PtokaX build 17.03 released... - Page 3


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PtokaX build 17.03 released...

Started by PPK, 24 April, 2005, 02:40:25

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I must say that since PPK has been releasing PtokaX the efficiency of the hub software has imporved so much, for example these are my settings:

PtokaX 17.03
Robocop 10.01d
Windows 98se
Apache Web Server
256k  Upload Speed
DC++ 0.403

With all this running my pc can still handle around 200 users without any drops. Before my pc could only handle around 70 users.

So thats an increament of almost 300% !!!!
Now thats efficiency, something that all other hub softs cannot contend with, especially with the ability to add scripts.

I applaud you PPK, Ptacez and anyone else envolved with the programming.

Even though we may come across bugs and problems this is still the best hub software avaliable.


hey guys,

i found that all the new ptokax's do some strange things when doing so ...

Say we use this function to load a file that has new lines and special chars in it ...

function getFileAsString(sFile)
	local fileHandle = (sFile , "r")
	local sFile = fileHandle:read ("*a")
	return sFile

Next, we output this string to a client,

Now when the send completes, the client gets weird box chars when there is newlines and other special chars ...

It seems that maybe conversions somewhere along the line corrupt themselfs, because maybe they are to simple and very similar to the others.

cheers guys


I think that this thingie is from Lua Corayzon.. I noticed it too..
it seems like \r\n is not as it used to be in lua ..
it comes out as a simple \n ...

just saving the trouble. ..
string.sub( contents, "\n", "\r\n" )


*** Correction

local sResult = string.gsub (sString, "\n", "\r\n")

And it does seem to be in SendData.

ex. get a file and resave to another location. Its the same!

and the pipeline char also converts to weird blocks

isnt it a waist of process redoing a conversion something else should have allready?


I've got a problem with GetOnlineUsers function.


gives me

-->> attempt to call global `GetOnlineUsers' (a nil value)

seems the function is private....
Any idea ?


QuoteOriginally posted by ruspant
I've got a problem with GetOnlineUsers function.


gives me

-->> attempt to call global `GetOnlineUsers' (a nil value)

seems the function is private....
Any idea ?

it is:   frmHub:GetOnlineUsers()


QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
hey guys,

i found that all the new ptokax's do some strange things when doing so ...

Say we use this function to load a file that has new lines and special chars in it ...

function getFileAsString(sFile)
	local fileHandle = (sFile , "r")
	local sFile = fileHandle:read ("*a")
	return sFile

Next, we output this string to a client,

Now when the send completes, the client gets weird box chars when there is newlines and other special chars ...

It seems that maybe conversions somewhere along the line corrupt themselfs, because maybe they are to simple and very similar to the others.

cheers guys

I have never had this problem. And I run the newest PX 2.

Sometimes it is the client that shows those blocks, that problem I have had, I just changed client and it worked ok.

but if you get it when rewritting the file to a new one then it could possibly be some problems.

Have never had such as problem though.

// NL


QuoteOriginally posted by zehrkool

PtokaX 17.03
Robocop 10.01d
Windows 98se
Apache Web Server
256k  Upload Speed
DC++ 0.403

With all this running my pc can still handle around 200 users without any drops. Before my pc could only handle around 70 users.

PtokaX 17.03
128kbit upld

255 users   lag 2-3s max.

any other competitors?   :D


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
QuoteOriginally posted by ruspant
I've got a problem with GetOnlineUsers function.


gives me

-->> attempt to call global `GetOnlineUsers' (a nil value)

seems the function is private....
Any idea ?

it is:   frmHub:GetOnlineUsers()

!!! THX  Nightlich !
I forgor my brain at home NightLitch !     eheheh


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
Sometimes it is the client that shows those blocks, that problem I have had, I just changed client and it worked ok.
it _is_ like that..


