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Started by PPK, 24 May, 2006, 05:50:24

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PPK looks stable on -SkA- hub (22 hours uptime, none of versions after survive too long). I used fixes from this version to patch and here is new testing version  8)
1 ) With Lua 5.0.2.
2 ) With Lua 5.1.

Full online PtokaX changelog is available in Wiki.
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Mm another test version :P, but wiki online not is update  >:(


Great work PPK

I'll continue testing "ad1" for some day? :D
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


Quote from: -SkA- on 24 May, 2006, 08:54:48
I'll continue testing "ad1" for some day  :D
Is not needed, will be stable as is  8)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Got my first crash with i1

---------------------------27-05-2006 23:00:48---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 00149FBE
Access violation at address 0054AFBE in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Write of address 6E727562

Call stack:
:0054AFBE [PtokaX.exe]
:0054B79C [PtokaX.exe]
:005C8CA1 [PtokaX.exe]
:0054B4AC [PtokaX.exe]
:005C8B8D [PtokaX.exe]
:00478E72 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::SendLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 595)
:00405336 [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::tmrGuiRefreshTimer (frmHub.cpp, line 543)
:77D18C3A [USER32.dll]
:00590D10 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D18C4E [USER32.dll]
:00590CEE [PtokaX.exe]
:00590D4A [PtokaX.exe]
:0047785B [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 214)
:00590DA2 [PtokaX.exe]
:00590C88 [PtokaX.exe]
:00532FDA [PtokaX.exe]
:77D18734 [USER32.dll]
:77D18816 [USER32.dll]
:77D189CD [USER32.dll]
:00536853 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D196C7 [USER32.dll]
:0058D9BC [PtokaX.exe]
:0058D9F3 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DC13 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DC56 [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 51)
:005D55A7 [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,0021D000) C:\LusoLeader Hub\PtokaX.exe
$77D10000 (77D10000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 00000CB0, Current Thread ID = 00000CB0
EAX = 00007C29  CS = 001B  EIP = 0054AFBE  Flags = 00010206
EBX = 00747673  SS = 0023  ESP = 0012FC8C    EBP = 0012FCB0
ECX = 0074756F  DS = 0023  ESI = 016AC6CC    FS  = 003B
EDX = 6E727562  ES = 0023  EDI = 016AC7D0    GS  = 0000
Code at CS:EIP
89 02 89 50 04 5B C3 90 90 90 8B 15 5C 95 69 00 
00747673 0054B79C 0012FD1C 0054D434 0012FCB0 
00000000 7C8399F3 0054CC05 016C37D4 0061520B 
016C9230 0121290B 00000000 0167B410 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 50085, iParts: 49777, iLogged: 304
NicklistLen : 3745
OplistLen   : 104
MyInfosLen  : 13728
MyInfosTagLen  : 27313
Rede-DC Comunidade Portuguesa de DC


Any hint with this crash  ??? It is something with opchat, massmsg or opmassmsg  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


sorry, couldnt say anything, wasnt even online at the time it happened. What I see sometimes is a message that should be delivered in OpChat being delivered privatly in Main Chat, and it happens to all Op's at the same time, but I have no idea if it is related to it in any way.

As: [2006-05-26 16:37] Private message from -=OpChat=- $<[UK]Crazypeder> lol: To: [AT]conejodelmal From: -=OpChat=- $<[UK]Crazypeder> lol
or: [2006-05-21 00:25] Private message from -=OpChat=- $<[PT]reg> :P: To: [AT]conejodelmal From: -=OpChat=- $<[PT]reg> :P
Rede-DC Comunidade Portuguesa de DC


Good hint, found and fixed  8)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


#8 is working very stable for me (I have inbuilt opchat disabled btw)..
Thanks PPK for all you've done so far... All I noticed is uptime bug.. (check scripted uptime & the uptime hub reports)

