! ! !_Xsthetic-NetServer_! ! ! - Page 2


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! ! !_Xsthetic-NetServer_! ! !

Started by ??????Hawk??????, 10 September, 2004, 23:14:12

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Heya peeps...

! ! ! Xsthetic NetServer V2.00 ! ! !     OUT NOW

Download from my Signature..  Unzip all files/folders in to the Scripts folder and run the gui to set it up.


min slots per profile
max slots per profile
max hubs
slot/hub ratio
client allow/block list
min client ver
redirect rule brakers
!country command to add Country tag to all users descriptions.


-netban    ( Net Founder Only )
Reg user cleaner
reg cleaner now enables/disables with the  security on/off button



All other requests are still on my   ToDo list..




hey peeps...

ive updated the first post with almost all the features..

Please post any feedback,,    bad or good


ello m8, i dont see the redirect passive users :(


heya peeps   ...

Quoteello m8, i dont see the redirect passive users :(

QuoteAll other requests are still on my ToDo list..

coming soon .......


heya peeps..

just an update..

On TEST :-  Xsthetic NetServer V2.02-BETA

Better Hub Info...
Quote??????Hub Information??????

- Hub Name:      -   My Hub
- Bot Name:      -   Bot
- Hub Share:      -   6.88 Tb
- Hub Users:      -   78
- Hub Desc:      -   ...........................Xsthetic NetServer V2.02-BETA
- Hub Reg:      -   dreamland.gotdns.org;warez.1stleg.com;vandel405.dynip.com;dcreg.mine.nu;dcinfo.sytes.net;publiclist.no-ip.com;hublist.org;imperialnet.org;publichubs.no-ip.com;neo-modus.com;reg.hublist.org;HubReg.1stleg.com;dcinfo.sytes.net
- Master Min/Max Share:   -   0/2000
- Op  Min/Max Share:   -   0/2000
- Vip  Min/Max Share:   -   3/2000
- Reg  Min/Max Share:   -   20/2000
- User  Min/Max Share:   -   20/2000
- Max Hubs:      -   20
- Slots Per Hub Ratio:   -   1
- Hub Maxusers:      -   300
- Hub MinSlots:      -   1
- Hub MaxSlots:      -   30
- redirect Rule Brakers:   -   YES
- redirect if hub full:   -   YES
- Hub Redirect addy:   -   tum-ti-tum.no-ip.org:400
- Script Version:      -   Xsthetic NetServer V2.02-BETA
- Script memory:      -   842kb



!upgrade   command.


well i have upgraded to and seems *'my'  !lcon problem has solved itself (using same script order after experimenting with others..) ....  
happy me :0) ...
i am still not (and probably never will ) using the security options so sorry cant tell you much about them xept  "they do look nice" .. ;0)

me ?.. I would like a option to set levels for the fun & !country commands, or to have option to set several hubowners maybe ?
( for example, i use CB and would like regs and higher to have different commands then the self regs and admins/mods to be able use !country )...

no further comment but: "nice 1 m8"

* <:0)

 after thorough trying .. the !country command now does nothing .. (all other commands work fine ..)
is this because all security options are disabled .. (if yes please do make it work without)..
and if not .. any idear why not ?
thanks in advance ..
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


"  oh what a difference a  \t makes .. "
[21:14:32] <3?> {><{{{?>?-=Spaced-Anna=- } 


	Rank  1.		Score: 1639	..::PurpleHaze::..	
	Rank  2.		Score: 1155	UwV	
	Rank  3.		Score: 842		...:::PurpleHaze:::...	
	Rank  4.		Score: 682	           Nightmares-Tonight	
	Rank  5.		Score: 623	           Haj_Ron	
	Rank  6.		Score: 533	           Megatron	
	Rank  7.		Score: 389	           -=Seatric=-	
	Rank  8.		Score: 369	           -=amiga=-	
	Rank  9.		Score: 255	           muzzikke	
	Rank  10.	Score: 224		psy_v

has been like this since version .. x .. never bothered .. but hey " Xsthetic " right ? ;0)  
-- edit above in post looks like on hub right but is edited to show in post (different tabspacing)  
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


hi m8 ..

yes the !country command does disable with the Security as it uses some of the security function.

i dont really want to mix the security command with the fun/esthetic commands as it will make the script heavier for everyone whos not using the security features.

im using  Ms Sans Serif   size 8  and all looks lined up correctly.

however  as the score gets bigger it does take it over on to another tab so will look out of line ..

ill try to sort something out in later vers m8 to try centre the text no matter what size.

Sorry for not updating the language file but i will make it a priority.

