!Beta testing! - Page 37


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!Beta testing!

Started by ptaczek, 13 October, 2003, 10:32:34

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Here are the options I use:

I have 500 as max logins setting, also...

I have AMD Opteron 146 server with Windows 2003 Standard Edit.

Do you want any more details ?
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Quote from: GeceBekcisi on 21 May, 2006, 14:20:34
Here are the options I use:

I have 500 as max logins setting, also...

I have AMD Opteron 146 server with Windows 2003 Standard Edit.

Do you want any more details ?

Thanks for the image. As you, I have 500 as max logins settings and windows 2003 SE.... hmm... I  haven't enabled tray icon, I'll try enabling it but I don't think that is the problem
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


Quote from: -SkA- on 21 May, 2006, 14:28:55Thanks for the image. As you, I have 500 as max logins settings and windows 2003 SE.... hmm... I? haven't enabled tray icon, I'll try enabling it but I don't think that is the problem

You're welcome mate, I only try to help the development of this lovely community, either by scripts or betatesting..
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Quote from: -SkA- on 21 May, 2006, 09:54:46
Crashed, no errors  :( downgraded to d1
Do you checked logs\system.log  ??? Maybe Ptokax write here something before crash...
But anyway i will after few hours of testing on my hub post here link to another version for you  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Here is version for -SkA- to test. It is similiar to aa but with removed thing like them have versions after 8) Only version with Lua 5.1 is available.
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Quote from: PPK on 22 May, 2006, 04:09:10
Here is version for -SkA- to test. It is similiar to aa but with removed thing like them have versions after 8) Only version with Lua 5.1 is available.

Thanks PPK, I'll test it now  :)
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


My God...? ?crashed? :'(

Ok, it's time to go to Lourdes for me.? :'(

EDIT: while I prepare my baggages, please post me your hublist reg addresses, thanks    :'(
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


I really hate this bug  :'( Ok another one for test  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


Ok..I'll test it tomorrow in the morning  ::)
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


---------------------------22/05/2006 16:48:25---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 00068EA4
Access violation at address 00469EA4 in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Write of address 00000009

