Fresh Stuff


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Fresh Stuff

Started by c h i l l a, 13 October, 2003, 19:42:21

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c h i l l a

Just got better :)

a little of what it can do :

[19:20] <-=Fresh=->
*********************** Fresh Help for Op's ******************************

+adds [THESTUFF]      Lets you add FreshStuff.

+shows            Shows you the FreshStuff.
+shows 20 40         Shows Item 20 - 40
+shows [ITEMTYPE]      Shows you only certain ITEMTYPES

+searchstuff [SearchString]   Searches the FreshItems for your String.

+dels [ITEM]/[ITEMNR.]      Lets you delete an item.

+topp            Shows you the topposters.

+rate [ITEMNR.] [RATENR.]   Lets you rate good items.
            [RATENR.] can be from 1-10.

+showr            Shows you the toprated items.
+showr [ITEM]         Shows you the rating of the item.

+request [REQUEST]      Lets you add a request.

+showrequest         shows you the requests.
+showrequest 20 40      shows you request 20 - 40

+delrequest [Name]/[Nr.]   Deletes a request.

+freshhelp         Shows you this text again.

[19:20] <-=Fresh=->    +regfreshbot [on]/[off]   Lets you regg the FreshBot. Status : OFF
[19:20] <-=Fresh=->    +sendon [on]/[off]    Lets you send the 5 newest items on connect. Status : OFF

save target as v.2.57


hi c h i l l a

i need it one like that

good work buddy and thanx alot

Riouel  :D


Hey chilla its me smily, can you please tell how can i set the script so only ops can post new stuff? ?(  ?(

Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

c h i l l a

sure, guess you'll have to rewrite it ;).


great bro, one more question i have and iam done;)

how can i set the script so it will type the items in this order:
1 - [21/10/03] Psychedelic ::  Astrix_Vs._Delirious_-_Day_Dream_(Tayzax_Remix)-IL-2003-CDT :: Added by IN-Fluxer
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

c h i l l a

well okey.. you need to look at these functions

function ReadTable(table, Start, End)

function SearchItems(sstring)

function ShowTypes(type1)

then look at the msg =  and edit it.



I have just downloaded and installed version V.2.57

I  have found that in the freshstuff.ini file if I set the "sendonconnect" to anything apart from nil it still won't send the top 5 when people connect to the hub, I have to manually in the hub type "+sendon on" to get it to work.. Which goes well till I have to restart the scripts or reboot the hub etc..

I have put the following in 0,1,on,"on" yes, "yes" and none of these work, am i doing something wrong??

Other wise this is a great bot.. have been using it since I got Ptokax...



i was woundering if maybe you would come help me out at my lua forum ? its just a little forum atm but im working hard on it but i dont wright scripts and i have a member that needs help with your fresh stuff script.if not thats ok but im trying to find a few scripters that wouldnt mind visiting my forum once and awhile and help can see the forum here

the post for help is here

thanks :)

-=T-G-T=- network
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Network forum  
Hub address:
my hub forum  
my LUA forum
-=United Kings network=-
Network Webpage?
Hub address:
hub webpage
hub forum

c h i l l a

MushroomNZ :

you where right it was really a bug but solved now, added a other feature as well...


okey I'll check later and see what I can do if, i can help


hey chilla the showen order is working perfect, now i need the only op's can post (what should i add to the script?), and if possible to make so the item can be post only with the itemtype without it the user should see a msg from the bot that he should write the itemtype

thnx in advence;)
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

c h i l l a

I did your request cause many people wanted it.


great work chilla works perfect.

if you can add the no posting without the itemtype will be great;)

thnx a lot for your time and work
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

c h i l l a

sorry I don't understand... cause one doesn't need to insert an itemtype.


Hi chilla

Thanks for the fix, but I seem to have another problem now that if I go to add anything to the list it comes up with the following each time... and the the ops only function is switched off.. (Of course I'm the op/owner)

[10:01]<-=Fresh=->  If you want to add an item type :
      adds YOURITEM  (at least 10 , max 100 characters) or
      adds ITEMTYPE YOURITEM  , in one line in main chat.
      ITEMTYPE's are : Music, Movie, TVep, Game, Warez, HUB,

This is what I typed

+adds Blah
+adds HUB Updated freshstuff script..


c h i l l a

hmm sounds wired cause I tried to add your posts and it worked,, maybe you ain't got the lates version,  and the lates  freshstuff.ini

and it did what it should blcok adds  smaller than 10 chars and longer than 100 chars

(at least 10 , max 100 characters)


chilla i mean that when typed:
+adds newitemnewitem-2003
will show the msg
you have to fill the itemtype
the itemtyp's are: album, mp3, movie etc.....
so the user will have to type:
+adds album newitemnewitem-2003

somthing like that if possible......
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

c h i l l a

yepp can be done, but why, not enable the only Op's and they should know how to post or??


Its simply will be good for my hub so if you can to do that ill be very thankful.
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        


that will help out alot of ppl as some ppl do +adds single newitemnewitem-2003 and vidz, software and software. :D

c h i l l a

ah I'll see what I can do ;)...

c h i l l a

boyzz  its done.. get the latest.
but you will have to delete the old *ini file and insert the 2 new ones.


Thanx for that. have another little idea:

each itemtype will get a number so it will be easier to post it.


ItemTypes = { 1:"Album",2:"Vinyl",3:"Promo",4:"Video" }

So the user can type
+adds 1 newitemnewitem-2003

it will be a nice future to the script.
Pooooweeerfulll Maaaagicaaaal Eeevvvvvillllllll        

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