Regbot (Verli style)


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Regbot (Verli style)

Started by Thor, 15 December, 2006, 10:05:57

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If you are tired to ask passwords from users, or you simply don't like to do it, use this script: It register the users as Verli does 8)
!regnew <nick> [<profile>] - Use this to register a new user. If no profile given, it will be Reg. Short command: !rn
!regdelete <nick> - Use this to delete a registration of a user. You can delete registered and pre-registered users too. Short command: !rd
!reglist [<profile/all>] - Without parameter it will list those users, whoes have been pre-registered, but didn't set up their passwords. If profile specified, just those users will be shown. Else parameter is 'all', then all registered users will be shown per profile. Short command: !rl
!regpasswd <nick> [<password>] - Set up or modify the user's password. If no password given, the script will generate one. Short command: !rp
!regclass <nick> <class> - Use this to change a registered or pre-registered user's profile. Short command: !rc
!passwd [<password>] - With this command can you set up your password, if no password given, script will generate a safety one.
!genpass [<length>] - Use this command to generate a safety password. If no length given, it will be 8 character long. (min length: 4, max length: 20)
!regme [<password>] - Enable the user to register himself/herself on the hub. If no password given, he/she will be added to the pre-registered users, and can set up his/her password later.
!regenable - To enable the regme function (basely enabled)
!help - To see avaible commands for you.
!regdisable - To disable the regme function.
Finally, on enter the script shows some information to the user about himself/herself.
Script too long, so attached ;)
Register bot by Hungarista
If you don't like asking users to give password, use this script, it register the users as Verli does:
Users will be registered, and they have to set up their passwords by a simple command. If they don't write
password, the script generate one, and they can also use this generator. Commands are the same as in Verli:
!regnew (!rn) <nick> <profile>
!regdelete (!rd) <nick>
!reglist [<profile/all>]
!regpasswd <nick> <pass>
!regme <pass>
Made for PtokaX (LUA5.11)
Version 1.2
Used codes: Mutor's password-generator, Madman's table-commands
############################################### Changelog ###############################################
@@@ 2006. 12. 15. (v1.0) @@@
Main script is ready
@@@ 2006. 12. 16. (v1.1) @@@
Added: !regpasswd command to change user's password (requested by -SkA-)
Added: !regclass command to change registered users's profile
Changed: Code optimization for lower memory & CPU usage, thanks the advices for NightLitch
@@@ 2006. 12. 17. (v1.2) @@@
Added: !help command to see what commands are avaible for this script
Changed: !reglist command to list all registered users (or just the given profile) (requested by Alexinno)
Changed: Many part cleaned up and became easier than before
Changed: Table-commands return values (help need't to be discard)


Nice script and it works prefectly   ;D

Now I'll wait for the !regpasswd <nick> <password>  command  ;)
???:::??x??em?-N????:::??? ?wN??

BrianzaLand Blog" style="border:0


thx Hungarista , nice work

everything works perffect just the !reglist command show's me [15:32:35] <???Five> The list is empty.
any ideea why ?


New version is avaible for use, changes:
Added: !regpasswd command to change user's password
Added: !regclass command to change registered users's profile
The code has been optimized a bit too, and unused parts have been removed. Bugreports, feature-requests are always welcomed.


Quote from: Hungarista on 15 December, 2006, 10:05:57
!reglist - Use this to list those users, whoes have been pre-registered, but didn't set up their passwords. Short command: !rl

can you make this command to show all the registred users and their profile?


Quote from: Alexinno on 16 December, 2006, 14:45:59
can you make this command to show all the registred users and their profile?

doesn't need it , i found what i was looking for  here


I am working now, so I am ready with it just now. But I did it, please use then ;D First post updated.


Quote from: Hungarista on 17 December, 2006, 17:19:02
I am working now, so I am ready with it just now. But I did it, please use then ;D First post updated.

works perfect ;)


Hungarista i have one more request , can you do something that only OP's can see the script help?
pls :)


Yes, and sorry about this stupid mistake ;D



Hello. Pls convert this script for the NewApi for Ptokax



[quote author=[OnLy]-PiTiCu link=topic=6647.msg74022#msg74022 date=1212835783]
Hello. Pls convert this script for the NewApi for Ptokax


Make a conversion request in the appropriate board, please.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


That's not necessary, I tried it, it seems ok. You can find it here

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