Crash Log:


---------------------------30/04/05 16:01:37---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module PTOKAX.EXE at 001B5245
Access violation at address 005B6245 in module 'PTOKAX.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFF

Call stack:
:005B6245 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00511871 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00566141 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:005859F7 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00585A0E [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00585DF3 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00582DD7 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00585DF3 [PTOKAX.EXE]
Recursive call (2 times):
:00582DD7 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:76003A5B [WS2_32.DLL]
:7600A2F4 [WS2_32.DLL]
:76001284 [WS2_32.DLL]
:7B414435 [MSAFD.DLL]
:7B41408E [MSAFD.DLL]
:7B413880 [MSAFD.DLL]
:75FE1256 [WS2HELP.DLL]
Recursive call (2 times):
:76003997 [WS2_32.DLL]
:005B575B [PTOKAX.EXE]
:004584E6 [PTOKAX.EXE] theLoop::AcceptUser (serviceLoop.cpp, line 181)
:0053327C [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00533734 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00458216 [PTOKAX.EXE] theLoop::ProcessAccepts (serviceLoop.cpp, line 117)
:0045884A [PTOKAX.EXE] theLoop::FOnTimer (serviceLoop.cpp, line 228)
:00582DD7 [PTOKAX.EXE]
Recursive call (2 times):
:00511871 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00566141 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:005859F7 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00585A0E [PTOKAX.EXE]
:BFF71826 [KERNEL32.DLL]
:BFF71547 [KERNEL32.DLL]
:00578A02 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:005788E8 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:BFF94407 [KERNEL32.DLL]
:0057561C [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00575653 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00575873 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:005758B6 [PTOKAX.EXE]
:00401B44 [PTOKAX.EXE] WinMain (PtokaX.cpp, line 43)
:00400000 [PTOKAX.EXE]

Main Thread ID = FFF55C9B, Current Thread ID = FFF55C9B
EAX = 7FFFFFFF  CS = 017F  EIP = 005B6245  Flags = 00010206
EBX = 01836673  SS = 0187  ESP = 008FF490    EBP = 008FF9BC
ECX = 00000000  DS = 0187  ESI = 0061D7AC    FS  = 215F
EDX = 0000271E  ES = 0187  EDI = 00000020    GS  = 0000
Code at CS:EIP
80 3A 00 75 EE E9 C9 00 00 00 F7 C7 00 01 00 00
008FFC14 005789F0 01836618 5359535B 6573205D
00000000 00000000 BFF89DD5 00534805 01814BEC
005FD90B 00E25ADC 0000000B 00000000 017C8EB4

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub build 17.03 [debug]
iJoins: 2, iParts: 0, iLogged: 0
NicklistLen : 44
OplistLen   : 42
MyInfosLen  : 228
MyInfosTagLen  : 228
QueueA Size : 15
QueueA Len : 0
QueueB Size   : 15
QueueB Len   : 0
PQueue Size  : 15
PQueue Len  : 0
HQueueA Size  : 51
HQueueA Len  : 51
HQueueB Size  : 15
HQueueB Len  : 0
OPQueueA Size  : 68
OPQueueA Len  : 68
OPQueueB Size  : 15
OPQueueB Len  : 0
InfoQueue Size  : 15
InfoQueue Len  : 0
OQ-QueueA Size  : 201
OQ-QueueA Len  : 201
OQ-QueueB Size  : 15
OQ-QueueB Len  : 0  

This only occurs under windows 98se, nt version seems to work fine.


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
hey guys,

i found that all the new ptokax's do some strange things when doing so ...

Say we use this function to load a file that has new lines and special chars in it ...

function getFileAsString(sFile)
	local fileHandle = (sFile , "r")
	local sFile = fileHandle:read ("*a")
	return sFile

Next, we output this string to a client,

Now when the send completes, the client gets weird box chars when there is newlines and other special chars ...

It seems that maybe conversions somewhere along the line corrupt themselfs, because maybe they are to simple and very similar to the others.

cheers guys

I have never had this problem. And I run the newest PX 2.

Sometimes it is the client that shows those blocks, that problem I have had, I just changed client and it worked ok.

but if you get it when rewritting the file to a new one then it could possibly be some problems.

Have never had such as problem though.

// NL

Night: Its not the client dude, lol! have u actually tried to do what causes this, or have u just replied without seeing? :/

Also, i didnt say these errors are parsed into into an output of another file when coping them. I said, if u input the files contents and output to a new file location. The file size and contents are exactly the same. Therefor prooving the api doesnt have the problem!

Herodes allready showed me the most likly outcome of this which is ptokax's conversions with newline chars. When u send "\n\n\n\n\n" u get blocks!" when sending "\r\n\r\n\r\n" u dont!

In past versions "\n" is sent fine, and seems to be translated into "\r\n" automaticly so this never happens.

neways this fix's the problem by waisting process :/

-- Fix lua\ptokax error
	sFile = string.gsub (sFile, "\n", "\r\n")


QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
When u send "\n\n\n\n\n" u get blocks!" when sending "\r\n\r\n\r\n" u dont!

