta.


QuoteOriginally posted by DJ Bert
It is not good to ban nick for spamming with adultshit. They also use names like you and me, last week just one give me a pm in my hub that a user was spamming in another hub with my nickname, the only thing they checked was his/her ip adres, so they know that wasn't me.

That's why there is an option to turn it off ;)
well.. to be more precis.. an option to turn it on, it's off as default...

When PPK realses the new px i'll rewrite it..
since new version has
NickTempBan(Nick, iTime, sReason, sBy) -- iTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from gui) !

so it will ban nick for a some hours...

QuoteOriginally posted by Northwind
DjBert is right... i have noticed that too... with my nick.. i think this spammer try to make us look like spammer.  BTW d2af dont work with new h-beta.
What exactly dont work? :/
Write a pm here or in my hub if you feel it's needed...
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


QuoteOriginally posted by DJ Bert
It is not good to ban nick for spamming with adultshit. They also use names like you and me, last week just one give me a pm in my hub that a user was spamming in another hub with my nickname, the only thing they checked was his/her ip adres, so they know that wasn't me.

I don't have this problem, so you and I are probably the main reason why this option can be turned ON and OFF.  :))


Addys and text file updated....

I'll be off for some hours..
Reinstalling windows...
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


QuoteOriginally posted by LoTeK_
QuoteOriginally posted by DJ Bert
It is not good to ban nick for spamming with adultshit. They also use names like you and me, last week just one give me a pm in my hub that a user was spamming in another hub with my nickname, the only thing they checked was his/her ip adres, so they know that wasn't me.

I don't have this problem, so you and I are probably the main reason why this option can be turned ON and OFF.  :))
Since the nick and ip seems to change every XX hours there is no real point banning for longer than that.  ?(


Thanks to BE we are now back up. =)

Changes since latest changelog entry in this topic, Changes since Board crash is in bold
-- Added: Some more code to AdvancedDetection, Pothead
-- Added: Some more stuff some secrets, Madman
-- Added: !d2af-setup, read your setup, Madman
-- Changed: Updated a secret, Madman
-- Changed: Loading files, Madman
-- Changed: NickBan to a temorary nickban, Madman
-- Changed: My server save adress, Madman
-- Fixed: Latest px version bug ;p, Madman, Thanks LoTeK_
-- Added: Some secrets, Madman
-- Changed: Added a space after , for klickable links,? request buy toh, Madman
-- Changed: The error msg, Madman
-- Added: Some local's, Madman
-- Added: Triggerword report, Thanks jiten 4 idea, Madman
-- Changed: A bit more advanced Triggerword code, Madman
-- Added: OpChatName in settings, Request by Typhoon™, Madman
-- Changed: Tempban, now using new ban list if using px or newer, Madman
-- Added: BanReason, BannedBy, BanFull to settings, only works for px or newer, Request by Typhoon™, Madman
-- Added: A shitload of comments, for easier understanding of functions, 4 thoose who has the source, Madman
-- Fixed: An error about getHubVersion with older versions, Thanks spete 4 report, Madman
-- Fixed: A bug in the !d2af-setup cmd, Madman

Latest version is 4.32 Built 23.02.06
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


Has been added since release

Added 2 file tonight
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


Added 2 file
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


Added 2 addys

find ad ult entert ainmen t
peop le w ant adu lt da ting with y ou
l ook at this n ude p hoto s
Hey, c heck th is hot webc ams

Added to text
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p

DJ Bert

New addy

hey, check if you have forgotten to buy a souvenir in prague


Quote from: DJ Bert on 04 March, 2006, 19:54:46
New addy

hey, check if you have forgotten to buy a souvenir in prague

It's not Adult Finder, but it still is a spammer, but i desided to not to add it the file.. 4 now... if it turns out that the AF dude has moved on to a new project it will be added...
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


Quote from: Madman on 04 March, 2006, 21:23:07
Quote from: DJ Bert on 04 March, 2006, 19:54:46
New addy

hey, check if you have forgotten to buy a souvenir in prague

It's not Adult Finder, but it still is a spammer, but i desided to not to add it the file.. 4 now... if it turns out that the AF dude has moved on to a new project it will be added...

Well... he's a spammer... and added him self to file... =)
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p

SMF spam blocked by CleanTalk