Version: PtokaX DC Hub [debug] built on May 24 2006 06:30:25 
Uptime: 3 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes 
Users (Max/Actual Peak (Max Peak)/Logged): 5000 / 1869 (3441) / 1440 
Users shared size: 45829897124883 Bytes / 41.68 TB 
Chat messages: 10646 x 
Unknown commands: 5977 x 
PM commands: 7723 x 
Key commands: 365063 x 
Supports commands: 314154 x 
MyINFO commands: 785768 x 
ValidateNick commands: 351238 x 
GetINFO commands: 21863 x 
Password commands: 10126 x 
Version commands: 236570 x 
GetNickList commands: 237919 x 
Search commands: 1139759 x 
SR commands: 3873012 x 
CTM commands: 7107007 x 
RevCTM commands: 4999980 x 
BotINFO commands: 16 x 
CPU usage (60 sec avg): 14.75% 
CPU time: 13:52:35 
Mem usage (Peak): 203.63 MB (308.89 MB) 
VM size (Peak): 203.29 MB (312.32 MB) 
SendRests (Peak): 47 (516) 
RecvRests (Peak): 1 (60) 
Data sent: 67.14 GB 
Data received: 1.27 GB 
Tx (60 sec avg): 6.37 kB/s (262.01 kB/s) 
Rx (60 sec avg): 2.97 kB/s (6.28 kB/s)

For people who wonder why I have so high cpu & mem usage: Firewall installed on my server causes cpu usage to rise, and my own user database script, UserBekcisi (version:1.00.RC3.b010, built: 05/27/06) which was collecting data of 1500 users on average for 6 weeks, consumes lots of memory.

• PtokaX Version		: 
	• Online Users			: 1432 
	• Hub Uptime			: 3 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes, 59 seconds 
	• Script Uptime			: 1 minutes, 45 seconds 
	• Database Size			: 13894299 bytes 
	• Total Entries			: 146217 
	• Stats Exec Time		: 1.7180 seconds 
	• Memory Usage		: 80458 / 155507 KiB
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Quote from: GeceBekcisi on 28 May, 2006, 11:54:38
All I noticed is uptime bug.. (check scripted uptime & the uptime hub reports)
I checked your uptime and... you started hub 24-05-2006 in 20:45
Quote from: my first check[2006-05-24 21:30:24] <[-Turquoise-]> This hub is running PtokaX DC Hub [debug] May 24 2006 06:30:31 (UpTime: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes)
that means now 28-05-2006 in 14:45 uptime 3 days, 18 hours
Quote from: check few minutes ago[2006-05-28 14:42:46] <[-Turquoise-]> This hub is running PtokaX DC Hub [debug] May 24 2006 06:30:31 (UpTime: 3 days, 17 hours, 57 minutes)
something is wrong with scripted uptime :o
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Quote from: PPK on 28 May, 2006, 13:59:59
something is wrong with scripted uptime :o

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?

--// ----------------------------------------------------------
--// Convert Seconds to Uptime
tFunctions.Data_SECtoUPTIME = function(iTime)
	local iWeeks,iWeeks2 = math.floor(iTime/604800),math.mod(iTime,604800)
	local iDays,iDays2 = math.floor(iWeeks2/86400),math.mod(iWeeks2,86400)
	local iHours,iHours2 = math.floor(iDays2/3600),math.mod(iDays2,3600)
	local iMinutes,iSeconds = math.floor(iHours2/60),math.mod(iHours2,60)
	local sMessage = ""
	local TimeTbl = {week = iWeeks, day = iDays, hour = iHours, minute = iMinutes, second = iSeconds}
	local TimeTbl2 = {"week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"} 
	for Key,Value in pairs(TimeTbl2) do
		if TimeTbl[Value] > 0 then 
			sMessage = sMessage..TimeTbl[Value].." "..Value.."s, "
	return string.sub(sMessage,1, string.len(sMessage)-2),iWeeks,iDays,iHours,iMinutes,iSeconds
--// ----------------------------------------------------------
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Quote from: GeceBekcisi on 28 May, 2006, 17:17:04
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?

If you state whether it's 5.0.2 or 5.1, then... probably. :P
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


he uses the 5.0.2 version of Ptokax, so the code is 5.0.2.


If is used to get uptime frmHub:GetUpTime(), then is maybe fixed in  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Yeah I use LUA 5.0.2 and frmHub:GetUpTime() to get uptime in seconds
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


i1 crashed after 4 days uptime - no errors -  :'(
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


Message to opchat or massmessage or opmassmessage is able to crash i without report :P
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall

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