Isnit the other way around? \r\n give blocks and \n dont...
We suffer in silence, we lurk in the shadows, we kill in the night
Site currently down, ETA of returning online is 2099 ;p


QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
When u send "\n\n\n\n\n" u get blocks!
Yes with bad client you have blocks (is something like windows have "\r\n" and *nix "\n" ), i see this in old DC++ versions, don't know if is fixed... i have it fixed in my client :P
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


lol man, my hub just crashed.
error log below.
---------------------------2-5-2005 21:32:21---------------------------
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module ntdll.dll at 0000FE03
Access violation at address 7C910E03 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 6C432D5D

Call stack:
:7C910E03 [ntdll.dll]
:7C910E91 [ntdll.dll]
:7C91056D [ntdll.dll]
:00534375 [PtokaX.exe]
:0044FE38 [PtokaX.exe] clsUser::~clsUser (?) (clsUser.cpp, line 154)
:71AB9610 [WS2_32.dll]
:71AB95F1 [WS2_32.dll]
:71AB96A4 [WS2_32.dll]
:00452D97 [PtokaX.exe] classUsers::DisconnectAll (colUsers.cpp, line 171)
:7C810B75 [kernel32.dll]
:005341F7 [PtokaX.exe]
:00534048 [PtokaX.exe]
:005341D4 [PtokaX.exe]
:005341F7 [PtokaX.exe]
:004A5889 [PtokaX.exe] luaH_getany (ltable.c, line 426)
:004A9082 [PtokaX.exe] luaA_indexAcceptable (lapi.c, line 89)
:00534375 [PtokaX.exe]
:0053439D [PtokaX.exe]
:005BF7FC [PtokaX.exe]
:005BF80C [PtokaX.exe]
:005B4EE4 [PtokaX.exe]
:005BF80C [PtokaX.exe]
:005B69C3 [PtokaX.exe]
:004A982F [PtokaX.exe] lua_touserdata (lapi.c, line 350)
:004AD69B [PtokaX.exe] pushresult (liolib.c, line 74)
:004AD947 [PtokaX.exe] io_close (liolib.c, line 165)
:0048AABF [PtokaX.exe] luaD_precall (ldo.c, line 260)
:004A8922 [PtokaX.exe] luaV_execute (lvm.c, line 685)
:7C90D8EF [ntdll.dll]
:71A55908 [MSWSOCK.dll]
Recursive call (2 times):
:71A5597C [MSWSOCK.dll]
:71AB42F8 [WS2_32.dll]
:71AB2B32 [WS2_32.dll]
:71AB4301 [WS2_32.dll]
:00450E07 [PtokaX.exe] clsUser::Try2Send (clsUser.cpp, line 480)
:00450D42 [PtokaX.exe] clsUser::Try2Send (clsUser.cpp, line 464)
:0053407C [PtokaX.exe]
:005B177D [PtokaX.exe]
:0048E106 [PtokaX.exe] luaM_realloc (lmem.c, line 77)
:004A4C2D [PtokaX.exe] newlstr (lstring.c, line 59)
:004A59A1 [PtokaX.exe] luaH_get (ltable.c, line 472)
:004506C5 [PtokaX.exe] clsUser::PutInSendBuf (clsUser.cpp, line 325)
:00450CE2 [PtokaX.exe] clsUser::SendChar (clsUser.cpp, line 445)
:00459006 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::~theLoop (?) (serviceLoop.cpp, line 83)
:0053466F [PtokaX.exe]
:00535BF9 [PtokaX.exe]
:0045BA33 [PtokaX.exe] theLoop::Terminate (serviceLoop.cpp, line 633)
:0041A5AF [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::StopServer (frmHub.cpp, line 2276)
:77D80577 [USER32.dll]
:77D8052F [USER32.dll]
:0041E42A [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::FormClose (frmHub.cpp, line 2815)
:773F9662 [COMCTL32.DLL]
:0056FBC9 [PtokaX.exe]
:00573102 [PtokaX.exe]
:005723C5 [PtokaX.exe]
:00427C23 [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::Dispatch (frmHub.h, line 778)
:00583D53 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D4F4BB [USER32.dll]
:77D4F4E2 [USER32.dll]
:77D4B3A7 [USER32.dll]
:773F9606 [COMCTL32.DLL]
:773F9662 [COMCTL32.DLL]
:77D4E905 [USER32.dll]
:00586DDC [PtokaX.exe]
:00586CF8 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D48734 [USER32.dll]
:00570392 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D48BD9 [USER32.dll]
:0041F238 [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::PxWndProc (frmHub.cpp, line 3268)
:00586973 [PtokaX.exe]
:0051BB72 [PtokaX.exe]
:77D48734 [USER32.dll]
:77D48816 [USER32.dll]
:77D618F4 [USER32.dll]
:77D4B4C0 [USER32.dll]
:77D4B50C [USER32.dll]
:7C90EAE3 [ntdll.dll]
:77D494BE [USER32.dll]
:77D4B42D [USER32.dll]
:77D484FC [USER32.dll]
:77D4BA0E [USER32.dll]
:77D484FC [USER32.dll]
:77D485A4 [USER32.dll]
:77D4D598 [USER32.dll]
:5AD73C20 [uxtheme.dll]
:5AD8E300 [uxtheme.dll]
:5AD71AC7 [uxtheme.dll]
:5AD7367A [uxtheme.dll]
:5AD8E2D5 [uxtheme.dll]
:77D5F134 [USER32.dll]
:77D48734 [USER32.dll]
:77D48816 [USER32.dll]
:77D4C63F [USER32.dll]
:77D4E905 [USER32.dll]
:00586DDC [PtokaX.exe]
:00571743 [PtokaX.exe]
:00588396 [PtokaX.exe]
:005724A6 [PtokaX.exe]
:00427C23 [PtokaX.exe] ThubForm::Dispatch (frmHub.h, line 778)
:00583D53 [PtokaX.exe]

