!Beta testing! - Page 19


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!Beta testing!

Started by ptaczek, 13 October, 2003, 10:32:34

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QuoteOriginally posted by (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?
Hmm i have also been thinking about this alot, now, all hubs in my network that are using debug for beta, there comps are dying and they having to reinstall, it has also caused me alot of bother, virus?.....maybe

from ptokax itself.........highly unlikely, unless ptax wants to take us down lol which i highly doubt lol

it maybe thats the new virus is made by someone on dc network that has aimed it at ptokax, or such, as it seems to be letting attacks take place, but only after a lenth of time of using it..................

currently i have been flooded 6 times, my ip has been nuked 1 time, and my hub has failed 4 times........so something is going on the way i look at it, also, after a while of using px, it seems to try and use the windows services to open all my ports....................:/
maby this is why tcpview is placed on the site??

my biggest concern @ the moment is that it seems that the cpu usage has gone up.
i gues this has 2 do with the new debugging output from the scripts.
on 15.6 we had 1400 users with 55% cpu, now with 15.18 that went up 2 about 65-70% on 1200 users.
so if this is caused by the new debugging it can be wise 2 make it an option 2 be enabled incase of script troubles.

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


Yhea me like to have that Option to please...// Optimus



There should be "- support for textfiles" but i can not get it to work. Im using the command: !test to show the contents of the txt file test.txt..

Haven't changed anything..what am i doing wrong :))

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


QuoteOriginally posted by MrZ

There should be "- support for textfiles" but i can not get it to work. Im using the command: !test to show the contents of the txt file test.txt..

Haven't changed anything..what am i doing wrong :))

Z ya

I have this problem too

Please sorry my bad english, i'm learning it :-D

\\100Gb ][ MeGaShArE @ I?? - ?u?i?N Owner [/I]
100gb.ifs-fusion.net:666 Only EliTe ShArE min 100gb
-={ I?? - ?u?i?N }=- N??Owner


heh i just wanna say that i think ptokax 15.18 is doing so much better then td4, my users are going up up up, and so is the share 12TB, and its handling this great, hehehe

Resistance is futile!


QuoteOriginally posted by MrZ
There should be "- support for textfiles" but i can not get it to work. Im using the command: !test to show the contents of the txt file test.txt..

Haven't changed anything..what am i doing wrong :))
You are not doing nothing wrong, there is probably a bug inside Ptokax, i need morer time to test it and report it, since i'm scripting again, i have not note it.
Text files are working.
To make yours work try to do the following:
1.- Stop the server.
2.- Close the server.
3.- Open ptokax.ini file and look for 'CmdPrefix=?'
4.- Change the sign '?' or whatever for '!'.
5.- Save the file.
6.- Open and start the server.
Hope this help you.
Note: The server must be stoped and closed or ptokax.ini file will be overwrite it.


Does any one can read the topic in a chat window?


How many have this error with Parsing User's MyInfo ???

This is a bug right ????

And I with more would want it fixed right ??? or...

To me it's okey for 30mins then it's there again...

and it can be a random user with any client... so what you all think??



has anyone else noticed the dc++ 0.3xx Tag doesn't get parsed?

So it's either they can't get in if you reject Clients with no tags, or they can overide slots settings.


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
How many have this error with Parsing User's MyInfo ???

This is a bug right ????

And I with more would want it fixed right ??? or...

To me it's okey for 30mins then it's there again...

and it can be a random user with any client... so what you all think??

check here
client doesn't mather indeed, tested it with multiple dc++ versions and dcgui.
all the same result.

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<



Will it come a built in command for listing tempbans??? And I hope we can allso do a !unban on a IP or nick that exists in tempbanlist???

Please, it shuld exists!

//Dyzan @ Swenorth
Download: NXS-3.v.3.9a
Creator of NXS-3: NightLitch


to beta testers?

I'm really sorry im late for testing.. because of sites removes and hardly thinking .. it's over...  I can see it's never been over :)) , it's only a big nightmare...
Please team, count me in, back to beta testers :)



Oooohh we Would Love That !!
completely agree with Dyzans' latest post..