Call stack:
:00469EA4 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::DelFromNickList (colUsers.cpp, line 306)
:71B2368A [MSWSOCK.dll]
:00470204 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserClose (colUsers.cpp, line 1818)
:004BE708 [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::ValidateUserNick (DcCommands.cpp, line 3352)
:004BE71D [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::ValidateUserNick (DcCommands.cpp, line 3353)
:77F467F9 [ntdll.dll]
:71AE17A1 [wshtcpip.dll]
:0059877C [PtokaX.exe]
:005242B5 [PtokaX.exe]
:00578B41 [PtokaX.exe]
:0046F048 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserSendCharDelayed (colUsers.cpp, line 1421)
:004B575B [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::Supports (DcCommands.cpp, line 2268)
:71B2171A [MSWSOCK.dll]
:004B7734 [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::ValidateNick (DcCommands.cpp, line 2584)
:004AD071 [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::Key (DcCommands.cpp, line 802)
:004A9B6C [PtokaX.exe] cDcCommands::ProcessData (DcCommands.cpp, line 309)
:71C0134F [WS2_32.dll]
:71C012CA [WS2_32.dll]
:0046EE4C [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserProcessLines (colUsers.cpp, line 1331)
:0046ED66 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserDoRecv (colUsers.cpp, line 1303)
:0046ED96 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserDoRecv (colUsers.cpp, line 1306)
:005B474D [PtokaX.exe]
:005B388E [PtokaX.exe]
:00476B3D [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::SendLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 658)
:005C31ED [PtokaX.exe]
:005C2CE0 [PtokaX.exe]
:00532379 [PtokaX.exe]
:00475406 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 247)
:004052E2 [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::tmrGuiRefreshTimer (frmHub.cpp, line 542)
:77D02507 [USER32.dll]
:0058B370 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D0251B [USER32.dll]
:0058B34E [PtokaX.exe]
:0058B3AA [PtokaX.exe]
:004752F4 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 201)
:0058B402 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058B2E8 [PtokaX.exe]
:0052D63A [PtokaX.exe]
:77D015DF [USER32.dll]
:77D01A15 [USER32.dll]
:77D019CB [USER32.dll]
:00585087 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D35142 [USER32.dll]
:77D016D8 [USER32.dll]
:00530D1F [PtokaX.exe]
:00530EB3 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D35142 [USER32.dll]
:77D07066 [USER32.dll]
:0058801C [PtokaX.exe]
:00588053 [PtokaX.exe]
:00588273 [PtokaX.exe]
:005882B6 [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 51)
:005CFBDB [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:77E4F38C [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,00213000) C:\Private Test Hub\PtokaX.exe
$71B20000 (71B20000,00001000,00038C00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSWSOCK.dll
$77F40000 (77F40000,00001000,0007FE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
$71AE0000 (71AE0000,00001000,00003600) C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll
$71C00000 (71C00000,00001000,00013E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
$77D00000 (77D00000,00001000,0005DE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
$77E40000 (77E40000,00001000,0007C800) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 00000FA0, Current Thread ID = 00000FA0
EAX = 00000009  CS = 001B  EIP = 00469EA4  Flags = 00010212
EBX = 01703DC4  SS = 0023  ESP = 0012F968    EBP = 0012F97C
ECX = 00000000  DS = 0023  ESI = 0058B3F0    FS  = 0038
EDX = 012F7A00  ES = 0023  EDI = 0012FE34    GS  = 0000
Code at CS:EIP
C6 41 09 24 8B 45 FC 40 50 8B 55 FC FF B2 24 04 
71B2368A 00000009 016D8F4C 0125588C 012F7A00 
00000000 77E4F38C 00547205 016DA7B0 0060F80B 
01206A38 0120290B 00000000 016DAA50 77E4F38C 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 2
Build : 3790
SP : 0
Type : 3
iJoins: 4, iParts: 1, iLogged: 2
NicklistLen : 0
OplistLen   : 0
MyInfosLen  : 0
MyInfosTagLen  : 0
Very easy to duplicate.  Infact so easy, i'm not gonna say how, for all the script kiddies who might abuse it.


Tested the bug that Pothead found and got those
---------------------------22.05.2006 20:19:47---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 0014AED2
Access violation at address 0054BED2 in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Read of address 000002A4

Call stack:
:0054BED2 [PtokaX.exe]
:005C94D9 [PtokaX.exe]
:0054BCE4 [PtokaX.exe]
:005C93C5 [PtokaX.exe]
:004720C6 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserDelete (colUsers.cpp, line 2224)
:0054E2F9 [PtokaX.exe]
:00478A48 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 451)
:00478A66 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 452)
:004789F2 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 444)
:005B9A66 [PtokaX.exe]
:004793C2 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::SendLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 623)
:0059E954 [PtokaX.exe]
:0052A48D [PtokaX.exe]
:0057ED19 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C3A [USER32.DLL]
:00591548 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C4E [USER32.DLL]
:00591526 [PtokaX.exe]
:00591582 [PtokaX.exe]
:00477D00 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 210)
:005915DA [PtokaX.exe]
:005914C0 [PtokaX.exe]
:00533812 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.DLL]
:77D38816 [USER32.DLL]
:77D385A4 [USER32.DLL]
:77D389CD [USER32.DLL]
:0053708B [PtokaX.exe]
:77D396C7 [USER32.DLL]
:0058E1F4 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058E22B [PtokaX.exe]
:0058E44B [PtokaX.exe]
:0058E48E [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 43)
:005D5DDF [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,0021E000) D:\Direct Connect\Hub Softwares\PtokaX\Modern Versions\\LUA 5.0.2\\PtokaX.exe
$77D30000 (77D30000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 0000FC60, Current Thread ID = 0000FC60
EAX = 00000000 ?CS = 001B ?EIP = 0054BED2 ?Flags = 00010202
EBX = 000002A8 ?SS = 0023 ?ESP = 0012FC24 ? ?EBP = 0012FC40
ECX = 7FFDF000 ?DS = 0023 ?ESI = 000002A4 ? ?FS ?= 003B
EDX = 0069A550 ?ES = 0023 ?EDI = 0012FE38 ? ?GS ?= 0000
Code at CS:EIP
8B 1E F6 C3 02 75 0F C7 05 4C A5 69 00 09 00 00 
0012FC80 0054DC6C 0012FC40 0012FE38 005915C8 
00000000 7C8399F3 0054D405 01F630D8 00615A0B 
01F62FF8 0121290B 00000000 01F6245C 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 1, iParts: 0, iLogged: 1
NicklistLen : 19238184
OplistLen ? : 0
MyInfosLen ?: 19231288
MyInfosTagLen ?: 19234192