Main Thread ID = 0000096C, Current Thread ID = 0000096C
EAX = 017FA310  CS = 001B  EIP = 7C910E03  Flags = 00010287
EBX = 01420178  SS = 0023  ESP = 0012EAF8    EBP = 0012EBB4
ECX = 01C02880  DS = 0023  ESI = 017FA308    FS  = 003B
EDX = 6C432D5D  ES = 0023  EDI = 01420000    GS  = 0000
Code at CS:EIP
89 02 89 41 04 56 8B 75 C8 56 E8 BA FD FF FF 8B 
0012F3D8 0056FBAC 00DE62D0 01BE0000 7C910E91 
00000000 00000000 00583D53 00535805 01585B00 
005FE80B 00ED8508 0000000B 00000000 00DE2880 

Additional info:
Application Title : PtokaX DC Hub build 17.03 [debug]
iJoins: 65879, iParts: 65695, iLogged: 83
NicklistLen : 1186
OplistLen   : 257
MyInfosLen  : 5722
MyInfosTagLen  : 8314
QueueA Size : 15
QueueA Len : 0
QueueB Size   : 15
QueueB Len   : 0
PQueue Size  : 182
PQueue Len  : 0
HQueueA Size  : 69
HQueueA Len  : 0
HQueueB Size  : 69
HQueueB Len  : 69
OPQueueA Size  : 233
OPQueueA Len  : 0
OPQueueB Size  : 229
OPQueueB Len  : 0
InfoQueue Size  : 168
InfoQueue Len  : 0
OQ-QueueA Size  : 297
OQ-QueueA Len  : 0
OQ-QueueB Size  : 297
OQ-QueueB Len  : 297


QuoteOriginally posted by johny
Call stack:
:7C910E03 [ntdll.dll]
I don't know why, same code is used long time without problems and now cause crash in ntdll... testversion with changes is in testing  :rolleyes:
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


QuoteOriginally posted by PPK
QuoteOriginally posted by johny
Call stack:
:7C910E03 [ntdll.dll]
I don't know why, same code is used long time without problems and now cause crash in ntdll... testversion with changes is in testing  :rolleyes:

Maybe it could be a script causing this somehow?


QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
Maybe it could be a script causing this somehow?
No this is not script...  :(
"Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall


A small feature request.
Could the next PtokaX release be made so that !gettempbanlist would allso show remaining bantime.
For example:

<[Admin]Cain> !gettempbanlist
<-Raziel-> TempBanList:

- [ 0 ]  80.220.***.** (blazee) 72hours
- [ 1 ]  84.249.***.*** (Klemma) 140minutes
- [ 2 ]  80.252.***.** ((0.5Mbit)REW) 138minutes
- [ 3 ]  62.237.**.*** (Koolll) 57minutes
- [ 4 ]  84.230.**.*** ([FUN]saco) 55minutes
- [ 5 ]  217.210.***.*** ([Telia]Eriksson) 27minutes
- [ 6 ]  84.248.**.** (MtZorc) 4minutes

Use !tempunban to unban


QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
QuoteOriginally posted by Corayzon
hey guys,

i found that all the new ptokax's do some strange things when doing so ...

