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29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
11 April 2017 - PtokaX released...
8 April 2015 Anti child and anti pedo pr0n scripts are not allowed anymore on this board!
28 September 2015 - PtokaX for Windows 10 IoT released...
3 September 2015 - PtokaX released...
16 August 2015 - PtokaX released...
1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
20 February 2015 - PtokaX released...
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23 March 2014 - PtokaX testing version build 454 is available.
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Started by OpiumVolage, 10 October, 2003, 23:36:19

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For the Kick part:

-- set disconnectUser to 1 if you want the user disconnected as well (not
-- recommended, as bots always seem to find a way to misinterpret data ;) )

Check the Script :)


Nice Script
--==>I need this script !!!


it works great !!!
Nice-very nice


how do i get this script to report in opchat?
i added this:
--// useful stuff

botName "--FilECheckEr--"

disconnectUser nil -- disconnect the usernil don't

-- opchatName = "-FilECheckEr-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

opchatName = "-FilECheckEr-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

and restrated the script, but it still reports in mainchat


Hi sander815 ..   :)

you need oNly To put your op chate name ..
-- opchatName = "Your op chat name" -- set opchat nick here if
opchatName = "Your op chat name" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil?>



QuoteOriginally posted by electronic_Psycho
Hi sander815 ..   :)

you need oNly To put your op chate name ..
-- opchatName = "Your op chat name" -- set opchat nick here if
opchatName = "Your op chat name" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil?>


Yups, something like:

opchatName = frmHub:GetOpChatName()


Yea I tried this and am using a modded version -but doesnt this only check ACTIVE users ???
For RPG Books, Mp3 & Videos
We host trivia  and the ever failing Smeagolbot


ok, i thought i had to set the nick for the bot there

now i entered my opchatname, but i still see all the msgs in mainchat:
<--OpChat--> xxx shares: dc\phg\uv100dcl\unidk\win16\setup.exe (44608)

i want them in opchat, not in mainchat


Just change this:
-- opchatName = "-TropiCo-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

for this:
opchatName = "--OpChat--" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
--opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
Rede-DC Comunidade Portuguesa de DC


Well, I think it should be like this for u to receive the messages in PM:

botName = "--OpChat--"
--opchatName = "--OpChat--" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil

Best regards.

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