---------------------------22.05.2006 20:01:17---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 0014AA3A
Access violation at address 0054BA3A in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Read of address 000002A4

Call stack:
:0054BA3A [PtokaX.exe]
:005C9041 [PtokaX.exe]
:0054B84C [PtokaX.exe]
:005C8F2D [PtokaX.exe]
:00471D6A [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserDelete (colUsers.cpp, line 2241)
:0054DE61 [PtokaX.exe]
:0047872F [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 453)
:0047874C [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 454)
:004786D9 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 446)
:005B95CE [PtokaX.exe]
:004790AA [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::SendLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 628)
:0059E4BC [PtokaX.exe]
:00529FF5 [PtokaX.exe]
:0057E881 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C3A [USER32.DLL]
:005910B0 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C4E [USER32.DLL]
:0059108E [PtokaX.exe]
:005910EA [PtokaX.exe]
:004779E0 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 211)
:00591142 [PtokaX.exe]
:00591028 [PtokaX.exe]
:0053337A [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.DLL]
:77D38816 [USER32.DLL]
:77D385A4 [USER32.DLL]
:77D389CD [USER32.DLL]
:00536BF3 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D396C7 [USER32.DLL]
:0058DD5C [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DD93 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DFB3 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DFF6 [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 43)
:005D5947 [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,0021E000) D:\Direct Connect\Hub Softwares\PtokaX\Modern Versions\\LUA 5.0.2\\PtokaX.exe
$77D30000 (77D30000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 00006BD4, Current Thread ID = 00006BD4
EAX = 00000000 ?CS = 001B ?EIP = 0054BA3A ?Flags = 00010202
EBX = 000002A8 ?SS = 0023 ?ESP = 0012FC24 ? ?EBP = 0012FC40
ECX = 7FFDF000 ?DS = 0023 ?ESI = 000002A4 ? ?FS ?= 003B
EDX = 0069A50C ?ES = 0023 ?EDI = 0012FE38 ? ?GS ?= 0000
Code at CS:EIP
8B 1E F6 C3 02 75 0F C7 05 08 A5 69 00 09 00 00 
0012FC80 0054D7D4 0012FC40 0012FE38 00591130 
00000000 7C8399F3 0054D005 01F63100 0061550B 
01F63020 0121290B 00000000 01F624A0 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 1, iParts: 0, iLogged: 1
NicklistLen : 19238184
OplistLen ? : 0
MyInfosLen ?: 19231288
MyInfosTagLen ?: 19234192
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


---------------------------22.05.2006 20:17:12---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 001C850B
Access violation at address 005C950B in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Write of address 01D918BE