Say we use this function to load a file that has new lines and special chars in it ...

function getFileAsString(sFile)
	local fileHandle = (sFile , "r")
	local sFile = fileHandle:read ("*a")
	return sFile

Next, we output this string to a client,

Now when the send completes, the client gets weird box chars when there is newlines and other special chars ...

It seems that maybe conversions somewhere along the line corrupt themselfs, because maybe they are to simple and very similar to the others.

cheers guys

I have never had this problem. And I run the newest PX 2.

Sometimes it is the client that shows those blocks, that problem I have had, I just changed client and it worked ok.

but if you get it when rewritting the file to a new one then it could possibly be some problems.

Have never had such as problem though.

// NL

Night: Its not the client dude, lol! have u actually tried to do what causes this, or have u just replied without seeing? :/

Also, i didnt say these errors are parsed into into an output of another file when coping them. I said, if u input the files contents and output to a new file location. The file size and contents are exactly the same. Therefor prooving the api doesnt have the problem!

Herodes allready showed me the most likly outcome of this which is ptokax's conversions with newline chars. When u send "\n\n\n\n\n" u get blocks!" when sending "\r\n\r\n\r\n" u dont!

In past versions "\n" is sent fine, and seems to be translated into "\r\n" automaticly so this never happens.

neways this fix's the problem by waisting process :/

-- Fix lua\ptokax error
	sFile = string.gsub (sFile, "\n", "\r\n")

Well I did try, but I forgot using only \n hehe, I never use a single \n I always use \r\n  :D

well this is nothing to argue about  ;)



QuoteOriginally posted by Jaakko
A small feature request.
Could the next PtokaX release be made so that !gettempbanlist would allso show remaining bantime.
For example:

<[Admin]Cain> !gettempbanlist
<-Raziel-> TempBanList:

- [ 0 ]  80.220.***.** (blazee) 72hours
- [ 1 ]  84.249.***.*** (Klemma) 140minutes
- [ 2 ]  80.252.***.** ((0.5Mbit)REW) 138minutes
- [ 3 ]  62.237.**.*** (Koolll) 57minutes
- [ 4 ]  84.230.**.*** ([FUN]saco) 55minutes
- [ 5 ]  217.210.***.*** ([Telia]Eriksson) 27minutes
- [ 6 ]  84.248.**.** (MtZorc) 4minutes

Use !tempunban to unban

it already does that !!
Ignorance is Bliss.


QuoteOriginally posted by Jaakko
A small feature request.
Could the next PtokaX release be made so that !gettempbanlist would allso show remaining bantime.
For example:

<[Admin]Cain> !gettempbanlist
<-Raziel-> TempBanList:

- [ 0 ]  80.220.***.** (blazee) 72hours
- [ 1 ]  84.249.***.*** (Klemma) 140minutes
- [ 2 ]  80.252.***.** ((0.5Mbit)REW) 138minutes
- [ 3 ]  62.237.**.*** (Koolll) 57minutes
- [ 4 ]  84.230.**.*** ([FUN]saco) 55minutes
- [ 5 ]  217.210.***.*** ([Telia]Eriksson) 27minutes
- [ 6 ]  84.248.**.** (MtZorc) 4minutes

Use !tempunban to unban

It already does that !!, except for converting to hours, i doubt that, havent tested it though.
Ignorance is Bliss.


im using ptokax 17.03 and every thing works fine here? how come i never get any problems lol???


started using ptokax 17.03 today, found something defo not good when trying to ban an IP: [19:53] *** Syntax error: The parameter '' is not a valid IP address!

since the !banip command is a built in ptokax command I assume thats where the problem is (run robocop 10.01e but this error come even with robocop script stoped)

no scripting errors are reported in ptokax script area


Yep i have the same problem :(
Quote\"so you can be quick,
jump the candlestick,
burn your back,
and fuck Jill on a hill,
but you still ain\'t Jack.\"

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