Will it come a built in command for listing tempbans??? And I hope we can allso do a !unban on a IP or nick that exists in tempbanlist??? 

Please, it shuld exists!

Z ya
Always remember that you are unique... just like everyone else :-D


I greet all, I have question, where from do mighty pobra new versions PtotaX ?? it will be pleasantly about help very, and application linku to new version. Thanks from mountain!


I would like to be a Portuguese beta tester... What should I do?


I don't know why but now when i start the hub i have server socket blind error: 10048
Please sorry my bad english, i'm learning it :-D

\\100Gb ][ MeGaShArE @ I?? - ?u?i?N Owner [/I]
100gb.ifs-fusion.net:666 Only EliTe ShArE min 100gb
-={ I?? - ?u?i?N }=- N??Owner


QuoteOriginally posted by DarkElf
I don't know why but now when i start the hub i have server socket blind error: 10048

Allready started?

//Dyzan @ Swenorth
Download: NXS-3.v.3.9a
Creator of NXS-3: NightLitch


No, sorry is for DCPRO..

when i run first DCPRO and then ptokax, ptokax do this message
if i run first ptokax and then DCPRO, it run

Please sorry my bad english, i'm learning it :-D

\\100Gb ][ MeGaShArE @ I?? - ?u?i?N Owner [/I]
100gb.ifs-fusion.net:666 Only EliTe ShArE min 100gb
-={ I?? - ?u?i?N }=- N??Owner


.:::\'][\'  r  ?  ?  ?  ?    :: ][  ?  ?  ?  r  ?  ?  r  ?  \'][\'  ?  ?::::.    

hub address::     oblivion.servebeer.com

the hub


QuoteOriginally posted by DarkElf
No, sorry is for DCPRO..

when i run first DCPRO and then ptokax, ptokax do this message
if i run first ptokax and then DCPRO, it run


Have you tried the new version of DCPro version

Se if it's working better with that one.

//Dyzan @ Swenorth
Download: NXS-3.v.3.9a
Creator of NXS-3: NightLitch


Yes, exit from [OT] and return to [IT] hihihihi
Please sorry my bad english, i'm learning it :-D

\\100Gb ][ MeGaShArE @ I?? - ?u?i?N Owner [/I]
100gb.ifs-fusion.net:666 Only EliTe ShArE min 100gb
-={ I?? - ?u?i?N }=- N??Owner


Can you count me in?
I'm late because I was on travel!
My little brother does everything I was on travel!
PLZ!! ?(


hmmm ptax i seems to be having problem 15.18dbg :(

others i can get loads of users in np but this ic ant get over 260 which is only 13TB for me :(

after that it refuses conenctions :( this is not good for me, and my network i hope you find the problem i cant and ive tryed lots of things :((
Resistance is futile!


QuoteOriginally posted by (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?
hmmm ptax i seems to be having problem 15.18dbg :(

others i can get loads of users in np but this ic ant get over 260 which is only 13TB for me :(

after that it refuses conenctions :( this is not good for me, and my network i hope you find the problem i cant and ive tryed lots of things :((
we had 1400 users on 1 of our tests with 15.18.
120TB+ :D

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


QuoteOriginally posted by (uk-kingdom)pH?tt??
hmmm ptax i seems to be having problem 15.18dbg :(

others i can get loads of users in np but this ic ant get over 260 which is only 13TB for me :(

after that it refuses conenctions :( this is not good for me, and my network i hope you find the problem i cant and ive tryed lots of things :((

Often when the computer is'nt the problem... Then to blame the network.

Kind of funny... I hade a bad network cable... Ptokax could get in around 250 users... changed the network cable and. BOOM! 467 users! =)

Check the network cable or netwok components like routers and so on... if you don't find any faults in your computer. Or remove all scripts ;)


[16:28] This hub is running PtokaX DC Hub build 15.18 [debug]  (UpTime: 7 days, 13 hours, 57 minutes)
//Dyzan @ Swenorth
Download: NXS-3.v.3.9a
Creator of NXS-3: NightLitch

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