Call stack:
:005C950B [PtokaX.exe]
:0046998E [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::Add2NickList (colUsers.cpp, line 301)
:005C9039 [PtokaX.exe]
:0054B844 [PtokaX.exe]
:0046D40C [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserAdd2Userlist (colUsers.cpp, line 1182)
:00478292 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 358)
:005B95C6 [PtokaX.exe]
:004790AA [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::SendLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 628)
:0059E4B4 [PtokaX.exe]
:00529FED [PtokaX.exe]
:0057E879 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C3A [USER32.DLL]
:005910A8 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C4E [USER32.DLL]
:00591086 [PtokaX.exe]
:005910E2 [PtokaX.exe]
:004779E0 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 211)
:0059113A [PtokaX.exe]
:00591020 [PtokaX.exe]
:00533372 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.DLL]
:77D38816 [USER32.DLL]
:77D385A4 [USER32.DLL]
:77D389CD [USER32.DLL]
:00536BEB [PtokaX.exe]
:77D396C7 [USER32.DLL]
:0058DD54 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DD8B [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DFAB [PtokaX.exe]
:0058DFEE [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 43)
:005D593F [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,0021E000) D:\Direct Connect\Hub Softwares\PtokaX\Modern Versions\\LUA 5.0.2\\PtokaX.exe
$77D30000 (77D30000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 0000DF64, Current Thread ID = 0000DF64
EAX = 01D918BE ?CS = 001B ?EIP = 005C950B ?Flags = 00010202
EBX = 01D51110 ?SS = 0023 ?ESP = 0012FC4C ? ?EBP = 0012FC54
ECX = 00000002 ?DS = 0023 ?ESI = 01305502 ? ?FS ?= 003B
EDX = 00000008 ?ES = 0023 ?EDI = 01D918BE ? ?GS ?= 0000
Code at CS:EIP
F3 A5 8B CA 83 E1 03 F3 A4 5F 5E 5D C3 55 8B EC 
0012FE38 00591128 0012FCB4 0046998E 01D918BE 
00000000 7C8399F3 0054D005 016F8114 0061550B 
016F8034 0121290B 00000000 012FD3FC 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 2, iParts: 0, iLogged: 1
NicklistLen : 262143
OplistLen ? : 262143
MyInfosLen ?: 23642120
MyInfosTagLen ?: 23953412

---------------------------22.05.2006 20:18:46---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 000689EE
Access violation at address 004699EE in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Write of address 00000009

Call stack:
:004699EE [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::Add2NickList (colUsers.cpp, line 238)
:005C44B1 [PtokaX.exe]
:00546CBC [PtokaX.exe]
:0046E880 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserAdd2Userlist (colUsers.cpp, line 1242)
:004765ED [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 340)
:0048F22E [PtokaX.exe] LuaScriptsSet::GetGcInfo (luaInterface.cpp, line 5675)
:0059992C [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C3A [USER32.dll]
:0058C520 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38C4E [USER32.dll]
:0058C4FE [PtokaX.exe]
:0058C55A [PtokaX.exe]
:00475E10 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 211)
:0058C5B2 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058C498 [PtokaX.exe]
:0052E7EA [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.dll]
:77D38816 [USER32.dll]
:77D385A4 [USER32.dll]
:77D389CD [USER32.dll]
:00532063 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D396C7 [USER32.dll]
:005891CC [PtokaX.exe]
:00589203 [PtokaX.exe]
:00589423 [PtokaX.exe]
:00589466 [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 51)
:005D0D8B [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,00214000) C:\\PtokaX.exe
$77D30000 (77D30000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 0000F354, Current Thread ID = 0000F354
EAX = 00000000 ?CS = 001B ?EIP = 004699EE ?Flags = 00010212
EBX = 01C64518 ?SS = 0023 ?ESP = 0012FC68 ? ?EBP = 0012FCB4
ECX = 01299A00 ?DS = 0023 ?ESI = 0058C5A0 ? ?FS ?= 003B
EDX = 00000009 ?ES = 0023 ?EDI = 0012FE38 ? ?GS ?= 0000
Code at CS:EIP
C6 40 09 24 8B 55 C8 42 52 8B 4D C8 FF B1 24 04 
00000000 00000000 00000009 01C6495C 0120DD60 
00000000 7C8399F3 00548405 01C663D4 0061090B 
01C66190 0120290B 00000000 01C65A58 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 2, iParts: 0, iLogged: 1
NicklistLen : 0
OplistLen ? : 0
MyInfosLen ?: 29097988
MyInfosTagLen ?: 29687816

---------------------------22.05.2006 20:19:16---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PtokaX.exe at 0006896E
Access violation at address 0046996E in module 'PtokaX.exe'. Write of address 00000009