Cheers for the Feed Back m8

Any feedback is most appreciated




dear HAWK

Il Be back soon M8 , just a few home probs to sort

keep up good work :) :) :)


creator of Therapy-X? bot


too bad aboout no !country
i think once had a bcdc script that did it .... but i lost it  

please check again ...

now it is
\tRank  9.\t\tScore: 255\tmuzzike\t\r\n
\tRank  10.\tScore: 224[COLOR=orange]\t[/COLOR]\tpsy_v\t\r\n

shouldn't that just be ..
\tRank  9.\t\tScore: 255\tmuzzikke\r\n
\tRank  10.\t[COLOR=green]\t[/COLOR]Score: 224\tpsy_v\r\n

p.s. we use the same font ..
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


hi m8   ...

i wish it was as easy as  a simple   \t

the scores displayed are generated from a loop  using the same tab spacing for every line..

i have however added some code to try line it up a little better  ....

ill see how it goes in the tests  :-)




Lining up strings of variable length into columns using a proportional font is almost impossible....

I have some VB code that might help you a bit Hawk. Let me know if you want it.


Hi HaArD

Yeh that would be a great help thx..


heya peeps ..  

just to clear up some confusion about the Client allow list  ..

To Allow A Client the button MUST be Grayed out..

ill change the Gui for the next Update to make it more clear.




HI m8

Was just wondering if some other commands could be added

cant find ones for setting hub min share
or one like !redirect so u can check the redirect

also wonderd if the master commands could be optionaly given to them instead of the op commands

cant remember the rest



hi Comatosed

Quotecant find ones for setting hub min share
I personally believe that the hub settings should only be controlled by the hub owner.

But maby ill consider adding it to the Net Founder commands with the option to turn it off via the GUI.

Quoteor one like !redirect so u can check the redirect
Try !hconfig   ;)

Quotealso wonderd if the master commands could be optionaly given to them instead of the op commands.
As Above

Quotecant remember the rest

hehehe   keep em coming m8   :)

**** UPDATE  ******

Now testing V2.03-BETA


!history   ( Main chat logger  last 100 lines )


nice script hawk, can u see if u can add a new spy command for hub owners only so we can see who used what command in the hub


hi m8  ..

Command Spy  now on the list ...

* * * UPDATE * * *

Curently testing :-



-numstart   Starts the Quiz but uses a randomly generated list of  Sums  instead of the  Questions..
Supported over all linked hubs  :-)


running smooth here ..
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


hi   UwV  :))

Nice to hear...

will have a nice easy  upgrade for you later........


Hello, Hawk
I recently started using your bot and it runs just fine :)

I need one additional function, please tell me if you can include it in the bot or another bot or to post request somewhere else. I need it to be compatible with your bot hovewer :)
Basically I need to bound users to their IP addresses. We use the DC hub for one internal network of a ISP so we all are with private IPs and fixed ones. The problem comes when I try to ban someone - he easily can change his IP address and nickname and get back, so I am thinking for a file where I can write nicknames and their main IP addresses (I know them from PtokaX user sessions logging) so when user connect and does not match the IP from the file to be disconnected.

Another variant is to register all current users with their IP as password and if is possible it to be supplied from their IP address when they connect automatically. So I will be able to restrict rights based on registered/unregistered status and this way the work needed for registration will be only on admin's side, user will not need to do anything (enter his password for the hub)

What you think about this?


hi BAlexandrov :))

If there changing their Nick and IP  theres not much you can do to keep them out.

heres an option:-

Run the hub for registered users only and redirect all
None registered users to another hub running on a
different port, where they can PM you for registration
Details for the main hub.

if you can give some more info Maby i can look at it again.


 * * * UPDATE * * *

Final test are being run on the latest Beta
if no errors are reported it will be released in About 10 Hrs


Thanks for the fast answer.

I will consider that scenario but what you think about this one - we have fixed IP addreses, could'nt we use this to simplify work for registration -
I to register users with their IP address as password and script running at the server to automatically supply the password from connecting user's IP address.

This way no additional action from user's side will be needed.

It would'nt be easy task to talk with everyone of the current users of the hub what password they want and tell them where to enter it.


Games only ....

Once upon a time, many many posts ago , in a different thread from where we are today..  

remeber ?.. ;0)

so if you ever get to it please leave in the !lcon, and add the !country thingy's .. ?

( i now run geo-ip just to have the country stats and could really do without all the top-log funktions of it )  and the country in tag .. hmm i love that idear .. ;0)

thanks ..  although i guess you will be busy e x t e n d i n g  for a while still ..    :0P
\NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
" Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

& don't forget, the motto is :


heya peeps ...

Quotehe easily can change his IP address and nickname and get back
and later.....
Quotewe have fixed IP addreses
?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(
if everyone is using fixed ip's then its not a problem. :)

QuoteGames only ....
HEHEHEHEHeheh   well i got bored so took it further. :))

Quoteso if you ever get to it please leave in the !lcon, and add the !country thingy's
These commands are already implemented in V2.00

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