Call stack:
:0046996E [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::Add2NickList (colUsers.cpp, line 232)
:005C3301 [PtokaX.exe]
:00545B0C [PtokaX.exe]
:0046E504 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::UserAdd2Userlist (colUsers.cpp, line 1199)
:004759D2 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::ReceiveLoop (serviceLoop.cpp, line 320)
:0059877C [PtokaX.exe]
:005242B5 [PtokaX.exe]
:00578B41 [PtokaX.exe]
:005983F7 [PtokaX.exe]
:0052D63A [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.dll]
:77D38C4E [USER32.dll]
:0058B34E [PtokaX.exe]
:0058B3AA [PtokaX.exe]
:004752F4 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 201)
:0058B402 [PtokaX.exe]
:0058B2E8 [PtokaX.exe]
:0052D63A [PtokaX.exe]
:77D38734 [USER32.dll]
:77D38816 [USER32.dll]
:77D385A4 [USER32.dll]
:77D389CD [USER32.dll]
:00530EB3 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D396C7 [USER32.dll]
:0058801C [PtokaX.exe]
:00588053 [PtokaX.exe]
:00588273 [PtokaX.exe]
:005882B6 [PtokaX.exe]
:00401B38 [PtokaX.exe] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 51)
:005CFBDB [PtokaX.exe]
:00400000 [PtokaX.exe]
:7C816D4F [kernel32.dll]
:7C8399F3 [kernel32.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,00213000) C:\\PtokaX.exe
$77D30000 (77D30000,00001000,0005EE00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
$7C800000 (7C800000,00001000,00081E00) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Main Thread ID = 0000F8D4, Current Thread ID = 0000F8D4
EAX = 00000000 ?CS = 001B ?EIP = 0046996E ?Flags = 00010216
EBX = 01C93DC4 ?SS = 0023 ?ESP = 0012FC74 ? ?EBP = 0012FCC0
ECX = 012E2B00 ?DS = 0023 ?ESI = 0058B3F0 ? ?FS ?= 003B
EDX = 00000006 ?ES = 0023 ?EDI = 0012FE38 ? ?GS ?= 0000
Code at CS:EIP
C6 40 09 24 8B 55 C8 42 52 8B 4D C8 FF B1 24 04 
00000000 00000000 00000006 01C68D28 01212DB8 
00000000 7C8399F3 00547205 01C6A924 0060F80B 
01C6A898 0120290B 00000000 01C69F38 7C8399F3 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub [debug]
Major : 5
Minor : 1
Build : 2600
SP : 2
Type : 1
iJoins: 2, iParts: 0, iLogged: 1
NicklistLen : 0
OplistLen ? : 0
MyInfosLen ?: 0
MyInfosTagLen ?: 0

And actually it seems that bug is between and
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Found and fixed, yes it is change after ... and i don't know if this is bug in borland or have microsoft bug in msdn docs  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


PtokaX crashed after 21 hours and 36 minutes of uptime with 1201 users online; just after I used inbuild !getbans command
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Sometimes I see that PtokaX has crashed in the middle of registration process (as much as I understand from system.log), so I feel that hub crashes while trying to register itself.

PPK, would you mind checking PtokaX's public hublist registration cıde as well?
Do you need an advanced user handling script? Download UserBekcisi today (Latest Edit)
Features: User + ISP + GeoIP database, user info + share checking and many more...


Quote from: GeceBekcisi on 23 May, 2006, 11:19:11
Sometimes I see that PtokaX has crashed in the middle of registration process (as much as I understand from system.log), so I feel that hub crashes while trying to register itself.

PPK, would you mind checking PtokaX's public hublist registration cıde as well?

Exactly, I noticed the same
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BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


If I remember it correctly, PPK said a while ago that the hublist auto register is broken :P

I hope that you guys havn't fotgotten that and it is the mysterious crash bug :P


Hublist registration thanx to buggy borland component can cause crashes, but always it generate debug log  ::)
For me it working without problems with 3 addresses, maybe it only looks like problem because registering have interval 15 minutes  ??? :P
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


PPK, have you lately checked if Borland has updated that component?


Yes, borland 2005 have components updated... and incompatible with older versions  ::)
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


So there are several Borland components in Ptokax? So why don't you update all of them then?


Yes here is more components, one for webserver (will be completely removed in future), another for new version check (will be rewritten to use winsock) and one for hublist reg (will be rewritten to use winsock). Update means rewritte of this parts of code too... and lost generating of debug logs  :o
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall

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